
Chapter 98

Left, right, up, and down, Staxius washed and wiped Void. The car had been gathering dust; tis was an insult to such a beast. Bit by bit, he cleaned and returned it to its former glory; Avon was happy and so was he. All that he needed now was for Xula to give him the word. “Master,” Avon interrupted his final touches, “yes?” he stopped, “may I ask how you manage to obtain this room for I to rest in?” the tone filled with curiosity, the chamber in which they stood was perfect. A small makeshift garage with supplies and whatever parts he needed. Said garage was located at the foot of the castle; the room had no exit whatsoever – just a portal. A gateway he could not control for he had to contact the portal-room. *Ouff,* he stretched his back, “Shanna gave me it, she thought it best for you to stay indoors as opposed to being exposed to the elements.”

*Knock, knock,* the conversation stopped. “Enter, the door is opened,” Avon vanished into his master’s shadow. “Good evening, Staxius,” a muffled voice spoke, the footsteps came closer. “Good evening, teacher,” he replied courteously. “Nicely maintained,” the sage complimented the room. “Thanks,” he finished the final touches and walked to greet the sage. “What brings you here?” Staxius asked while they shook hands. “I’ve got big news,” a smile as big as the sun was portraited on his face. “Did something happen, why do you seem so blissful?” The torch’s flame gently shook, the face; masked by darkness, lit at regular intervals. “The joy I feel cannot be contained, dearest Staxius,” he placed his feeble hands onto Staxius’s shoulders. A gentle breeze entered the room shyly, it felt like a child trying to steal a piece of candy; innocently mischievous.

“What’s this joy all about?” Staxius squinted his eyes gently for he could not see the sage’s face. “I dare not raise any more suspense.” He breathed out loudly, “you’re getting wedded to her majesty later tonight and bestowed the title of King as well as becoming second in line to the throne.” The excitement in his tone could not be contained. *Cough,* “Excuse you?” the news seemed too unreal to be true. “Am I, a foreigner being named King – wasn’t my title supposed to be consort prince.” The eyebrows rose, they questioned the credibility of the old man. “This is why this news puts I in such a great mood. Dear disciple, you’re to become the King of a rather new kingdom; doesn’t that excite you?” Staxius, in turn, placed his hands onto the man’s shoulder. “Of course, that brings me joy,” he smiled, “-I’ve gotten more than I could ask for.” He walked out the door, “however, won’t that anger the council?” he turned and stared at the one who brought him the news. “I see you’re the same as Shanna,” he smiled, “-worry not,” he patted his back, “the council, the queen, everyone has acknowledged you and your marriage to her majesty.” They both walked to the throne room. “Preparations are in order,” the sage replied, a portal opened.

“Come on, that isn’t supposed to go there,” a frustrated voice echoed round, “what is all this?” they arrived, the throne room was getting decorated and readied for tonight’s banquet. “You should go meet with her majesty; I’ll stay to overlook the preparations.” He snapped, another portal opened, it was of a blueish color. “Thanks, teacher,” he stepped through.

The breeze took him by surprise, the sun warm and gentle, the air clean and fresh. Before him, a few meters away, sat under a magnificent tree, Xula held her cup and sipped gracefully. The garden, the place where the courtship began. ‘How beautiful can one be,’ he walked.

“Greetings, your majesty,” his voice startled her, the cup nearly spilled. “D-damn it,” her gaze turned to the floor immediately. “Someone is a little bashful, aren’t they?” he knelt and looked at her with a smile. “S-stop it,” her gaze turned upwards, “stop being so adorable,” he stood and leaned. “Thanks for agreeing to marry me,” *mwah,* a quick peck on her forehead sent her heart into a race. He took a seat right next to her. “I can’t believe it,” he reached for his pocket, Xula was flushed. “Y-yes, i-its has been a-a journey,” she turned to face him; her composure slowly returned. “This glove,” he held up the piece of attire, “-thanks to you, everything began,” it sparkled. “You still have that?” she asked. “Of course, I do. I always carry it with me. Tis a memento of our commitment to one another.” He winked.


Their conversation continued; the hall got ready. Minutes turned into hours; the guests arrived. The couple still spoke, marriage here in Arda didn’t have such a big ceremony. No vows, nothing; for non-humans, another kind of commitment was required. A blood contract binding one to another, no ring nor jewelry. Naught but a blood contract that is made with a kiss. A rather messy tradition but even royalty and high-ranking nobles had to go through with it.

“I wish Eira and my companions from Dorchester were here,” he mumbled, Xula caught it. This was a big occasion and it was normal for him to want people closest to him to be present. However, Eira was busy training for the inter-magical tournament, Dorchester was still a growing town which needed all the attention it could get. “I wish I had someone I could call family,” she replied in turn, “-the only one I can deem as that is the sage. He has been my guardian since the start, I’ve never felt at home here.” Her ascension to Queen wasn’t that easy, blood and death were the paving stone for said undertaking. “Worry not,” he placed his hands on hers, “-you’re not alone anymore. You’ve got the sage, me, and everyone in Dorchester as well as Arda. We’re a big family, however, I’m the kind of person who once grabs onto something, never let’s go even if death comes.” He smiled, it set her mind at ease. “Staxius Haggard, you’re my family.” She whispered. “You’re my family too,” he caught it, her face turned red once more due to embarrassment.

