
Chapter 350

“I have no idea.”

“Can someone be that powerful?”

Xula’s Elite guard team, now adventurers under the Guild Master, stood baffled. The supposed fortress, the second checkpoint on their climb. One that couldn’t be breached for the months they fought, was completed by a single man in less than an hour. Nonchalant to the amazing feat that was done, the crew simply gathered and spoke. In said conversation, the topic at hand was what sort of food to eat later. Staxius remained impervious, a boulder in a sandstorm not swaying nor faltering. The few minutes in which he fought, Oenus had fear struck in his heart. Fighters and skilled individuals in the ways of warcraft were all gifted with a skilled named Sense Aura. Naturally, some were weak and others strong. An example of strong was Axius; he could identify an aura from the other side of the world.

“Hey,” called Serene with a smile from the middle of the courtyard.

“L-let’s go,” shuffled Magra with a nervous gaze.

“Majesty,” gathered in one place, “-are you ok?” asked Kearen intrigued by what he stared so intently.


“Yes,” he replied with the stare locked onto a peculiar area. The crimson halo spun around his head, most of the blood lost on the battlefield soon flowed towards him. Adete sat and swayed left to right. Fighting meant food.

“Did something happen?” he asked emptily.

“No, I suppose.”

‘The fight is over,’ he paused and thought, ‘-could I make it up if I sprouted wings?’ the eyes were fixated on the peak.

“Don’t even think of rushing there,” added Achilles, “-master, I know what you’re thinking.”

“You got me there,” breathing a sigh, the magic dispelled. Adete ate the halo. “Let’s set up camp,” he offered. A singular building stood unharmed to the right. The sun was soon to set – yet it felt as if nothing changed. So far, a week had gone by to arrive at the second checkpoint. Another two days to rest before setting off onto the trip.

*Date Saturday 28th December. We broke through the fortress at last. To my surprise, the king came with back-up. He made clear of the place where we were stuck look easy. He didn’t break a sweat. The strength of that man is godly. Each time, the blank face, the nonchalant attitude, they remind me of an empty canvas. One that he changes depending on the occasion.* The fireplace burnt a warm light. Sleeping bags were set one after the other. A four-hour shift to guard.

“Hey,” a somber figure stood with deep red eyes, “-go sleep, I’ll take over,” time showed 2:00.

“Is it over already?” voiced Oenus with an uncomplete entry.

“Yeah,” he yawned to peer out of the frosty window. “Oenus.”


“Can we speak for a moment?” turned Staxius with a serious tone.

“S-sure, what is it you need?” he walked over to the window.

“About you,” he said ominously.

“Y-yeah?” Oenus’s heart pulsed.

“I was told that you’re a dragonkin. Could you explain the origins more? I’ve come across someone like you before.”

“Oh,” the stance relaxed, “-let’s sit, it might take a few minutes.”

“Sure,” they walked to a corner far from the others.

“Dragonkins,” he gathered his thought into words, “-from what I know, we’re descendants of the Ancient Dragons. I’m one of the few who are still surviving. The Ancient Dragons were once worshipped and called deities. They held the world around their tail; the supreme beings that ruled. Then, the war between God and Demons occurred, in that exchange, the Dragons killed mercilessly in thirst for power. On the brink of extinction, the few legendary dragons sought refuge to one god. The latter is still unknown to this day. As part of a pact to not cause unrest, the dragons were willingly imprisoned. The flesh that is, their souls traveled from generation to generation in search of suitable hosts. Dragonkins are offspring of the dragons inside temporary vessels. Depending on who had what, the blood is inherited by the blood-line. Some are granted enormous power while others are inconsequential. In my case, I was given the blood of Temtus, the Dragon of water and wind, guardian of the sea. He’s a legendary dragon, though the blood I inherited is less than adequate. I can barely conjure a wind spell but it did give me a very strong constitution.

“I see, what of the vessel thing, care to elaborate? What’s the difference between Dragonkin and vessel.”

“Dragonkin are direct and indirect offspring. Anyone with the blood of a dragon is considered a Dragonkin. As for the Vessels, they are the people who inherit the Dragon’s full strength. If strong enough, some can become gods among men, a power that could shatter the world.”

“Why, what’s their purpose?”

“Majesty, I wish I could give you more information,” the head lowered, “-why is it you’re interested?”

“Because of this,” he pulled down the turtleneck shirt.

“Wait...” barely lit from the fire, “-Undrar...” the jaw dropped. “You bear the blessing of Undrar, who are you?”

“Me,” pulling up the shirt, “-no one that important. Thanks for the information, go sleep. I’ll take over guard duty.”

‘The mark of Undrar...’ stood as if a hallow man, ‘-how is that possible?’

‘I was wrong to think that Dragonkin could help. Eira, the Lady of Ice has decided to make you her host. If this is an uprising of dragons; there may be more hosts who’ve joined on Mont Blanc. What Oenus said is a half-truth, I heard from Undrar that the other dragon only went into hiding to get revenge. The part about being imprisoned is a lie, tis was a God who defeated and locked them.’

Sun soon rose, the days continued without much trouble.

Wednesday 1st of January. The rise of a new year as well as the wedding day. Town Garsley, especially the castle was well-decorated. The yard leading inside was shielded by tents, one of which was pristine and used for said occasion. The tavern was replaced for a hall. Right side for the bride’s family and left for the groom. Guests came from all over. Among the notable was Prince Consort Piers, and a few nobles from the Groom’s side.

“Today’s the day,” smiled Julius beside Autumn. Ayleth stood beautifully in her wedding dress surrounded by her sisters and family inside the throne room.

