
Chapter 204

In response to Kyuru’s statement, Desmond closed the door behind him with a bitter smile on his lips, it was obvious from the lust still shining deep in his eyes that Desmond expected something different for his night, but Kyuru was one of the few people in the world whom he could not refuse.

Not wanting to dwell on the matter, Desmond spoke first. “It’s about the outbursts right?”

Kyuru was momentarily surprised to learn that Desmond had such an accurate idea of ??what she wanted to talk to him about, but that in no way prevented her from continuing the conversation.

“So you know”

With a helpless and bitter smile, Desmond replied: “I’ve had some recently, although you already know that, it’s hard to hide things from you, it’s just ... it’s just that I’ve never had such serious self-control problems and I don’t know what to do”

A note of pity briefly reflected in Kyuru’s eyes for a moment before she flapped her wings slightly floating until she was close to Desmond’s face, then she placed one of her hands on Desmond’s cheek and said :

“Do you remember when we met?”

Not quite sure what the fairy was looking for, Desmond replied reminiscently: “Yes, at that time I was going through a little crisis and if it weren’t for you, I’m not sure I’d have regained my sanity.”


“You were wounded, you are still wounded, your mind and soul are scarred, the way things affect or provoke you is ... a bit unpredictable, that’s why you have trouble controlling anger, violence ... lust”

Although Kyuru had a strange expression on her face when she mentioned the word lust, it was Desmond who had the most noticeable reaction to it.

In fact, in recent times Claire and Desmond had a fairly active sex life, but as much as they both seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, Desmond had already noticed in the past that Claire was perhaps ... too exhausted the next morning; it’s just that he had never stopped to think too much about it.

Noticing the change in expression on Desmond’s face, Kyuru leaned even closer to him until she was using her small body to hug the side of Desmond’s right face.

“It is not your fault Desmond, you have been through so much... suffered so much and sacrificed so much, you cannot blame yourself for your current state... but don’t get me wrong, in your current state your impulse control is not exactly the most reliable, but those impulses ... those desires are still yours, they are part of who you are, part of your nature and you must start thinking on a way to tame yourself, not to be a slave of your impulses. ”

Desmond knew that Kyuru was right, he was not so naive or blind not to realize who he was, he had always been a person of impulse and the only reason he appeared to be someone with a lot of control was because of the way his father raise him.

And if he were to describe himself in simple terms... he had always been a predator, cruel, domineering, violent, and capricious. The anger, lust, and gluttony had always been a large part of who he was; of course, he was not a demon devoid of virtues, but he would never be a saint.

“What am I supposed to do?” Even being aware of his nature, Desmond didn′t want to be a slave, so he did not feel any rejection of the change.

“I will always be here to help you, but for now you have to find something Desmond, something that gives you not the pleasure of the flesh but of the mind, something that brings you peace, something that helps you untangle what ails your heart”

At this point in the conversation, Kyuru had fully embraced the right side of Desmond’s face, her voice had become as soft as silk and as sweet as honey; somehow Kyuru’s presence had a hypnotic touch at this particular moment.

As sharp as he was, Desmond noticed the anomaly, but decided not to do anything about it, he knew that the fairy would never hurt him, others might consider the manipulation of the fairy as an insult and a usurpation of his free will, but Desmond felt nothing but gratitude for the fairy’s interference.

The reason was quite simple, Desmond trusted Kyuru enough to lower any mental defense that might have mounted against her, and at this moment he could feel like Kyuru was not trying to alter his will, but was helping Desmond regain control of his impulses at least temporarily.

Once again one must marvel at the innate abilities that fairies possess, although not everything can be attributed to their racial characteristics, the truth is that Kyuru can be considered a rarity even among fairies and her spiritual bond with Desmond also has a lot to do with the current situation.

Minutes passed and both Kyuru and Desmond finally separated, Desmond who now seemed much calmer gave Kyuru a little kiss on her cute little head before retiring to sleep; Kyuru on the other hand too lazy to go back to her room just lay back on the bed next to Desmond.

Before they both fell asleep, Kyuru who had long since reverted to her immature and playful demeanor seemed to remember something and spoke to Desmond once more.

“I almost forgot, Desmond you have been very busy with your work lately and you have been training like crazy, maybe you should consider slowing down a bit, stress certainly does not do you good and maybe you should consider starting to delegate housework to the girls ”

Hearing the fairy Desmond nodded to himself attentively, but once Kyuru made the final suggestion Desmond had a noticeable twitch in his expression and responded with almost infinite bitterness.

“Kyuru... believe me when I say I’d like to listen to you on this, really... but it’s in the best interest of everyone involved that I take over the kitchen for now at least... Claire and Sasha, have many talents, but cooking is not one of them; as for other household chores ... I’ll talk to them ”

Desmond’s helpless tone of voice caused Kyuru to giggle and nod in agreement, the truth is that the fairy had already seen the girls try to cook and it had not been pleasant; Thinking about it, Kyuru couldn’t help saying something to Desmond in a playful way:

“Maybe the next time you bring a girl home, choose one who knows how to cook, it will make your life much easier”

Desmond wasn′t amused at all by the fairy joke, despite popular opinion, wanting a harem and having a harem were very different things, at this point, Desmond was already having a difficult time with only two women in his love life and wasn’t eager to add more to the mix.

Noticing Desmond’s lack of response, Kyuru lost interest and prepared to sleep just like Desmond, but remembering a certain young girl whose presence was like ice an expression of mischievous interest appeared on Kyuru’s face before falling asleep.

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