
Chapter 113 Ancient Temple

Tap... Tap...

As we ventured deeper into the heart of the ancient city, our footsteps echoed against the worn cobblestone streets. The air was heavy with a mix of dust and the scent of age, enveloping us in a cloak of forgotten history.

It was then that a peculiar structure caught Rose\'s attention. Rising before us, like a relic preserved in time, stood a grand temple, its weathered stone facade reaching towards the heavens. The entrance, adorned with intricate carvings depicting mythical creatures and ancient symbols, beckoned us to step inside.

I could feel slight goosebumps on my skin, as I fully took in the structure. The aura surrounding this place was palpable, a sense of ancient power lingering in the air. Rose, too, seemed captivated by the enigmatic temple, her gaze fixed on the ornate entrance.

"Looks like we stumbled upon something truly intriguing..."

Rose murmured, her voice laced with a blend of excitement and caution.


I could only nod in agreement, my eyes scanning the temple as I reached out to push open the heavy stone doors.


The sound of creaking echoed through the empty halls as the doors reluctantly gave way, revealing a dimly lit interior. The air inside was stale, as if time had stood still within these sacred walls.

As we cautiously stepped into the temple, our footsteps muffled by the thick layer of dust on the floor, a soft glow emanated from a torch on the wall of the tunnel. While I kept my expression composed, Rose was fidgeting with anticipation.

"What could be inside?"

I could hear her whispering quietly since she was still gripping my jacket.


The torch hanging on the wall seemed to possess otherworldly energy. Its flames danced with blue light, casting ethereal patterns on the walls of the chamber. The air crackled with arcane power, beckoning us closer, and at the same time warning us.

Unaffected by the mysterious glow, we ventured further into the temple, following the winding tunnel that lay ahead. Shadows flickered along the walls, their dance illuminated by the ethereal light of the torches that lined the path. The air grew cooler as if whispering secrets of forgotten knowledge.

Tap... Tap...

Step by step, we descended deeper into the depths of the temple, anticipation growing with each passing moment. Our senses heightened, we were drawn toward an inviting warmth emanating from the end of the tunnel. It was there that we discovered a vast chamber, bathed in a soft, golden light.


As we entered the chamber, the torches hung on the wall, suddenly, lit on fire, illuminating the entire room in an instant.

Before us stood an ancient library, its shelves stretching toward the high ceiling. Countless volumes and scrolls adorned the shelves, their spines adorned with faded titles and intricate designs. The room was alive with the scent of aged parchment, the knowledge and wisdom contained within these books palpable.

It was a very big library...

Even Rose released her grip on my jacket, her gaze fixated on the wealth of information that surrounded us. With each step we took, the wooden floorboards creaked under our weight, adding an almost mystical ambiance to the atmosphere.

"Can you believe it?"

Rose\'s voice broke the silence, filled with a mix of wonder and reverence.

"A hidden library within this ancient temple..."

Looking at her emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity and awe, I suddenly had the urge to pet her black hair. She looked like a cute puppy.

"Yes... its amazing."

I spoke, trying to sound as excited as possible while scanning the shelves for any clues about how to leave this chamber.

In the game, I could easily find it due to the countless guides I followed step by step, but now, even my Memory Palace failed me...

I couldn\'t remember anything.

I glanced at Rose, her eyes narrowing slightly as she noticed my change in demeanor. She was perceptive, always quick to pick up on my thoughts and emotions. I mustered a smile, hoping to alleviate any concern she might have had.

"I know this library is cool and all..."

I said, gesturing to the vast expanse of the library.

"But we have to leave. We need to find a black scroll."

Rose\'s suspicious look lingered for a moment, but she nodded in understanding. We split up, each taking a section of the library to search through. The shelves stretched on endlessly, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, their secrets waiting to be unraveled.

I ran my fingers along the spines, reading the faded titles etched onto their worn surfaces.

