
Chapter 341

The military defended fiercely and the powerful esper used their abilities to subdue the beasts before these ran rampant causing more damage to the defensive forces.

Still, the morale of the defending army was not high, too many humans died, many lost their friends and comrades, the attack of the mutated beasts was too well planned, and now fear had taken root in the minds of the soldiers who looked on suspicious all the shadows around them.

The news that came from the north wall was just one more grain of sand in the growing nervousness of the army and as if it had been planned that way from the beginning; the attack of the mutated beasts was greatly strengthened.

Huge, menacing-looking mutated beasts began to mingle amongst the endless stream of cannon fodder, bullets proving almost ineffective against these creatures and only armor-piercing ammunition made any dent in them.

As if that wasn’t enough, some humanoid beasts mixed in with the offensive and as soon as these entered the three hundred meter range of the defensive wall, explosive bolts of fire shot out from these beasts impacting the fortifications on the defensive walls.

Chaos soon reigned on the battlefield with the beasts quickly gaining the upper hand, the massive armored beasts crashing into the walls and bolts of fire destroying much of the fortifications and defensive weaponry.

All this under the signal of a mighty howl that pierced the entire battlefield and reverberated for miles around.

But all was not lost, humanity had not come this far just depending on luck, when things began to turn in favor of the mutated beasts it was the turn of the champions of humanity to step forward and bear the weight of this battle on your shoulders.


With Commander Rundert stepping forward accompanied by his forces, the beasts on the southern wall were dealt a devastating blow when Rundert unleashed a gravity bomb in the middle of the battlefield, turning thousands of mutated beasts into mincemeat.

Powerful, overwhelmingly powerful, Commander Rundert hadn’t gotten his position as commander-in-chief of such a strategically important defensive stronghold as Green Seed Town just because of his military achievements.

But even then, that move alone knocked Rundert out cold, having used up every last ounce of strength within him, Rundert stepped back and continued to coordinate the defense of the city as his men continued to subdue the beasts on the south wall.

Seeing that the forces attacking the southern wall were in danger of being annihilated, a portion of the mutated beasts on the eastern and western walls were diverted to support the offensive in the south, which relieved much of the pressure these two defensive walls that were under attack.

On the north side, on the other hand, it was a completely different sight, instead of having definitive moves thrown left and right or grand maneuvers, the situation on the north wall seemed perfectly stable.

This was because even with their command center destroyed, the forces on the north wall had not suffered heavy casualties so the artillery and defensive weapons soon began to operate back repelling the mutated beasts until the new person in charge arrived at the north wall.

Because of that, the armored beasts fell one by one as the artillery hit them turning them into slag, on the other hand, the firebolt throwing beasts managed to do significant damage to the north wall but this lasted only a few minutes with Desmond using his new barret anti-materiel rifle to take out these beasts one by one with his ridiculous sniper skills.

Unfortunately, it was too early to start singing victory, compared to the rest of the walls, the north wall had so far been better defended than the rest but in return, it was facing the most ruthless offensive.

Desmond simply couldn’t fire fast enough to kill all the fire-breathing beasts before these managed to damage the fortifications and weaponry on the north wall.

His squad on the other hand had been fighting non-stop against a new type of mutated beast with wolf bodies and spidery features whose speed and wall-climbing abilities allowed them to break through the hail of bullets and start climbing the wall.

Desmond was already on his sixth round of ammunition when the huge gravitational bomb exploded on the south wall and to the bewilderment of anyone watching him at the time; Desmond smiled.

“So that old dog finally got out?... Revna, you know what to do.” With a cold-as-antarctic look, Desmond gave an order.

“Yes, Master” As always, Revna’s response was quick and easy.

With everyone too focused on fending off the mutated beasts outside the wall, no one noticed as a tendril of shadow shot across the ground from the north wall toward the center of the city.

That small event went unnoticed and soon the battle moved on with more and more powerful mutant beasts stepping onto the battlefield and then four bestial roars arose drowning out all the noise of the battlefield.

With most of the most destructive weapons destroyed, the most powerful mutated beasts no longer feared to appear on the battlefield and came eager to destroy this human settlement.

On the south wall appears a giant gorilla ten meters high, with muscles that seemed carved in stone and fur on fire, this was a superior version of the small gorillas that threw fire bolts at the defensive walls.

On the eastern wall, a giant scorpion nearly fifty feet long with an obsidian-black shell and two purple tails appeared, shooting bolts of energy from its tails that left severe damage on the eastern wall.

The people on the west wall were waiting for another of the beasts to appear attacking their wall but instead what they received was an earthquake that hit the west wall for a brief moment knocking everyone off balance when a gigantic sand-colored worm with an exoskeleton sinister-looking rose from the ground appearing within the city.

Even Desmond didn’t expect the appearance of a beast like that could just appear inside the city to start a slaughter, it was far close, the worst-case scenario becoming real.

Worst of all, the west wall was one of the most vulnerable walls at the moment, they couldn’t take their attention away from the outside of the wall for even a second or the wall would fall so the giant worm appearing behind them seemed to be the final nail in the coffin of this defensive battle.

Desmond couldn’t even afford to be distracted right now to support the west wall since the fourth beast appeared on the north battlefield.

Two meters tall, a bipedal wolf with dark blue fur patched with snow-white, its paws and claws seemed unnaturally large and even its thick fur could not hide the creature’s explosive muscles.

Somewhat similar to a werewolf, this creature looked significantly less threatening than those attacking the rest of the walls, but Desmond knew better.

The werewolf walked at a leisurely pace across the battlefield as if it were walking through its backyard, bullets seemed to hit it from time to time but these were quickly deflected.

That’s right, not dodged with speed or resisted by a powerful physique, but deflected by an electric field that seemed to cover the werewolf’s fur, the effect didn’t even seem like something that cost the beast effort but rather something that happened naturally; an electromagnetic repulsion field that always covered the werewolf fur.

Desmond tried to shoot it with his Barrett anti-materiel rifle and armor-piercing bullets but the werewolf only slightly adjusted its stance to optimize the angle of magnetic repulsion to more easily deflect the bullets.

This showed that only a weapon with ridiculous piercing power like the Barrett posed a minimal danger to the werewolf...not that it was much useful information without any better weapon to use.

“Damn monster.” Even Desmond couldn’t help but swear when he saw the werewolf’s ridiculous bulletproof ability, one had to know that the Barrett was capable of piercing any defensive ability Desmond had.

Sure, Desmond understood that the werewolf’s ability seemed to be specifically designed to nullify firearms, but that didn’t stop him from feeling a little envious.

Glancing back briefly, Desmond ignored the nervous expression on his squad as his attention focused on the giant vermilion flame spear that had just struck the giant sandworm.

Shrugging as he understood that Sasha seemed to have the situation covered on that side, Desmond looked back at the werewolf who had stopped in a clear area of ??the battlefield in front of the north wall and saw the look of defiance on the werewolf’s face, feeling quite provoke Desmond couldn’t help but comment to himself as he adjusted his military beret with a metallic wolf’s head design: “A duel of wolves it will be”

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