
Chapter 81

“Wow, what did you say its name was? “I interrupted the introduction about the mission as soon as it began when I heard the place’s name.

“Hahaha, I know, the names of many worlds and places are as complicated as they can get. For now, let’s call this world Erack. “Elaisa clarified with a laugh.

“That sounds much better,” I said, releasing a well-deserved sigh of relief.

“As I said, the mission is to go to Erack’s world to a specific mountainous area to collect minerals of various types. “Elaisa expressed, but there was something strange in her whole attitude.

“I thought it would be more complicated than that,” I said, somewhat puzzled.

“Well, the mission itself is quite simple. The complicated part comes with the client’s details. “Express Elaisa somewhat impotent.

“What are you talking about? “I spoke with confusion written all over my beautiful face.

“Well, our client seems to be an expert blacksmith in magic and runic artifacts. According to the details he gave to the association, he is originally from the world of Erack. But he has not seen the place in centuries; It seems that he now wishes his offspring to practice the ancient art of forging. But he wants them to learn the same way he did, with the materials from his homeworld, and that’s where we come in.”


“Ok, I see why you say that the background of the mission is somewhat complicated, but I don’t see why that makes the mission difficult. “Express my doubt to Elaisa.

“Well, the problem is that it requests many materials. Given your current capabilities and equipment, even if you put in the effort, It will take days to collect the number of materials.”

“Is it so bad that the mission lasts a couple of days? “I honestly did not understand Elaisa’s attitude towards the mission, but I still doubted it.

“Desmond, I am talking about at least a week of working as a miner with practically no rest. “Elaisa said with the seriousness that it would have a father when explaining to its children where babies come from. . . Thank God Claire’s parents, rest in peace, had already given her that talk.

“Are you worried I will die of boredom?” I said with a somewhat strange face.

” Something like that, ” Elaisa replied.

“Cutie, I understand that your job is to seek my well-being and serve as my strategic support, but you are not my babysitter. I am a grown man who can go to a boring job for a full week like any other functional adult man. “I exclaimed, somewhat exasperated by the whole thing.

“Sorry, hunters tend to hate this kind of job. It is one of the main problems between hunters; they tend to have very dominant and demanding personalities. So when an agent comes to them with this type of mission, they usually run into a great negative from the hunters” Elaisa mentioned with a face a little low.

“Well, I don’t like it, but it must be done. It also sounds like some hunters have serious ego problems. . . and for someone like me to say it, then it’s serious. In any case, let’s talk about the important part; What is the reward? “Try to lighten the mood with a little joke before continuing the conversation.

“Oh right, I almost forgot, the basic reward is 500 credits depending on the materials’ quality. Depending of the final quantity of them that you deliver, the blacksmith is willing to make some basic equipment for you with the minerals. At the very least, we’re talking about the agreed to reward you with enough armor pieces to put together a full set and at least one weapon or artifact. “When talking about the reward, Elaisa seemed much more excited.

“I’m not sure since you handled the whole thing about my acquisitions, so I don’t know much about the real value of the credits, but isn’t the reward a bit exaggerated?”

“In fact, it is mainly because the request comes from someone more interested in the sentimental value of the mission than the real economic value of the materials you obtain. There is also the fact that the place where you must collect the materials is slightly dangerous and last, but not least, is the applicant’s job. Artisans generally reward with their own works because they prefer to empty their inventory a bit rather than spend money.”

“That is capitalism for you. In any case, you mentioned something about the danger in the area. What kind of danger? And what kind of information can you give me about the place? “I asked with curiosity.

“According to the association’s records, the area designated for the mission is quite large in extension, and the actual concentration of minerals is currently unknown. So there is a certain uncertainty in whether you will be able to complete the mission at that place or you will have to go beyond the considered area. In terms of danger, you are expected to encounter mainly creatures below the average level of the one-star class. The concentration of creatures should not be too high. Still, you are expected to encounter difficulty facing them due to their particular characteristics.”

“What kind of characteristics? ”

“Most registered creatures inhabit the area have some metallic characteristics. So you can expect creatures with a defensive power that is quite difficult to overcome. They do not have great offensive power or speed, but they make up for it with somewhat enormous size. The advantage is that their bodies are full of valuable mineral resources, so hunting some of them will greatly benefit you. In short, you better have trained your concentrated fire-type mana shots. Because you will need that explosive effect they have in combination with your bow.”

An ironic smile arose from the depths of me; before this mission, that had the word “Tedious” written all over it. From the objective itself, duration, parameters, and the beasts of the area, it sounds like a pain in the butt. Remembering that the concentrated shot of mana is the skill I have practiced the least in these last weeks, I could only cry without tears while accepting the mission.

I can only hope it’s not as boring as it sounds or that I am struck by lightning. I really could end up stealing the first princess I found just to kill the boredom. At least Claire said I could bring girls home. . . Yes, of course, as if that was going to happen.

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