
Chapter 114

Two years have passed since my teacher decided to teach me alchemy, I still remember the first day I was allowed to enter the laboratory at home, everything was so interesting, there were so many things and so many questions; At the end of the day, Mom spent the entire class answering my incessant questions instead of beginning to teach me the basics of alchemy.

At first, it was difficult to get used to so many new terms and knowledge, to the point where I would rather go out and play than have alchemy classes again; but my mom. . . I mean my teacher was very strict about it and forced me to study a lot.

Books and books on all kinds of flowers, plants, animals, insects, antidotes, and poisons; Those were just some of the basic knowledge that an alchemist had to master according to my teacher, she said that the job of an alchemist was not to memorize things that had already been invented but to find ways to create new things.

Time passed and little by little I mastered the most basic knowledge that I would need to be a true apprentice alchemist, as my studies progressed I continued to grow and develop those traits that differentiated me so much from others.

At first, I thought that these changes were only physical, but the day my teacher let me make my first healing balm, I realized how wrong I was. The production process is quite simple and it is enough to mix the correct amount of the correct ingredients, the only delicate part of the process was the cooking; very precise temperature control was needed so as not to ruin the balm.

Everything went perfectly from start to finish and that should have made me very happy, but it didn’t; the reason was the fire.

When I was in the middle of the cooking process I began to feel that little horns were slightly heated and from one moment to another I felt connected with the fire in front of me, I could feel the energy that fed it, I could feel that if I wanted to, I could change the size or intensity of the flame without even relying on laboratory instruments and that scared me.

I knew that my teacher was capable of such a feat, but that was because she was a magician, controlling certain types of energies in nature was what she did best, but that was not my case; mine was different and I could feel it.


I tried to tell my mom my worries, but she just gave me a warm smile and a gentle hug, while her tender voice reached my ear like a lullaby.

′′ You are different Sasha, you really are, you are special and you will be the greatest alchemist this world has ever seen; do not worry. ′′

′′seriously? ′′ I asked with uncertainty.

′′ Of course my little fiery rose, you should have seen it, when you were working on your balm your eyes shone like precious gems Sasha; something so beautiful of course it must be special. ′′

That became one of my fondest memories and made my mother the only person who ever said something nice about my non-human appearance; a fact of which I do not take long to be aware.

Mama and I would go to visit the nearby town a couple of times a year, usually, we could get almost everything we needed from the forest, but some things were best obtained through trade with others; that was especially the case when my teacher was looking for common materials in other regions.

Although it was something that only happened once every few months, I was always excited to go to town, a part of it was because Mom always bought me some toys and nice clothes every time we went, but it was also an opportunity to playing with other kids my age while mom was busy running errands.

Some time ago, when my ears began to grow pointed, the children of the village began to make fun of me, calling me names and saying things to me; but they still played with me.

It was the last time just before we left town that some of the children I got along with the best came out to say goodbye that a small incident occurred when I turned around after saying goodbye I tripped on a small pebble on the ground and fell hitting my front face, when one of the children approached to help me, he could see my horns that were exposed when my hairstyle was ruined by the fall.

I still remember the face the boy made while he was leaving me and how he ran straight to the other children after that, I hoped he wouldn’t tell them and if he did tell them they wouldn’t think badly of me. . . but it was too naive, it was normal; I was just a little girl back then, and only now do I understand how sensitive humans are to those who are not like them.

This time I was a little excited and a little worried about going to town again, especially because I didn’t tell Mom what happened the last time; it’s just that I didn’t want her to worry.

Soon we met in town and I said goodbye to my mother who went shopping, as soon as I separated from her I started looking for the children I used to play with, it took a little time, but I found them when I got closer I could see from them that there was something strange about the way they saw me, but I was too young to know that that was fear and revulsion.

They told me to follow them to a special place to play, which I didn’t find strange as I was too excited at the prospect of being able to play with them without being rejected for being different, how could I know?

When I arrived at the place it turned out to be just a dark alley, I tried to ask Prio one of the children I played with the most in the past, but all I got as an answer was the following.

′′ Shut up monster, we don’t come here to play games, we come to teach you a lesson for pretending to be human. ′′

′′ Prio, what are you talking about? I am human. ′′ I tried not to let my pain and despair make my voice tremble too much when I answered, but it mattered little when the answer I got was a rock hitting my chest.

And it was only the first, little by little the children with whom I had played all these years began to throw rocks at me along with some children that they brought along the way, at first they did not hit me many, but as they continued more and more rocks began to hit me.

It hurt, it hurt so much, I felt so much pain with each blow I received, I tried to beg over and over again, but they wouldn’t stop. . . Why didn’t they stop? Why did they have to hit me? What did I do wrong?

′′ Monster dies ′′

When he finished those words I felt a strong blow on my face and then there was something hot and wet sliding down my cheek, I used my little hands full of scratches to try to cover myself from the stones and when I ran my fingers over my face, all I saw was red.

And then I felt it, inside of me, fueled by every beat my chest gave, fed by every hit it received, I knew exactly what it was because it was something I felt connected to every time I did alchemy, something that exploded from the deepest part of my being every time I was hurt; it was there. . . threatening to explode and consume everything that hurts me.

′′ Please stop. . . please. ′′ I tried to beg again, stronger than I was ever capable of when I was just trying to protect myself.

But they did not stop, it was one of them who took a rock that barely fit in their childish hands and threw it hitting me in the face again who sealed our destiny, after feeling a stronger blow than I had ever felt, I remember my left eye covered in red completely and as I lost consciousness I remember seeing it again. . . the fire. . . Raging were the flames around me, consuming everything, consuming my pain, my conscience, consuming my enemies, and consuming my innocence.

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