
Chapter 154

′′ How strong am I? I’ve never asked myself, so I really couldn’t tell you. . . Hmm, well I guess the strongest beast I ever fought was similar to the dark-edged creeper tiger or the steel emperor serpent. ′′ In a distracted way Sasha answered Desmond’s question, from her attitude it was obvious that the topic was not of her particular interest, but she still tried to give Desmond a satisfactory answer because he was the one asking.

Having heard Sasha’s response, Desmond was silent as he thought, from his point of view, Sasha is not a specialist in stealth attack or attacking vital areas of a target unlike himself; so to fight beasts like the steel emperor serpent Sasha’s strength should be quite similar to that of the beast.

Having reached that point in his deduction, Desmond couldn’t help but reevaluate his opinion of the girl who had been accompanying him for a while, he had never expected Sasha to be so strong; though on the other hand, he was a good thing to hear given the current circumstances.

After a few minutes, Desmond and Sasha finished their task and were forced to come up with a new plan as the entity in the forest now sent a pack of bloodthirsty corrupted beasts directly to them to end their lives.

As they deliberated, Sasha mentioned something that caught Desmond’s attention: “Corrupt beasts are not only fragile, they also seemed to be very vulnerable to fire; actually I barely had to do anything and they caught fire like refined oil. ′′

Hearing Sasha mention a new weakness of the beasts Desmond also found the reference used by the girl interesting so he decided to ask her about it.

′′ The refined oil? Oh, it is a type of fuel that we alchemists use when we need to distill or refine some compound, it is an incredibly flammable oil that burns and can burn for hours if nothing is done to put it out; It is usually obtained from a mixture of special tree sap and a mixture of herbs. Why the sudden interest? ′′

An extremely dangerous smile crossed Desmond’s lips as he replied to Sasha as he shrugged naturally: “No reason, in particular, I was just thinking that it would be nice to have some on hand; Do not you believe it? ′′


Little did Sasha know that the moment she told Desmond that she had at least three barrels with tens of liters of refined oil Desmond’s smile became even more pronounced giving the impression of a bloodthirsty beast that had finally found new prey.

After Desmond stored the oil barrels in the hunter’s book, they both decided that since things had reached this point they might as well end things once and for all.

As soon as Sasha and Desmond entered the forest, the corrupted beasts ran at them in unbridled abandon; but with the couple as enemies, it was difficult to tell who the monster was.

One after another the arrows continued to leave Desmond’s bow leaving nothing but a high-pitched hiss that was always followed by the sound of flesh and bones tearing apart; It was obvious that Desmond had finally gotten used to his new bow and with the use of Full-Drive Desmond’s rate of fire left nothing to be desired.

Even so, the number of corrupted beasts was far greater than they had expected, it was obvious that the entity in the forest felt threatened by them and decided that no matter the price, he should get rid of them.

But no matter how many corrupt beasts continued to besiege them, they all ended up dead, there was little they could do in the face of the overwhelming force; The few beasts that made it through the killing field that was Desmond’s firing range were completely obliterated and set ablaze by Sasha’s rapid fire bolt shots.

Sasha’s fighting style was quite peculiar on its own, she simply stood still in one place while swinging her wand from side to side, holding the wand like a rapier, and using quick wrist movements while the mana of fire that always oscillated around the wand converged on the tip of the wand and shot out as fiery bolts.

At some point during the fight a corrupt beast managed to sneak through the treetops unnoticed and pounced on Sasha, her figure looking extremely fragile compared to the beast trying to devour her; but her expression remained calm as a small burst of fire erupted from her delicate feet allowing her to easily escape the ambush.

As soon as Sasha regained her posture, she raised her wand aimed at the beast less than two meters from her, with wide twists of the wrist she retracted her hand until it was in front of her large breasts and suddenly lunged forward with her Wand.

Desmond only saw how a fiery flame pierced the beast almost splitting it in half, Desmond was completely stunned to see Sasha condense the fire so much that it almost seemed a solid entity like the tip of a gigantic sword.

As if that wasn’t enough, he then watched as Sasha retracts the gigantic fire sword as she waved her wand above her and soon a huge fire whip could be seen emerging from the tip of Sasha’s wand.

It was completely ridiculous the level of mastery Sasha had over the fire element, any beasts that tried to approach her after that were directly torn to pieces and largely incinerated.

Seeing that he didn’t really need to protect the girl, Desmond was actually quite happy, as a man it was a matter of pride to be able to protect the woman he loves, but for Desmond a man who didn’t care about stupid things like pride; as long as Sasha was safe, anything else was irrelevant.

In addition, Desmond had more than one reason to be happy, the fact that Sasha was so strong meant that she would be safe in his world and could even accompany him in the future on his travels around the different multi-verse.

Of course, those were concerns for the distant future, and right now the real reason for Desmond’s smile was much simpler; it meant that he could let go without fear of her getting hurt.

And so Desmond kept his bow while his hands began to emit an incredibly intense and sharp metallic glow giving the impression that it was not a pair of hands but a pair of claws; It was obvious that Desmond’s mastery over the Steel Claw skill had been improving after Desmond used it so much in combat and now it could even be observed that the metallic mana no longer only lightly coated his hand but seemed to slowly melt away as he was creating a condensed metallic mana gauntlet on his hands.

Seeing his own hands for an instant, Desmond’s smile immediately became more dangerous as he pounced on his prey to tear them apart with cruel and unbridled abandon.

′′ Let’s see if I can get another spark of inspiration. ′′

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