
Chapter 34

High in the sky above the forest of Serefia, a gigantic four-winged serpent soared in the wind, a crown of feathers blazing with lightning adorning its head; the majestic creature covered in emerald green scales headed south as its anger altered the mana in the atmosphere around it.

A trail of stormy clouds lay behind the serpent in the sky, hurricane-force winds ran rampant and thunder roared furiously somehow expressing the anger of the majestic creature in front of them.

A second figure could be observed at a great distance coming from the opposite direction to the snake, it was hundreds of times smaller than the snake, but somehow her presence was even more majestic than that of the huge creature that soared through the clouds to meet her. If anyone could see this being up close, they would be extremely surprised that this being of immense power seemed primarily human.

At the top of the clouds, a woman covered in an elegant white armor with details and edges in gold, with beautiful hair of an almost magical resplendent white, her eyes seemed to harbor the power and brilliance of hundreds of suns within them; her ethereal beauty was only amplified by the three pairs of wings on her back.

The woman of celestial beauty strangely did not use her wings to move in the air, but small waves of golden energy formed under her feet as she walked calmly across the sky; Tranquility and temperance were the only emotions present in this woman who seemed like the female embodiment of light itself.

None of these beings of immeasurable power paid attention to the beings and creatures that inhabited the forest as they moved to meet each other in the sky; most likely, in their eyes, all the beings in the forest were nothing more than ants whose presence was simply irrelevant.


When the woman and the serpent met face to face, the latter hissed fervently as the storm after it grew in size and power; The woman indifferent to provocations exclaimed with great calm:

′′ Save your threats for another day Eskaylos, I am not coming to bathe my sword with blood; so you can calm down, that way we can talk.′′

The woman’s voice sounded like the overlap of several different female voices, a combination of soft and sweet tones; with other more refined and serious tones. For some reason this overlapping of what seemed like multiple voices didn’t sound strange or bizarre in any way; it was almost some kind of exquisitely crafted melody.

′′ You say you are coming in peace archangel, but as we speak I can feel the human armies invading my forest; I never believed that I would see the day when a being of your kind would resort to deception and conspiracy. ” The voice of the serpent reverberate through the sky, it was strong and old; a little his could listen between its words now and then.

′′ Take care of your tongue winged serpent, I come in peace but my patience will not tolerate insults against my species; I’ll let it pass because I understand your anger and confusion regarding the current situation. ′′ The voice of the woman remains unchanged and still like she doesn′t consider the behemoth beast in front of her a threat.

′′ I fully understand the current situation, humans came to my lands to loot and slaughter everything in their path as humans usually do; I responded to their aggression with the same aggression they executed against me. And now that they are being slaughtered like the humble and weak creatures that they are, they went to cry to their gods for salvation from their own mistakes and consequences. ′′ The anger and resentment filled every word that came out of the serpent, but it was smart enough to no insult the angel in from of him again.

′′ You destroyed an entire city full of innocent Eskaylos people, women, and children reduced to ashes by the rays of which you are proud; the losses were in the tens of thousands. ” She replies without a second of delay.

′′ Do not give me nonsense archangel, those who have died in human hands can easily cover that number and exceed it; Those humans that your race loves so much are a plague in this world and a nightmare to my class. I do not regret what I have done and if you want to fight to protect them; then I will gladly die taking as many of them with me to the afterlife as possible.′′ The powerful voice of the storm creature named Eskaylos was nothing but conviction and rightful anger.

′′ As I said before Eskaylos bringer of the storm, I come in peace; you’re right that humans came to me seeking protection. They claim that without provocation you attacked the city of Leysra, massacring the innocent citizens of the kingdom of Leykar; faithful followers of the church endorse these statements. ” The so-far unnamed archangel explains her reasons to be there in the same neutral and stoic way that she uses the entire conversation.

′′ Your intentions confuse me, archangel, you are looking for peace but you come to my domain to proclaim me guilty of war crimes.′′ The voice of the serpent sound genuinely confuses this time by the course of events.

′′ First of all, Eskaylos let me introduce myself to you, my name is Katia Archangel of Justice and balance; I have two reasons why I have come to the forest of Serefia. First of all, I have come to declare the position of the celestials regarding the conflict of a country that pays us tribute, this being Leykar; against the storm-bearer ruler of the forest of Serefia, Eskaylos.′′ The beautiful composite voice of the archangel known as Katia was stronger this time, it remains peaceful and calm but it reverberates more intensely into the forest.

′′ And what would be the position of the celestials? ′′ Reply Eskaylos a little more calm than before.

′′ As the archangel of justice and balance, I have been sent to analyze the situation and issue a position according to my judgment. The conclusion I have reached is the following:

The kingdom of Leykar in an attempt to strengthen its military power to continue with its expansions and conquests, brutally looted the territory of the Serefia forest; provoking the ire of the being known as Eskaylos. The latter as retribution destroyed one of the main cities of the kingdom: Lesra.

Truth be told, there are no heroes or villains in this story; only the cruel law of the strongest. As protector of justice and balance, I have concluded that the natural order of things has not been challenged in any way; And even though the kingdom of Leykar is one under our protection, this conflict began by them. ′ ′

The archangel known as Katya looked behind her, where a small group of humans who seemed prepared for battle appeared; Also present with them was an even smaller group that appeared to have some kind of religious affiliation.

′′ To end my judgment as an envoy of the celestials, I will remind the kingdom of Leykar that my race will not forget this insult. ′′ For the first time since this event began, faint anger be there to be detected in Katia’s demeanor; it looks like she really doesn′t appreciate whatever role the humans had in this conflict.

One human from each respective group stepped forward, with a humble posture and a face full of reverence that looked like nothing more than mere worshipers of the archangel; but their claims belied their identities and intentions.

′′ Lady Katya please do not make false accusations to the kingdom of Leykar, our glorious kingdom has never insulted the celestial race′′ He said with what he probably thought was a rightful reason.

′′ Hoo, so lying to the celestials to use us as weapons to solve an armed conflict that you started is not considered an insult; perhaps he also adds insult to our intellect to his crimes. ′′ This time the overlap voices that compose Katia′s voice had a lack of softness and warmness; this time it was predominantly seriousness and anger what was in that perfect melody to be heard.

′′ But Lady Katya′′

′′SILENCE . . . I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU.′′ The eco was like a shockwave, letting clear that she had enough.

This imposing, almost oppressive declaration came from the angel’s lips, silencing the group of humans and making them fall to their knees; Katya then addressed the four-winged serpents once more.

′′ With all that said, you are free to deal with them in the way you prefer Eskaylos′′

′′ Hahahaha just what I wanted to hear, it seems that angels are as honorable as it is rumored. . . It’s time to have fun humans, let’s fight with everything you have or I could get bored. ′′

Thunder fell from the sky as the four-winged serpent named Eskaylos pounced on the humans.

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