"Histories of Forgotten Realms," "Rituals of Lost Empires," "The Arcane Grimoire," the names whispered fragments of knowledge into my mind.

I pushed aside a row of dusty books, hoping to uncover the black scroll we needed. My fingers trailed along the backs of the books, feeling the rough texture of aged leather and worn paper. Each book held its own story, its own secrets to be unraveled.

But as I scanned the shelves, my eyes were suddenly drawn to a peculiar book standing out from the rest. Its cover was a deep shade of purple, adorned with silver embellishments that glimmered in the soft light of the chamber. Intrigued, I reached for it, my fingers tingling with anticipation.

As I pulled the book from the shelf, a surge of Mana coursed through my body, as if the ancient knowledge contained within its pages were awakening. The weight of the book felt substantial in my hands, hinting at the depth of its contents.


I carefully opened it, revealing pages that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light. The words inscribed on them were written in an elegant script, their meaning elusive but tantalizing.

Leafing through the book, I discovered a variety of hieroglyphs, ancient engravings, and arcane symbols.

None of these were familiar to me, but I knew that there was only one type of book that\'d contain all of these diverse elements...

A Skillbook!


I quickly glanced around to see if Rose noticed my discovery, however, she was nowhere in sight.


Without hesitation, I threw the book into my Spatial Ring, ensuring that it was safely stored and protected.

Although I was itching to learn the skill now, I didn\'t want to cause mana fluctuations that would alert Rose or awaken the Temple Guardian.

Instead, I decided to leave the book for later consumption, when I was in a more controlled and secure environment.

"I should change my surroundings..."

I thought to myself, moving from the dimly lit part of the room to a well-lit area near a table, there I once again dove into the shelves in search of the black scroll.

Of course, this time I was more motivated. What if I find another hidden gem amidst the dusty tomes?

"Aiden, I found something!"

Suddenly, Rose appeared beside me, excitement evident in her voice. My eyes immediately shifted toward her hand which held a worn, dark scroll tied with a weathered string.

My heart leaped with anticipation as I reached out to take the scroll from Rose.

Carefully as if not to disturb its delicate state, I gently touched the surface of the scroll, feeling its ancient texture and the faint vibrations that seemed to emanate from it.

"Yes, Rose, this is it..."

Carefully, I untied the weathered string that held the dark scroll together, unraveling its secrets. The scroll unfolded with a gentle rustle, revealing an intricately drawn Mana Circle, its lines and symbols etched with precision. The ancient symbols seemed to pulsate with a faint glow, resonating with the magical energy that permeated the temple.


I carried the scroll to the center of the chamber, where a sturdy wooden table stood.


With a firm kick, I sent the table skidding across the floor, revealing another hidden Mana Circle engraved on the stone surface beneath. The two circles, one on the scroll and one on the table mirrored each other perfectly.

"How did you kno-"

Rose muttered to herself, her eyes widening in astonishment as she watched the two circles align effortlessly.

Placing the scroll on the ground, I positioned it precisely within the confines of the engraved circle. As if responding to my actions, the ancient symbols on the scroll aligned perfectly with the corresponding symbols on the table\'s Mana Circle. A wave of energy pulsed through the room, crackling with power and mystery.


I took a step back, my eyes fixated on the scroll and the Mana circles. The faint glow emanating from the Mana Circle intensified, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the surrounding walls. The temple seemed to come alive, its long-forgotten purpose beginning to unfurl before our eyes.

Together, we watched as the magic within the temple responded to the alignment of the scroll and the hidden circle. The air crackled with power, and a soft hum filled the chamber, growing louder with each passing second. A warm light emanated from the table, spreading across the room, illuminating the shelves of books and scrolls that lined the walls.

And as the light grew brighter, reaching its crescendo, a surge of energy erupted from the circles, engulfing the entire chamber in a dazzling display of power. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble as the temple unveiled its long-guarded mysteries.


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