
Chapter 479

Broadly speaking, if one left aside specific, more complex details, Estella was a household fairy, a familiar creature in European folklore. In addition to attending to household chores, her only hobby was tending the garden and whistling.

One could imagine that a creature like Estella would have the same social skills that a statue would have. No matter how beautiful and curious Estella’s appearance was, she had zero communication tools.

All this led to a very uncomfortable situation at the entrance of the Astryd residence, where a confused Estella whistled nonstop, trying to get the pair of sisters, Silvia and Samantha, out of their daze.

The situation dragged on for nearly ten seconds as the mischievous mind behind this strange encounter decided it was best to prevent this from going on forever. Coming out of her little hiding place, Claire went to greet her two friends. Her energetic smile could almost fool anyone, but it didn’t because she seemed to be holding back her laughter.

Silvia had dozens of questions, snapped out of her daze by Claire, none of which she managed to voice as her dear friend only took her and her sister’s hand before dragging them inside the house.

Little Estella, whose appearance mimicked Victorian-era maids in a cartoonish way, just tilted her cute little head and followed the rest inside the house. With her childlike mindset and somewhat simple mind, Estella completely forgot about the incident, now making her way to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.

Silvia and Samantha followed Claire into the living room, hundreds of questions running through their minds. When Desmond saw the pair of sisters so shocked, his only reaction was one of exasperation.

“Was it really necessary?” Desmond asked Claire a bit wearily; obviously, he wasn’t pleased about the whole deal.


Being the usual free and cheerful spirit, Claire was, her response was as smooth and carefree as the breeze. “Of course, it was. Since they are going to meet our family, it is better to start with the most intense parts so that the rest of the night is calmer.”

Desmond would not be easily fooled as the person who knew Claire best. “Are you sure it wasn’t just so you could amuse yourself seeing their shocked expressions?”

Claire already hoped that Desmond could see through her, so she just stuck her tongue out playfully and refused to answer. Seeing her adorable but mischievous gesture, Desmond just shook his head at her, not like he could be mad at her.

“I’m sorry our welcome was so... abrupt. As you can see, this was Claire’s idea.”

Silvia responded with an intensity only now that her brain had had time to cool down. “I don’t think that’s the important part... Desmond, what is that thing? Is it a mutated beast?”

As intelligent and observant as Silvia was, she could detect a trace of annoyance crossing Claire’s face when she asked that question, a gesture that was followed by an expression of understanding.

As things always used to be around Desmond, Silvia wasn’t expecting an honest answer to her question, so she was pretty surprised when Desmond wasn’t mysterious about it.

“You couldn’t be more wrong. You should know that even now when the mutated beasts are starting to show more and more powerful abilities and more humanoid forms, they are still very different from her. As you can see, its entire body is made of mineral materials, and it is, by far, a life form very different from anything we know, but it is not dangerous in any way. Think of her as the golems of mythology, although given her personality, she is more like the home fairies.”

In an almost perfectly timed fashion, when Desmond finished his explanation, adorable little Estella appeared in the living room, bringing with her a tray of hot drinks.

Upon a closer look, Silvia began to notice some details about Estella, like how she was built for sophisticated hand movements, but her mobility didn’t seem to be a priority. Of course, the clothing that Estella’s body imitated was also noticed by both Silvia and Samantha. After seeing her gracefully and carefully serve the hot drinks, the sisters were forced to believe Desmond’s words.

After Estella’s withdrawal, Silvia seemed to want to open Desmond’s head to discover all his secrets, while Samantha couldn’t take her eyes off the adorable creature in light and black.

Seeing that the pair of sisters seemed to have their own things on their minds, Desmond was preparing to speak when a side door opened. Walking out of the said door, just waking up from her nap after another of her research marathons, Sasha made an appearance.

Seeing Sasha’s current appearance, Desmond wished he could hit his head on a rock. Desmond was never one to invite others to his home, but when he did, he liked to leave a good impression, just as his mother had taught him. In this situation, Claire and Sasha were raising the difficulty of that task to infinity.

Sasha’s long vermilion hair cascaded down to her waist, swaying with every step; that wasn’t out of place in any way. What was out of place was that her hair was utterly disheveled, and her horns were sticking out very visibly.

As if exposing her horns wasn’t enough, Sasha was showing much of herself at the moment. Being a workaholic, Sasha used to lose track of time; sometimes, she would leave her lab in the middle of the night, thinking it was time for breakfast.

This was one of those occasions; the problem was that, unaware of the visits, Sasha walked out of her lab wearing only a very revealing light nightgown.

With each of her curves exposed, exuding an exotic and seductive feeling, Sasha walked into the living room and yawned.

Even someone like Silvia couldn’t help but blush a little shyly at Sasha’s current appearance, although her attention was much more focused on non-human features than curves.

Something that Desmond noticed within his exasperation was that Samantha, Silvia’s sister, was completely blushing, from her neck to her ears. As she averted her face shyly, she still stole occasional glances in Sasha’s direction.

“It seems that the sister also has some strange interests.”

A voice smooth as silk and sweet as honey, full of childish mischief that contrasted sharply with the mature and seductive tone, broke the silence in the room. At that point, Desmond had already given up; once you added the fairy to the mix, all hope was lost.

As Desmond had hoped, Kyuru’s appearance did nothing to calm things down. The fairy quickly attracted the attention of the two sisters, which helped Sasha, who, realizing that she had visitors, wanted to die of shame for having shown off her body that way.

Seeing the look of longing and disappointment on Samantha’s face when Sasha went to change, Kyuru couldn’t help but smile a little teasingly. As perverted as the faerie really was, she loved to make fun of other people’s interests and preferences, not an attractive trait in Desmond’s opinion.

A whole marathon of questions and answers followed, where Desmond tried to be as honest as possible. This, of course, without revealing any of his most vital secrets. After all, Silvia was at most an ally and friend; she was not family.

The conversation lasted almost an hour, where the pair of sisters rained down questions about Desmond while Claire and Kyuru watched from the side, enjoying each other’s suffering.

By the time the hour passed, Estella had reappeared, blowing a clear whistle to announce that the food was served. The task of translating Estella’s intentions fell, of course, to Desmond.

Only now that Estella had given the notice for dinner, Cecilia entered the house from the patio with a book in hand. The appearance of a third upper-class beauty certainly caught Samantha’s attention, while Silvia refused to comment to avoid offending others in their own household.

However, Samantha could not be said to understand the subtleties of social interactions or the rules of etiquette. As soon as Estella made the arrangements at the table, seeing the three beauties sit on either side of the main seat where Desmond was, Samantha asked a very interesting question.

“Are you all Desmond’s wives?”

The comment caused a heavy silence in the dining room, but before anyone could respond, Samantha asked another question even worse than the last. “Do you all sleep together?”

As if she didn’t think that was enough, Samantha, with her childish mind but her adolescent body full of hormones, finished off with one last question. “When you make love, do you all do it together?”

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