
Chapter 626 - 626 Chapter 626 The angry side of Xiauyue.

Seeing the bloody mess on the ground, Xiauyue didn’t know how to react. For one, Fei Long had exaggerated, as always. On the other side, the man who had just become part of the soil had brought it on himself.

To tell the truth, it had been long since Xiauyue had seen Fei Long this angry, not since the end of the war. As Fei Long became stronger and her bloodline purer, her temper became more and more volatile. Still, she had great self-control, so it had been a long time since there was an incident where she lost control.

In short, even if Fei Long had gone overboard by not even leaving a corpse to claim, Xiauyue had no reason to be angry with the love of her life. As if that weren’t enough, the entire conflict started because of her, so Xiauyue felt less and less inclined to say anything.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t really a matter of who was at fault, but who was the father of the man Fei Long had just murdered. Although the man was a jerk, the sect he belonged to was quite a terrifying force, not to mention that the man in question was the son of a very dangerous figure known to be entirely unreasonable.

Although there was no point in crying over spilled milk anymore, Xiauyue was still upset about the whole thing, especially how it started. The story could have been more exciting and full of unexpected twists. On the contrary, it was so cliche that it was annoying. The story could even be summed up in a few lines: a jerk sees beautiful women, the jerk arbitrarily decides that they exist to please his wishes, the jerk tries to take them by force, the jerk dies, and the end of the story.

Put that way, Fei Long simply couldn’t be blamed for reacting like this when some random jerk tried to arbitrarily kidnap her and Xiauyue and then treat them like sex toys.

Things would have been fine out there where the problem ended, but it wasn’t. As the rumors said, the jerk’s father was an unreasonable but mighty person, a lousy recipe for conflict resolution.

That day, a battle to the death broke out between Fei Long and that jerk’s father. Yet, finding herself heavily outnumbered while deep in enemy territory, Fei Long decided to withdraw while she still could. Working together, Fei Long and Xiauyue managed to break through the enemy encirclement and escape with their lives, which could be considered the end of the matter, except it wasn’t.


Fei Long could still remember the twisted logic man used when facing her. “You murdered my son, my descendant, and heir. What is fair is that you compensate me by giving me another son and heir. While we are at it to avoid being left without descendants again, you and that friend of yours should each give me a son.”

Sometimes Fei Long wishes she hadn’t run away that day and instead fought to the death with the son of a bitch who treated her and Xiauyue as if they were just a thing he could use for his satisfaction, pieces of meat with the ones he could play. From that day on, Fei Long regretted not killing him. This event brought a new war to her doorstep, all over the sick and unreasonable man known as Bai Sairong.

(The Present, Auction House, Heavenly Maiden)

The maddened rage filled with insults brought a big sick smile to Bai Sairon’s older face. Although many might consider him an irrational madman, no one ever got to a position like the one he was in without some skill and brains. Mei Fei Long and Miao Xiauyue were legends on the mainland, women of extraordinary power and prestige, single women with powerful backgrounds, the kind of woman someone like Bai Sairong would become obsessed with possessing.

With the death of his son as a pretext, Bai Sairong could unleash his nefarious intentions to seize two of the most beautiful and powerful women on the entire continent. It would be rare if he were not excited.

Hearing Mei Fei Long’s voice in the auction house, although excited, Bai Sairong was also cautious. The last thing Bai Sairong wanted was to see Mei Fei Long in the Eternal War Maiden Sect’s territory, as such a thing could only mean bad news. Should Mei Fei Long seek an alliance with the sect and obtain it, it would be nearly impossible for Bai Sairong to seize her and the other girl, thus destroying his ambitions.

Contrary to what many believed, the only madness that Bai Sairong suffered from was mad ambition. Being one of the most powerful martial artists and belonging to one of the most powerful sects on the continent, Bai Sairong’s ambition was to dominate the entire continent.

If he were able to get his hands on Fei Long and Xiauyue, Bai Sairong would not only be assured of heirs with powerful special bloodlines and superior talent, but he would be able to have the two most beautiful and powerful women on his side, as well as the sect that supports them.

Adding the flourishing and powerful Roaming Cloud Sect to his own sect, Bai Sairong believed that it would only be a matter of time before he could take over the entire continent. Perhaps, in a couple of decades, when the children he would procreate with Fei Long and Xiauyue grew up and displayed their incredible talent, they would become Bai Sairong’s main instruments of war.

Needless to say, Bai Sairong had grown obsessed with the Fei Long lineage after hearing all the legends the woman forged on the battlefield; but it was more than just that. Bai Sairong also had a mighty and unique lineage that, in his opinion, would not lose to Mei Fei Long’s.