“You’re looking amazing,” complimented Adelana with tears flowing uncontrollably.

“Who knew the shy girl would be the first to get married,” joked Undrar dressed beautifully. Her blond hair sparkled; none would have guessed she was in her thirties.

“Here I thought I would get married first,” added Ancret with her usual glamor, “-what about it,” winked at Julius, “-let’s be next,” said in flirt, the Duke choked.

“Come on now,” the door opened with Millicent and Fenrir, “-no need to embarrass the boy,” joked Millicent.

“I mean, you have a point,” interjected Annet, “-still, he needs to decide soon else the Dukedom of Garsley isn’t going to have an heir,” she winked obstinately.

“Fine,” he gave and turned to Alyson, “-do you have something to add?”

“You look great sister?” a thumbs up followed by silence. Classic Alyson, the strong and silent type. They had changed so much that none would have guessed them twins.

“Why are you silent?” spoke Ayleth to Fenrir.

“Nothing much,” she replied with her ears sulked, “-I wish Eira and Master could have been here.”

“Yeah, I wish so too,” added the bride with a woeful tone, “-master’s the only reason I can think of getting married today. He’s done so much – I mean, if you exclude the part where he disappeared for sixteen years or so. Still, if it wasn’t for that sacrifice, Dorchester would have been ruined. I mean, who would have guessed him being friends with Gallienne. The Cold-Hearted queen changed for the better. Dorchester was given ample support to start.”

“Let’s not speak about that man,” gritted Adelana, “-I don’t care about what he has done. What I want is for you to be happy, ignore him for all I care.”

“Let’s not start a fight,” interjected Undrar, “-he’s probably busy fighting someone right as we speak.”

“Yeah,” smiled Ayleth, ‘-I know that big-sister knows this deep down. Master Staxius, we’re grateful for what you’ve done. Keeping to the shadows and helping those in need. If someone knows how it feels to be weak, it’s sure you. Paying 90,000 gold for my surgery – just because you sent a pawn to fight. I was weak and forced guilt upon thee. It made Adelana mad, her hatred from long before kept on stacking. I’m sorry, I wish you were here to witness the marriage.’

“What are you daydreaming for,” called Millicent, “-let’s go, miss bride.” Before realizing, she stood before a gate, one that opened to a crowd of people standing. Her sisters and friends on one side with her lover waiting near the altar. An idyllic moment, two lovers meeting to be one. Dorchestrian tradition states that the vows of marriage have to be taken with a sword. A knight must stand by the bride’s side. The significance of this means that if ever harm was done to the lady, the knight held the right to kill the Groom. The higher the rank, the better. It was planned that Staxius would be the knight.

Julius instead stood in place. Rings exchanged and vows taken to the knight, Ayleth and her groom, Stanley of Venus’s Merchant family, kissed to conclude the ceremony. A single tear of happiness escaped her face.

“She’s so happy,” added Fenrir.

“Yes, I know,” smiled Adelana, “-if it wasn’t for Stanley, I doubt she’d be here today.”

“Mental support,” interjected Millicent, “-without it, one can fall in ruin.” Applause and cheers led out the castle. A car waited to take the couple to their new life.

*BANG,* a loud explosion had the crowd shudder.

“What is it?” cried the people panicked.

Faint streams of smoke came from the town paired with rumbling. The explosion came closer and without notice, the gate shot open.

“So, this a heathen’s marriage,” voiced a lady with short white and golden robe. It covered up to her thighs, “-how troublesome.” A cacophony of destruction came behind. *SPLAT,* a charred body slammed against the castle.

“Who are you?” asked Julius with everyone readied to fight.

“Me,” she laughed obnoxiously and entered the castle. The charred corpse flopped down behind. “-Heathen aren’t worthy of knowing mine name. Prostrate thyself,” she said as if disgusted by their sight. “Come to think of it, thou better off dead,” *snap,* a white beam conjured out her right hand.

*Purgatory Flame: Barrier,* hands pressed, Julius deflected the beam to be sent flying across.

“BROTHER!” he hit the wall to instantly be knocked out.

“Vermin,” rolling her eyes, “-die,” multiple of beams conjured. Most of them were stopped by Undrar.

“Don’t you dare,” rushed Adelana with only her fists, “-I WON’T LET YOU RUIN MY SISTER’S MARRIAGE.”

“ADELANA,” screamed Undrar to no avail.

“Please don’t get in my way, peasant,” sidestepped, *SLASH,* a diagonal motion had her fall onto the floor.

*GASP,* ‘-m-my t-throat,’- unable to speak, blood drained, the vision grew blurry, “-A-Adelana,” mumbled, darkness whelmed the mind.

“Weak,” sighed the intruder.

“HERE,” screamed Millicent, “-TAKE YOUR WEAPONS AND FIGHT.”

“Oh, scary,” she laughed.

“Don’t underestimate us,” they dashed forth to fight. Autumn conjured spells after spells. Fenrir kept close, the others fought from a range and took times challenging the intruder. Undrar kept busy protecting and evacuating the guests.

“NOW, LET’S GO,” coordinated, the fight seemed one-sided.

“Don’t you get cocky,” her face changed from innocent to vile, “-THEY TOLD ME NOT TO KILL, BUT I DON’T CARE,” wings sprouted to which she spun. The beam cleanly cut through the walls. *BAM,* bodies flew.

‘W-what’s happening?’ Julius’s eyes opened to hell. He caught the final moments of those who fought. Adelana, Alyson, Ancret, Annet, Ayleth, Fenrir, and Autumn were slaughtered without mercy.

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