
Chapter 141

In this one-star-class world commonly known as Erack, there were three great continents, dominated by three different races, of which a narrator would bother to speak if they were relevant in any way, but they weren’t; not when an ancient threat was reborn within the human continent.

There in the middle of the human continent existed a kingdom with an irrelevant name, in fact, only two names mattered at this time: the witch’s forest and the Kalmerá city. The first was the nickname of the forest where a great evil was being spawned and the second was the city to which two people were willing to fight against whatever the source of the corruption that affected the forest was heading.

There was great irony in the fact that the forest was called the witch’s forest because of the vermilion-haired girl who accompanied a certain blue-eyed hunter, it could even be said that it was rare to find someone who still remembered the ancient name of the said forest.

But these were all minor issues compared to the issue that plagued the young hunter named Desmond Astryd, for at this moment he was trying to solve a problem of great importance. . . how he would convince the vermilion-haired girl named Sasha to go on a date with him while they gathered information in town.

That’s right, while an entity of limitless malevolence (presumably) and unmatched power (presumably) grew stronger every day in the depths of the witch’s forest, Desmond one of the only people determined to fight it was trying to find a way to invite the only other person who had the problem in mind on a date.

It must be said that the young hunter had his well-defined priorities, first Claire went, then her life, then Sasha, and then any other stupidity that the world threw in his way; the universe can only marvel at Desmond’s attitude where the world he’s currently in doesn’t give a damn.

′′ Not true, we can also complain to the damn womanizer. ′′

′′ Did you hear anything Sasha? ′′ Asked the hunter in a distracting way.


At this time the couple formed by Desmond and Sasha were on the outskirts of the city of Kalmerá lining up to enter, from outside you could see the imposing city walls made of well-polished solid rock with ten meters high and completely soldiers armed stationed at the top; the city seemed safe, at least from Desmond’s point of view.

′′ No, I don’t listen to anything; Did you hear something? ′′ Sasha responded confused at Desmond’s sudden question.

′′ Hmm, I thought I heard the voice of the universe or whatever it’s called a few moments ago. . . Nah it must be my imagination. ′′ Desmond clearly convinced that what you do not listen to cannot harm you and if you listen just pretends it didn′t happen, he decided to ignore whatever that strange claim that came from all the ends of the cosmos.

′′ Sasha, do you have any idea where we can get some information from? ′′ Desmond asked, leaving the previous topic quickly and returning to what was important at the moment.

′′ Probably the most informed people would be the knights of the city and the governor of the city, but it will be difficult to ask them questions without raising suspicions, security is quite high in this city because it not only functions as a border city against the neighboring country but bordering the forest that is extremely rich in magical resources. ′′ Hearing Desmond’s question, Sasha explained a little about the city while she answered the question.

Desmond pondered Sasha’s words for a few moments as a plan began to formulate in his mind, but to carry out that plan he would need to check something and make a couple of purchases; although if they went with this particular plan Desmond could kill two birds with one stone.

′′ Did you bring the money I mentioned earlier? ′′ Having come up with a plan Desmond proceeded to corroborate with Sasha a fundamental requirement of it.

′′ Normally I don’t have much use for the money so it was not a problem to get the amount you asked for, but why do you need 300 mithril coins? That’s enough to buy at least a couple of the largest mansions in this city and pay a cleaning and security staff salary for a year. ′′

Indeed Desmond had asked Sasha to bring an absurd amount of money just in case they needed it, actually this morning while Desmond was helping Sasha paint her hair, he had taken the opportunity to ask about some general knowledge he would need for his visit to the city and among them came the issue of money.

Originally Desmond had asked Sasha to bring an exorbitant amount of money just because of his somewhat paranoid mentality, but it turned out that the plan he had devised that would best lead them to achieve their goals would require just one thing: a ridiculous amount of money.

In a sense, Desmond’s plan was as simple and ridiculous as bribing all the way to his goal, it must be said that Desmond was not a strategist or spymaster so asking him to come up with a CIA operation level plan was so ridiculous, But neither could you despise the plan he had come up with because you had to take into account how far Desmond had come in life with just his social skills. . . if we add enough money to those social skills to buy an entire district of the city. . . well, I think you get the idea.

Of course, the actual execution of the said plan was far from being so crude and would require some subtlety, Desmond also planned to take the opportunity to have a date with Sasha to lift the girl’s mood and distract her from her problems with the city.

Having explained his plan to Sasha, they both arrived at the entrance to the city where the guard requested a toll and asked for their identities; Sasha was about to reply when she was interrupted by the somewhat exaggerated voice of the hunter accompanying her.

′′ Don’t you know who her excellence is? Ignorant peasant, you are before the Duchess of Lemere, of the kingdom of Penteros; the great Sasha Kor Ignis. ′′ In the most arrogant, ridiculous, and bizarre way possible, Desmond threw away any sigil or previous pretense when he speaks; he wore a smile full of pride and inordinate arrogance as he looked around him.

Sasha, the guard, and everyone else in line just stared at the hunter as if they were staring at an absolute idiot while Desmond thought inwardly “first step completed”.

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