
Chapter 49

′′ Ok, it seems perfect to me; Regarding purchases of equipment and skills, I would like advance notification to share opinions. It’s not that I didn’t trust your judgment, it’s more a matter of personal preference. ′′

′′ Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do it any other way. ′′

′′ perfect. . . if that’s all I would like to go home; I still have a business to resolve there. ′′

′′ Sure, you can go to reception and use the notebook to go home. ′′

′′ Thank you, I guess we’ll see you later; But before I go there something I would like you to add to the list of things to buy. ′′

′′ Sure, is it something important? ′′


′′ No, not really; but I have a strange feeling that I will inevitably need it when I least expect it. ′′

′′ That is a very strange description you have there. ′′

′′ If you knew the kind of days I’ve had recently, you wouldn’t be surprised. ′′

′′ Then Mr. Mysterious, what do you need? ′′

(Back at Desmond’s, Third Person POV)

After a light show that looked like something out of a movie about the machine apocalypse of the nineties, an attractive young man with black hair and sapphire eyes appeared once more in the basement of a certain house. His inherent and unfair beauty was overshadowed by the worried expression on his face, this young face and this basement belonged to the recently registered hunter Desmond Astryd.

′′ Were you in the basement all this time? ′′

The delicate, sweet voice that seemed to answer something Desmond said earlier belonged to Desmond’s current greatest fear; Claire Lynwood. As for why this young beauty was a source of fear for the young hunter who just spent a whole week in a primeval forest full of ferocious beasts; it is because Desmond decided it was time to uncover the secrets of the past.

Footsteps of someone coming down the stairs to the basement sounded, as Desmond mustered up the courage for the long-awaited conversation he would have next; when he saw Claire standing in the basement entrance he hesitated. There she was, looking at him with her emerald eyes and a smile warm as spring; Desmond was afraid for the first time in a long time. . . real fear. Just when he was about to cower, he felt a little tug on his waist, it was little Kyuru pulling the strap of the backpack he was in; Kyuru didn’t say a single word and just looked Desmond in the eye. “Everything will be fine” those purple eyes seemed to say. Taking a deep breath, Desmond prepared to speak.

′′ Desmond here you were, I was looking for you, what are you wearing? You look like an ancient hunter or something like that; look until you bring a bow and everything. Did you find everything here? Do you think there is a suit for me? ′′ The ever-energetic Claire exclaimed as her curious eyes swept over Desmond’s current appearance and everything else around her.

Seeing the girl I swear to protect, the one he had grown up with since he was little; whose parents died along with their own. Desmond put aside all his doubts and faced his fears for the first time in 5 years.

′′ Claire will explain about my clothes later, for now, we have to talk. ′′

about what? Claire exclaimed a little more serious, but she could do little to hide the light of curiosity that was hidden in her eyes.

′′ About me, about what I did, about what I have been hiding from you. . . and about us. ′′

Centuries later when the famous star hunter Desmond Astryd was asked what was the most difficult moment of his life, he would mention the time he faced an army alone or you see him steal the crown of an empire or the time he participated in an eccentric butler contest; but what came to mind when he was asked this question was this moment. Having to tell his sister, the woman who had loved him and admired him all his life, that the man he thought he was did not exist, that he had given up his pride and dignity to survive, that he had committed more than one atrocity for nothing more than a loaf of bread; that he was not the hero she always believed him to be. . . He was just a helpless and desperate boy who did what he could to survive.

When he finished telling Claire about his dishonorable past, silence reigned in the room, fear began to devour Desmond’s heart little by little, he didn’t know what to expect from the woman he had disappointed; he was just afraid the worst was going to happen. Until he heard her voice, breaking the silence with that soft and energetic voice, without any change to be noticed in her; saying the one thing Desmond didn’t expect to hear.

′′Thanks. ′′

′′ Eh?′′ Confusion was written all over Desmond’s expression.

′′ Thank you, Desmond, thank you for everything you did for me, for everything you sacrificed for me; I thank you from the bottom of my heart. ′′ This time Claire’s voice was louder, clearer, and firmer.

′′ What are you talking about, Claire? Didn’t you hear me? I’m a thief, a murderer, a liar, I sold my body and my dignity for simple food, and as if that weren’t enough I enjoyed it; I AM PIECE OF CRAP. ′′

By the end of his speech Desmond was already screaming in a hoarse voice as tears slid silently down his cheeks.

′′ I always knew Desmond, I always knew. ′′

′′what? ′′

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