
Chapter 120

′′ Come on tell me about your day′′

′′ Araszh enick orizae. ′′

′′ Oh boy, it must suck to be a zombie, have a storm palm to make you feel better. ′′


Hell, I had forgotten how bloody it is to kill these poor bastards and if my memory serves me dealing with them depending on arrows it didn’t turn out well either. . . Mmm well, that’s basically my entire repertoire.

Having traversed a considerable part of the corrupted forest, we had so far come across a significant number of zombies to deal with, unfortunately as weak as they were it was still problematic to deal with, albeit for reasons other than the usual ones. What is the reason? might someone ask? Well, the fact is that they are unnecessarily fragile, to the degree that almost any of my attacks rips them to pieces causing bloody pieces to rain down on them.

Of course, taking into account my current strength that surpasses that of a normal human by several folds, it was not so strange that it was not difficult for me to defeat creatures of such low level; after all, they are weaker than the aqua rabbit.

I just didn’t feel like ending up covered in zombie debris. . . what the hell am I going to throw at these idiots. . . my attention soon shifted to my right hand where it still retained a considerable amount of condensed water mana and without much thought, I simply directed my focus on increasing the degree of condensation and launching it towards the last living zombie.


The aquatic projectile did not take long to hit its target and show promising results, don’t get me wrong I had not created a godly ability not even close, in fact, it could be said that the projectile that resulted from my improvised act would barely seriously injure a zero star class being.

You could even say it wasn’t worth calling a skill and I’d agree, but looking at the now inert zombie’s broken neck you could also say that this pathetic improvisation of mine served its purpose.

Having removed the last of the obstacles I turned around and went back to the place where I had told Sasha to wait, just to clarify it was not that she was a defenseless lady who had to be protected at all costs; it was actually quite the opposite. . . she was strong, very strong.

But her abilities were almost entirely limited to the use of fire magic and it was too destructive, especially in an environment like the forest; so normally, unless necessary, she avoided fighting the beasts that inhabited this place. And who can blame her, no one would want to end up burning the forest she calls home just because an aqua rabbit or something similar wanted to play brave.

Upon reaching where she was, a small question came to mind that I probably should have asked a long time ago considering the current circumstances.

′′ Sasha I understand that it was whatever it was infecting the forest and that it is still trying to infect us which turned people into zombies. . . But where do people come from? ′′

After meditating a bit about it, Sasha replied:

′′ Oh, I suppose I forgot to mention it, this forest ends on its east side near a city, many people obtain their livelihood from the surroundings of the forest while there are many hunters who are dedicated to collecting resources from the deepest parts of it; I guess that’s where people come from.

Now that you mention it, I think the corrupted area started quite close to the eastern edge of the forest so the area near the city must have been one of the first places where corruption was seen. ′′

′′ In that case, you do not think it would be better to try to obtain information in that place than to wander in the forest, from what I see the infected area is quite wide and it could take days if not weeks to search the entire area. ′′ After some thought, I couldn’t help but question the point of having to search the entire infected area instead of collecting information.

But Sasha didn’t answer and just stared at me. . . heck, I can be an idiot sometimes, of course, she didn’t suggest going into town to get information. . . I bet she hasn’t been to town in a long time or at least she prefers to go as little as possible.

′′ sorry. ′′ Was all I could say.

Perhaps feeling that the situation was getting a bit uncomfortable, Sasha sways her head a little and approached me, after a little hesitation she proceeded to lightly hug my side while she responded to my apology.

′′ I prefer not to go there, they never stopped looking for me and I have gotten into trouble on several occasions, it is also annoying to have to dress up. . . but you are right, the forest is too wide for us to try to explore it alone, now let’s see if we find any clues and if things don’t look good. . . We will go to the city to investigate. ′′

Seeing once again this vulnerable side of Sasha, I couldn’t help but gently wrap my arm around her shoulder as I listened to her response; When she finished I just tenderly kissed her hair while I keep caressed her back.

′′ Let’s go a little further, not that we have anything else to do today. ′′

Although I tried to sound as if I didn′t care, the reality is that it was not entirely true, tomorrow would be the sixth day since I arrived in Erack’s world, which made it the third day that I spent in my world so that would be the day when Claire would go through her awakening ceremony and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about her; Even if it was a bit of an exaggeration to think that something could go catastrophically wrong, I still couldn’t stop that overprotective side of me from making me anxious.

But at this moment I had other problems to worry about and as if fate wanted to highlight that fact, my line of thought was interrupted by an angry roar that came from somewhere nearby.


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