
Chapter 575

Having traveled throughout the multiverse for tens of thousands of years, Myrilla had seen it all, or so she believed. However, that alignment was still slightly surprising to her. Myrilla could also feel the intense love that all these women felt for the dying man, which brought the angel a smile. As an angel of love, nothing made her happier.

Being the cheerful soul she was, Myrilla voiced her thoughts out loud. “Wow, I really didn’t expect to find so many beautiful girls when I arrived. This guy has really been blessed by love.”

It was as if time froze in the room, and Myrilla, who suddenly felt all gazes focused on her, couldn’t help but think that perhaps her interruption was misplaced. Seeing the wary faces of the few women who could afford to ignore the man’s injuries, Myrilla knew it was time to prioritize certain matters.

Giving everyone an apologetic expression, Myrilla opened her wings that hugged her tiny waist and exclaimed, “I’m going to borrow some of your love.”

Not caring about the confused and still wary expression of people around her, Myrilla clasped her hands in front of her chest. Then, drove a small ball made of pink light that shot toward Desmond’s chest at the speed of light.

Revna and Claire reacted immediately, trying to protect Desmond from the unknown visitor. Still, the sphere of pink light was too fast. An expression of absolute horror and despair filled the faces of all the girls present as they believed that this sphere could be the last nail in the coffin of their beloved.

A second later, Desmond’s body let out a blinding pink glow that lasted a full three seconds before fading. Claire, Sasha, Revna, Cecilia, and Kyuru were immediately dumbfounded upon seeing Desmond’s intact body. To be precise, Desmond’s body was not left intact concerning the sphere of pink light but completely intact as if he had never been injured in the first place.

Feeling an intense but comfortable warmth, Desmond opened his eyes to meet the disbelieving faces of his family. For a moment, Desmond thought that he had died or something, but he immediately dismissed that thought, seeing the relief and happiness on the faces of the people he loved.


Desmond leaned against the wall to get up, and to his surprise, he was able to... with both arms. Looking at his previously missing arm, Desmond kept a confused expression. Desmond knew better than anyone the severity of his injuries and how the aura in them had sealed his fate, one last gift from jerk Stalker.

As such, Desmond couldn’t understand why his injuries seemed to have recovered. Desmond loved Sasha, Cecilia, and Kyuru dearly. Still, the three of them shouldn’t be able to save his life even if they had worked together.

Stalker was an existence in the three-star class. After all, his aura was not easy to deal with. It would be different if the wounds on his body were less severe. Regardless, with only seconds of his life remaining, Desmond knew they didn’t have enough time to get rid of the aura and heal him.

Desmond wanted to ask about it, but his voice was drowned out by the cries that filled the room. Desmond smiled tenderly as he found himself staring up at the ceiling after being knocked over by Sasha, Claire, Cecilia, and Revna, who all lunged at him to hug him.

Desmond could feel the tears of the four girls wet his clothes, but he was too absorbed by the pleasant scent of their bodies and the warmth that filled his chest. Kyuru was the last to arrive, but with her petite body, the fairy preferred to hug the side of Desmond’s face.

Sasha, Claire, Cecilia, and Revna clung to Desmond as if he were the most precious and fragile thing in the world, afraid of losing him if they dared to part with him again. Desmond could hear them say a few things between their cries, along the lines of “Don’t leave me alone” and “If you dare to die, I’ll go with you.” Desmond didn’t know if he was happy or worried about that last part.

Of course, what Desmond was really thinking was. “I have to get stronger, much stronger. Never to worry about them like this again, never to lose them.”

Besides the love that filled Desmond with bliss, another feeling was gathering strength within him: ambition. For a long time, Desmond had only followed the momentum of the circumstances, merely strengthening himself as a means of survival.

As he watched the women in his arms, Desmond felt too passive. It wasn’t enough to be strong; Desmond had to be overwhelmingly strong. Desmond wasn’t so stupid that he didn’t realize the hidden dangers waiting for him to be careless to take everything he had.

This time, his life was in danger because of his tenuous relationship with Titania. He barely managed to sustain his life by some kind of miracle. But what would happen next time?

Desmond couldn’t be sure there wouldn’t be others trying to use it to get to the faerie queen. His relationship with Katya, a Celestial, could also be a source of danger. The ever-changing world around him was enough of a source of danger, even without all of the above.

No one could claim that the land would not suddenly be invaded by a superior race or by the demons that they had heard about. There were also all the dangers involved with being a hunter. Desmond’s ominous feeling for the association only grew with time.

Desmond once had a little whimsical desire to take the girls with him on adventures in other worlds. With their beautiful beauty, it would be rare if they didn’t get into trouble. Without the necessary strength to protect them, only disaster awaited.

For a thousand and one reasons, the overflowing love Desmond was receiving from Claire, Sasha, Cecilia, Revna, and Kyuru only fueled Desmond’s flames of ambition and desire for power.

At first, Myrilla wanted to give the people in front of her some space, but she began to lose patience after a couple of awkward minutes. With so much love in front of her, Myrilla couldn’t sit idly by.

Out of nowhere, Desmond felt a source of additional weight, which was strange. There shouldn’t be anyone else who could join in the heartwarming moment. Unlike Desmond, who was only slightly confused, the girls reacted immediately when they felt someone climb on top of them.

Myrilla only felt how an unknown force separated her from the group hug. Tracking the source, she saw one of the two human women, the one with green eyes, who used her Arcana to keep her away. The rest of the women parted ways with Desmond, giving him room to look at the intruder.

Desmond’s first thought upon seeing the intruder was that she was really cute. His second was that she was a fucking Celestial. Desmond knew that not all Celestials were angels, but all angels were certainly Celestials. Seeing Myrilla, the word angel naturally came to mind, that and the word “Cupid.”

It was hard not to think of cupid when looking at Myrilla. After all, the girl had pink wings, white hair with pink tips, and clothes full of heart patterns. To tell you the truth, if it wasn’t for Myrilla’s looking so well, all that pink and hearts would be quite shocking.

Whatever the case, a visit from a Celestial could only spell bad news and good news. Desmond knew this from his experience dealing with Katya. Katya only appeared when bad things had happened or were going to happen. Hence the visit of a Celestial means bad news.

On the other hand, being the agents of light and goodness, Celestials usually come to help or intervene in some way, so a visit from a Celestial is also good news.

Desmond rationalized that the bad news this time was his injuries and his almost inevitable death. And the good news was that he survived thanks to the intervention of the angel in front of him.

“You are quite a lucky man.” Myrilla commented out of the blue, giving Desmond a rather friendly look like a mother proud of her child.

Desmond felt strange, but seeing that the girls seemed ready to fight, he raised his hand and answered the angel. “Lucky enough to be saved from death by you.”

Claire, Sasha, Revna, and Cecilia’s wariness and aggression subsided, turning into deep gratitude. If not for Desmond pointing it out, they would have offended the person who saved their loved one’s life.

Curiously, Myrilla shook her head as if Desmond was wrong about something. “That was not what I was referring to. You are a lucky man for all these women’s love for you.”

Desmond was taken aback by Myrilla’s comment. Though he found it somewhat cheesy, he didn’t deny that it was true, instead smiling and nodding. Myrilla ignored the furiously flushed faces of Cecilia and Sasha, the shyest girls in the group, and went on to introduce herself. “Nice to meet all of you; my name is Myrilla, the angel of love.”

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