
Chapter 89

After walking for a few minutes without incident, a sudden feeling of relief filled my being unexpected, I tried to determine where this strange feeling was coming from but I found Sasha having an expression that showed the same kind of feeling that I am having right now, It took me a few moments to realize that this sensation came from a sense that I was not used to depending on; Emptying my mind I focused on the mana around me and soon realized that the mana here was pure without any trace of that sickly presence that I had noticed earlier.

It was only then that I realized that while at first, I had to rely on an ability like rising mana whirlwind or Kyuru’s help to feel the mana around me, since I had made a breakthrough to class one star; He had acquired an innate sensitivity to mana, it was like a whole new sense, and because of how busy he had been, he hadn’t had a chance to explore it. But unfortunately, I wasn’t in a position to allow myself the luxury of exploring the vast mysteries of mana when I still couldn’t solve the mystery of how to complete my current mission or why the heck the place I was sent to was full of zombies.

But in a short time, it became evident that the influence of this dark presence that abounds in the region from which we have just left was not small because just that feeling of relief finished being processed by my mind when the greenery-filled my mind. Field of view, the grass once a strange bluish hue, was now a healthy, pristine green, while the trees were abundant in various fruits and covered in lush leaves from start to finish.

Enjoying the change to a more picturesque landscape, Desmond could not help but notice that even so far he had not found any kind of animal or beast, but when he intended to ask Sasha about it, he ended up changing his mind, after all, he hardly knew the girl and although he found her cute, Desmond was not so naive as to let his guard down completely just based on the other party’s appearance.

Also, all of the above aside, Desmond already had his assumptions on the subject, at the end of the day even if he was a novice hunter, skills like the observation that need years of experience, turn out to be skills that Desmond had been forced into. develop from a young age for their own reasons.

This being the case, Desmond had noticed some small jars hanging in the treetops, these were placed at constant distances, they were all the same wood color and they all had some kind of rune carved in the visible part of them; Using the shape of these flasks that mimicked the shape of a flask used in chemistry as a reference and his guide’s profession as a point of comparison, Desmond guessed that these flasks had a similar function to his beast repellent that he used during your mission in serefia.

Desmond guessed that since the alchemist most likely would not go out at night and that these flasks seemed to emit a very faint vapor, they most likely worked in such a way that the liquid solution within them evaporated little by little with the heat of the light. solar and keep beasts away during the day.

He also concluded that the girl had lied to him in the past when she said that she did not usually visit the part of the forest where they met, as it is unlikely but impossible that the alchemist was given the task of tracing safe routes with the repellent bottles that she wasn’t going to use.


For it was obvious that the task of laying out a safe route in that way was very laborious and required a certain degree of resources to keep said jars full of the repellent solution.

But thinking about how he had never trusted the alchemist from the moment they met, it was obvious that she had never trusted him in the same way that he had not trusted her; and to her regret, he actually found the attitude quite reasonable.

In the course of considering what attitude to take with the girl named Sasha, he was forced to leave his mental world when he felt that he collided with something, when he focused his gaze he realized that he had run into Sasha who had stopped his step without prior notice.

′′ Sorry, I was a bit distracted. ′′ Desmond said something embarrassed.

′′ Don’t worry, it was also my fault for stopping without saying anything. . . ah, of course, we are here so I stopped. . . that’s my home. . . It is not much but I hope you feel comfortable. . . it’s not that you’re going to live in it. . . although you could if you wanted. . . but it is not what I say. . . So I mean I said what was that then. . . we already arrived. ′′ Express Sasha, she started quite normal before proceeding to point out her house which turned out to be a beautiful two-story cabin of beautiful design in the middle of a big clearing, but for some reason when she tries to talk about her house she started to get incredibly nervous and then blushing furiously at what was soon saying some weird things before babbling a bit and finally pointing out an obvious fact: that we have indeed arrived.

Although there was a lot to point out in Sasha’s strange behavior, Desmond decided that he would ignore it for now, if anything it was part of the side effects of living alone in the forest for many years; It is already a miracle that she has not become an old, ugly and crazy old woman.

′′ It is a very nice cabin, if I have to be honest I could probably live in it without any problem, I like the homey style it has; I’m sure whoever built it did so with the word home in mind. ′′ Desmond sincerely said a compliment to the beautiful and warm cabin.

But that seemed to trigger something inside Sasha’s mind as an expression of sadness filled her being and only a small, almost inaudible “thank you” left her lips in response.

Finding this quite strange, he even accompanied her in the direction of her home, the truth is that he had been very honest in my praise for this cabin, he had always been attracted to this type of house where you can stay in connection with nature and that is why that he came to like so much the house that he now shares with Claire, But those positive thoughts were short-lived when the cabin door swung open to reveal the inside of her.

′′ You have to be kidding me, how the hell can you live like this? ′′ Desmond said incredulously.

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