“Your majesty, your majesty, your majesty,” maids invaded the garden. They seemed like soldiers, though they were not. “Your majesty, your majesty,” they had looked everywhere. Time had been a lost concept to both her and Staxius. In their mind, only a few minutes went by. In reality, a few hours had passed. “Over here,” she waved back, they all ran as if animal charging after their prey. “What’s the matter?” she gracefully asked. “Your majesty, time is of the essence. We need you to get ready for your big day.” Forcefully, two maids, people who were close to her, grabbed her arms. “Open the portal,” their eyes felt like possessed individuals. “Master Staxius, you should head to your bedchambers as well. A butler awaits to get you ready, please make it quick, the guests are already arriving.” Another portal opened before him. “I’ll see you later, my queen,” Xula pouted, she looked adorable; they took her away. ‘I’m glad I met you,’ he stepped through.

Meanwhile, the throne room had changed slightly. The pillars were now of a golden color, the background behind the throne changed from leaves and trees to a knight kneeling and kissing a princess’s hand. “How romantic,” the nobles praised the artwork; it was made masterfully. People from all overcame, all the representatives: werewolves, elves, vampires, demi-humans which included everyone from fox-eared to cat-eared. Witches, dark-elves, spirits, and many more were present but hidden from the eyes of many. Ethereal beings were also among the many guests. All stood in said hall, maids and butlers ran rounds distributing drinks.

The first floor was reserved for council members and higher-ranking nobles, from viscount and up. Though that restriction got put aside quickly for her majesty didn’t like discrimination. People were free to roam around, and thus the banquet began.

“How do I look? Staxius asked jokingly, “-you look stunning, sir,” the butler bowed and left. Staxius wore another suit, but this time it looked more like a uniform. On the left side of his vest, badges, and crests – among which his own shone brightly. The sleeves held golden buttons and the uniform itself was of a black with golden color on the extremities. ‘Looks like I’m going to war,’ he tied his hair and walked out.

“Staxius,” a female voice whispered, “Aurora?” he turned. “Yes, it’s me,” she wore a glamorous black Victorian-styled dress. “what brings you here?” he asked confused as to why someone would come in the secluded part of the castle. “I’ve come as the one who is going to guide you to her majesty’s room.” *Snap,* a gateway opened, “this way,” she went first. ‘So many portals, I’m about to lose my mind,’ he held his forehead and followed.

“Your majesty,” Aurora bowed. “Thanks for bringing him,” Xula replied, the maids finished their task at last. “Where are we,” Staxius came out, the light blinded him, “...” he laid eyes on Xula, everything stopped. Her beauty captivated him, it was almost like a trance, a spell that could ruin the strongest of men. “We’re done, your majesty,” the maids left, the room felt empty. She wore a white dress, her hair was tied perfectly, her face felt as if it lit. Nothing else could describe how she looked; it was as if an angel had stepped onto the mortal plane. If she were to sprout wings and fly away; that would not surprise him in the least. “Xula, my queen,” he gulped, “you look absolutely stunning.” He could not take his eyes off her. It was the second time this had happened. The first time being the banquet for the king’s day of birth. “Stop with the flattery,” she stepped down from the small podium onto where she got dressed. “tis not flattery when I’m saying the truth,” he continued praising her. “You look handsome as well,” she held out her hand, “not as beautiful as you,” he took her hand and walked. “What am I supposed to do?” he asked, a massive door came into view. “Nothing much, just walk out and be yourself – there’s nothing peculiar to an Ardanian wedding.” The door opened, “if you say so,” they stepped out.

One by one, pillars in an empty hallway gave way to light and chatter. The throne room came in sight, they were in the top-right vicinity. Her Majesty came into view, the room went silent, her beauty transcended everything they had seen before. She had the same effect on everyone, Staxius knew first hand how much that could affect one’s mind. Though she was the star of that show, Staxius didn’t look that bad himself. His build, good body posture, confidence and the determination that burnt in his eyes made him a worthy broom. Near the throne, the old sage dressed in grey awaited them. Time had come, silence remained, none wanted to break the state they were imprisoned in.

“Your majesty, please this way,” the sage signaled. “Keep smiling Staxius, don’t you dare look strict and scary,” she quietly mumbled. “Not my fault if that’s how my face usually looks,” he replied. “Just don’t look as if you’re going to kill someone,” she fired back. His face looked friendly and approachable, not with a smile but with the eyes. It looked peaceful and harmless; a person’s mood could be read not by the facial expression but with how one’s eyes looked.

They both faced each other, the background matched them exactly. Staxius stood on the left side, while Xula on the right. Their faces changed subconsciously, the smiles were genuine and innocent.

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