Perhaps the only problem in Bai Sairong’s plans was himself. As usual, with such self-centered and ambitious people, Bai Sairong himself did not see any problem with his plan. It was almost as if he believed such was the natural course. He never considered the possibility that Mei Fei Long and Miao Xiauyue would rather commit suicide than have offspring. Taking a step back, Bai Sairong didn’t even consider how impossible it was even to get his hands on both girls. He acted as if such a thing was only a matter of time.

However, Bai Sairong was not stupid, at least not entirely, so his successful attempt to provoke Mei Fei Long at the auction was not just because he was a jerk but was done for a very specific reason in mind. Afraid that Mei Fei Long would ally with the Eternal War Maiden Sect, Bai Sairong decided to anger the girl, knowing that she might attack in the middle of the auction, which would earn her a lot of enmity from the sect that runs the auction house, which would send the potential alliance to an early grave.

Sensing the Aura fluctuations flooding the auction house like a tsunami, Bai Sairong smiled cruelly. He could already see Fei Long leaping through some of the glass panels in the VIP rooms to fight him. However, Bai Sairong was bound to be disappointed, mainly because he ignored the only person who could control Fei Long even in that berserk state.

“As much as I would like to see my dear Fei rip out your throat with her teeth, Mr. Sairong, I am afraid this is an auction, not an arena, so I ask that you refrain from further provoking a woman who has no relationship with you. I hope that the legendary immortal golden tiger at least knows that it is not proper to mess with an unwilling woman.” Xiauyue’s calm voice from the VIP room barely managed to mask her anger.

Not giving a shit about Xiauyue’s attempt to ease the tension, Bai Sairong still tried to anger Fei Long. “I’m going to have to ask Miss Xiauyue not to interfere in my righteous pursuit of a single woman’s love. Of course, you don’t have to worry if you want to intervene from your fear of being left without a piece of the deal. I can also take you as one of my concubines.”

The smug smile on Bai Sairong’s face spoke volumes about how good the man felt at the current as a jerk, not to mention his confidence that those last words would undoubtedly finish driving crazy Mei Fei Long, who he knew was very possessive and jealous towards Xiauyue.

Seconds passed, but Bai Sairong ended in disappointment, not understanding why there wasn’t a woman covered in silver Aura already running towards him with a halberd in her arms.

Little did he know that the woman he tried to provoke was very busy with Xiauyue, who nearly choked her with the most intense tongue kiss ever. Knowing exactly what kind of jerk Bai Sairong was, Xiauyue had anticipated an even more insulting and provocative response, so without even waiting to hear a word from that man; she had taken it upon herself to devour Fei Long’s attention to prevent her from getting out of control.

In this rare instance, Fei Long’s libido and desire for Xiauyue herself worked in their favor, as the silver dragoness paid no attention to anything but her lover’s passionate touch. Thanks to that, Fei Long had returned to normal, hiding all the draconic traits made from the Aura she manifested earlier.

However, Xiauyue was not satisfied with just that. Since that damn piece of shit dared to act without any restraint in the world, Xiauyue was going to teach him a fucking lesson and humiliate him in front of everyone.

“I’m afraid there’s a big problem with what you just said, Mr. Sairong. As much as the rest of the world allows your irrational and downright stupid behavior, I feel compelled to point out your faults.” Xiauyue calmly exclaimed, though her words emanated venom. Giving no space for anyone to interfere, Xiauyue continued. “Mei Fei Long and I are not single women you can woo as you please; we are both engaged…to each other. I want to believe that even a man with your mental capacity would understand the problem here. You see, we’re not the least bit impressed with a sorry excuse from a man like you. In fact, we’re not interested in men at all. And before you make an ignorant comment about how only a man can truly satisfy a woman, I can assure you that my Fei Long takes me places and makes me feel things that someone like you, with your tiny piece of unmanly meat, could never dream.”

The machine gun of poisonous words and insults that Xiauyue had become left everyone speechless. There was no shadow of the refined and elegant woman she always was; all left was hatred and the deep intention to insult the other party.

Now it was Bai Sairong who was about to die of anger. Never in his life had he been insulted like that. As if she didn’t think it was enough, Xiauyue added at the end. “With that said, I highly recommend you shut the fuck up, masturbate a hundred times, and go die in a fucking ditch…that or at least let us continue with the auction. Miss Qiqi, sorry for the interruption and language; I will offer two billion spiritual stones for that exquisite armor. It will be a great gift for my fiancée.”

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