
Chapter 112 Shadowy Night

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the peaceful village, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered by an eerie phenomenon.


Without warning, massive shadows enveloped the sky, plunging the once-bustling streets into darkness. Panic spread like wildfire through the small village as frightened villagers ran for cover, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Among the chaos, a young boy found himself caught up in the whirlwind of fear. With wide eyes and a racing pulse, he darted through the narrow alleyways, his small frame moving with surprising agility. His tattered shirt flapped in the wind as he weaved through the maze-like streets, his senses heightened by the inexplicable darkness that loomed overhead.

The shadows cast a veil of uncertainty, making it difficult for him to discern his surroundings. Yet, fueled by primal fear, he moved as fast as he could. As he ran, the desperate cries and frantic footsteps of his neighbors echoed through the air, mingling with the pounding of his own footsteps.

The village, once known for its tranquility, now resembled a ghost town. Abandoned market stalls and empty doorways stood as silent witnesses to the chaos that had unfolded. The scent of fear lingered in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of wet soil as rain began to drizzle down, adding to the sense of urgency.

The boy followed a trail of frightened villagers, his sharp instincts guiding him through the labyrinthine paths. The dim glow of flickering lamp posts provided scant illumination, but it was enough for the young boy to navigate the maze-like streets. He hopped over puddles, skirting past overturned carts, and maneuvered through the cramped alleyways, his determination unwavering.

Passing by shuttered windows and closed doors, he noticed glimpses of his neighbors huddled together, seeking solace and safety. Some whispered fervent prayers, their voices a desperate plea for the return of normalcy. Others clutched loved ones tightly, their faces etched with concern and confusion.

The boy\'s heart pounded in his chest as he reached the edge of the village. Ahead of him lay an expanse of open fields, now swallowed by darkness. The towering shadows seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance, obscuring any hint of what lay beyond.


He noticed a strange structure distance or rather a crack in the air. It was as if the fabric of reality itself had been torn open.

The thing was half-purple, half-black, its jagged edges shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

The Shadows seemed to swirl around this structure, their tendrils reaching out like ethereal fingers.


It looked very much like a portal to another realm.

The boy could feel an eerie energy emanating from the tear in reality, filling him with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. The air crackled with an otherworldly presence as if something wicked and powerful was about to step into their world.

And then, with a haunting silence, a creature emerged from the depths of the portal. It was a being of shadows and darkness, its form twisting and contorting in unnatural ways. Its limbs elongated and twisted like gnarled branches, and its eyes burned with an unholy crimson glow. The boy couldn\'t help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over him as he locked eyes with the creature.

The villagers who had gathered at the outskirts of the village gasped collectively, their fear amplified by the presence of this demonic apparition. Whispers of ancient legends and folktales echoed through their minds, as they recognized the creature as a being from the darkest recesses of their nightmares.

The shadowy creature hovered above the ground, its grotesque silhouette casting elongated shadows on the damp earth. It exuded an aura of malevolence, its presence suffocating and overwhelming.


A low, guttural growl emanated from its throat, sending chills down the spines of those who dared to listen.

The creature\'s malevolent gaze swept across the crowd, its eyes lingering on the terrified faces of the villagers. With a sudden burst of supernatural speed, it lunged forward, its elongated limbs slashing through the air with deadly precision.

Its first target was an elderly man, frozen in fear as the creature closed in. With a swift motion, the creature\'s shadowy appendage struck out, piercing through the man\'s chest. The onlookers gasped as the man\'s body convulsed, a look of agony etched onto his face. Dark tendrils seeped from the wound, coiling around his body, draining the life from him. With a final shudder, the man fell lifeless to the ground, a mere husk of his former self.

Panic erupted among the villagers as they witnessed the horrifying display. Some tried to flee, stumbling over their own feet in their desperate bid to escape the creature\'s wrath. But the creature was relentless, its shadowy form darting from one victim to another with unnerving speed.

A young woman, tears streaming down her face, found herself cornered by the creature. It loomed over her, its eyes fixated on her trembling form. With a wicked grin, it extended its dark tendrils, wrapping them tightly around her body. The woman\'s screams echoed through the air, gradually fading as the creature drained her life force, leaving behind nothing but a lifeless shell.

The scene of carnage continued to unfold, the creature moving through the crowd with a relentless hunger for destruction. It showed no mercy, no remorse as it tore through the villagers, leaving devastation in its wake. Each encounter with the creature brought unimaginable pain and suffering, as its shadowy form seemed to feed off the life force of its victims.

Fear and desperation filled the air as the villagers realized that their only chance of survival lay in banding together. They formed a defensive circle, their eyes locked on the creature, their weapons trembling in their hands. Their hearts pounded in unison, their resolve strengthening in the face of this otherworldly threat.

As the creature launched itself at the villagers, they fought back with all their might. Swords clashed against shadowy limbs, arrows pierced through its form, and spells were cast to weaken its grip. It was a battle of light against darkness, a struggle for survival against an ancient evil.

Yet, for every blow they landed, the creature seemed to regenerate, its form twisting and reforming as if it was an embodiment of the very shadows it commanded. The villagers fought valiantly, their determination unwavering, but it became clear that their efforts alone would not be enough.



Suddenly, a sword pierced the darkness, striking true against the creature\'s heart. The villagers turned to see a middle-aged man, wielding a spear, standing just behind the creature.

It was an Awakener, an E rank hunter skilled in close combat.

"Everybody, get as close as you can!"

He shouted, his voice filled with both urgency and unwavering determination. The man knew that this was a Dungeon outbreak and chances of outrunning the monsters, especially, when most of the people were unawakened were slim.

As the villagers huddled closer together, their eyes wide with fear, more shadow creatures emerged from the portal one by one. Their grotesque forms twisted and writhed in the darkness, their crimson eyes scanning the crowd with an insatiable hunger.

The middle-aged Awakener, his grip tightening on his spear, braced himself for the onslaught. He knew that if they didn\'t act swiftly, the villagers would be overwhelmed by the growing number of shadow creatures.

As the shadow creatures closed in on the villagers, the Awakener positioned himself at the center of the defensive circle. The other villagers formed a tighter formation, their weapons at the ready.

Without warning, the shadow creatures attacked. They lunged at the villagers with blinding speed, their elongated limbs slashing through the air. The villagers fought back valiantly, their weapons clashing against the dark forms, but it seemed that for every creature they defeated, two more emerged from the portal.

This was a battle without any hope, it could even be called a massacre.


Soon, one by one villagers started falling, their bodies succumbing to the relentless assault of the shadow creatures.

The number of monsters emerging from the dungeon also increased, their numbers becoming overwhelming.

"Hold the line!"

The Awakener\'s voice echoed through the chaos, as he still tried to combat the monsters but he didn\'t even notice that he was the last human standing.

With each swing of his spear, the Awakener managed to dispatch several shadow creatures, but his movements grew sluggish as fatigue and despair took their toll. He had fought valiantly, but the sheer numbers and relentless onslaught of the monsters proved too much for him to handle alone.

As his stamina waned, the creatures seized the opportunity to strike. From all sides, they converged on the lone Awakener, their razor-sharp claws and teeth tearing through his armor and flesh. His defiant cries turned to anguished screams as he was overwhelmed by their ferocity.

The once-bustling village now became a graveyard, littered with the lifeless bodies of its inhabitants.

The shadows danced triumphantly over the decimated village, their hunger temporarily sated. The portal to the other realm remained open, an ominous gateway through which darkness had spilled into their world.

The Shadow Dungeon was now fully open...

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