
Chapter 64

′′ Thank you for your contribution both in the defense of the north wall avoiding the collapse of our defense lines, as in the delivery of this valuable information, I can assume that you are not someone affiliated or very familiar with our military system, for people both within From both the military and non-military systems who contribute greatly to military endeavors, corresponding compensation is awarded for their service. ′′

I take a bit off guard the sudden talk from the commander-in-chief of this place about rewards and compensation, it’s not that I’ve never heard of it, it’s just usually a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy between the military feat performed by someone and the reward that he receives.

′′ I have heard something, but I understand that there are many official procedures involved and these rewards are usually awarded some time after the event. ′′ I expressed my doubts because there was not much merit in thinking about the matter.

′′ That is true in normal circumstances, but you must agree with me that nothing tonight falls within the category of normal. Have your reward prepared some time before the meeting started, taking into account your contribution both in defense and intelligence gathering, I think you will find the reward quite generous. ′′

The commander smiled like a cunning fox as he gestured for one of the soldiers standing guard in the room to come out and bring the reward, I didn’t have to wait long for the soldier to return with a briefcase in hand. He positioned himself at a desk just three feet from me and opened the briefcase revealing a reward so juicy that even a non-greedy person like me made his mouth water.

Inside the briefcase there were only three sets of objects, the first was a set of three flasks filled with a light green liquid, Desmond had seen them before in the military recruitment advertisements, if his memory was correct they were enhancement potions Esper, his function was to increase the affinity of a human being with the energy that drives his abilities Esper, used in unawakened people would increase his talent and the possibility of awakening a powerful ability.

The second object was a cylindrical container filled with blue rhomboidal crystals, they were something that Desmond had never seen but from what he had heard before, Esper crystals, are supposed to be a condensed form of energy that allows the Espers to increase the strength of their ability or replenish its energy in combat, the stronger an Esper becomes, the more crystals it needs to increase its strength, even a little.

The third object was a crystal chip, they were a type of high-level currency used in certain transactions, they were the equivalent of old-world checks, only these had fixed values ??according to the color of the crystal and they were not traceable, they only needed to be redeemed at a bank branch in any human population, this particular chip was worth at least 100,000 credits.


A normal person seeing such a juicy reward in front of her, could not stop and would simply take the briefcase in her arms as if it were her own baby. But I was more aware of a simple fact, the reward seemed too valuable, even with all my contributions in the defense of this town and my contributions in intelligence, the reward seemed exaggerated, after all this is only a low-level human town, maybe if he had helped save a small town instead of a god-forgotten town, maybe then this reward would seem less suspicious.

′′ You have to take me for a fool if you think I don’t find this reward a little too generous. ′′ I expressed my doubt trying to prove the intentions of the other party.

′′ Hahahaha, smart I like that, you will see this is the reward for your services and also something like an advance payment from the military, we would like you to join our ranks, we can use a valuable asset like you, of course, all this of the secret identity cannot continue. What do you think? ′′

Although he seemed to ask me for my opinion on his proposal, the fact that the guards in the room took combat stance and the officers reached for weapons at their waists made it very clear that this was not a request, but an order.

′′ As predictable as ever, at least they had the decency to offer me a payment. ′′

The commander, taken aback by my answer, stopped his men momentarily and replied.

′′ So you already expected a result like this? ′′

′′ Sure, but why else would I have one of these? ′′

Using mana burst in my right hand, I quickly took an object in the bottom of my quiver, earlier when I was guided here by that Esper squad, their leader noticed that something was missing from my quiver, but he didn’t realize that something was also leftover in him, I can’t blame him, at that time he also used mana burst to take this item from the tactical belt of one of his men. Taking the safety ring I threw the object to the center of the room revealing its appearance, by the time everyone in the room clearly saw what it was it was too late to take action.


With an intense burst of light and a high-pitched paralyzing sound, the stun grenade incapacitated everyone in the room except the subject who had time to prepare for the grenade he launched. Taking the briefcase full of “gifts” that the military gave me, I turned around and walked calmly out of the conference room, of course by calmly I mean running like hell was burning behind me, only after knocking out the two unfortunate guards just outside the doors.

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