
Chapter 21

And then. . . there was no after. . . or that’s what I believed when the mana crystal around me was completed and I fell into the embrace of the dream realm. Darkness is all I remember, I don’t know exactly how much time has passed, but it felt as if it had been a few moments.

My senses were recovering little by little, the previously crystallized mana returned to run through my veins and with it the vitality that characterizes my race; When I gained enough strength I opened my eyes and I couldn’t believe what I saw.

Fairies have been hunted for hundreds of reasons over millennia, so we develop ways to stay hidden and methods to protect ourselves; Among them, our last resort “The Promised Seal” had never failed before. Not only does it use our mana but it uses the mana in the atmosphere and crystallizes it on us, forming an indestructible mana crystal that protects us and puts us in a state of suspended animation; the only way to make ourselves free from the crystal is if someone with a good heart and pure motives towards us touches the crystal.

As a reward for freeing us, a little of the mana in the seal flows towards our liberated ones and forms a contract between us, since then we fairies will follow our savior until he dies; the contract is made to ensure the fairy’s safety and to reward our savior with whatever blessings the fairy can offer.

For that reason, I was unable to understand why the promised seal failed, with respect to the reason that leads me to believe this is because the man in front of me is one of the bandits who attacked me. . . or so I thought.

′′ I’m glad you woke up, I thought it would take less time to do it after the mana returned to you, but it still took you a couple of hours. . . oh sorry, I didn’t show up; my name is Desmond Astryd.′′


The man exclaimed as soon as he realized that I had awakened, his smile was sincere; As the fairy that I am, I could know at least that. His blue eyes caught my attention when I looked at him, they were like sapphires, and were full of tenderness in addition to. . . gratitude?. His hair was black as night but he didn’t seem gloomy in any way, at some point the thought that he was really very handsome crossed my mind.

′′ Oh. . . nice to meet you Desmond, my name is kyuru and I thank you for saving me. . . How long was I mmmm asleep? ′′.

Trying to hide my flushed cheeks I asked the man who he seemed to be my savior as well. . . my future guardian

(Desmond POV)

Oh, bless God, she is so cute, just looking at her blush on her adorable cheeks makes me want to hug her and fill her with kisses; now I understand how lolicons feel. . . no wait Desmond you are not one of those bastards, she is a fairy, although she is small in size I do not think she is a little girl; Right then can I use it as a pillow while I sleep?

Trying to justify my perverted thoughts and avoid the punishment of the law (The FBI is capable of persecuting me even if I go to another galaxy); I try to chat with the young fairy and find out more about her circumstances.

“Dear kyuru, I’m sorry you had to go through all that in the forest, could you tell me where you are from and what you are exactly.”

Trying to appear as kind and sincere as possible with this adorable creature to whom in a sense I owe my life. Perhaps sensing my sincerity or just because she’s naive she seemed to relax a bit before answering my questions.

′′ I come from the fairy village mmm actually all fairies come from some fairy village, and I am a primordial fairy. Fairies like me are born from mana itself, we have a great affinity with all the elements of mana, and we are very sensitive to the emotions of other life forms; that’s why we rarely leave the village. ”

The little cutie kyuru was surprisingly chatty, but anyone would agree with me that this was not in any way annoying; her voice was beautiful. . . she was filled with this feeling that I can only describe as harmony.

′′then. . . Do you want me to help you go back to your village? ′′.

I had to ask even though I wanted to stay with the fairy, in the end, her will was more important than my personal wishes.

′′ I don’t know how to go back and I can’t go back. . . you freed me from the promised seal, so now you are my guardian and I am your Fairy of blessings. ”

Exclaimed kyuru with a small face covered in an intense blush that made her look like a cute little tomato. Oh god, I want to bite her pretty cheeks. Calm down Desmond, you can’t let her know that you are a pervert, first, take her home, and then it will be too late for her to run away from me. . . mmm, I feel like I’m becoming the villain in this story. . . Nah the villains are not as handsome as me.

′′ What seal do you mean? What are a guardian and a fairy of blessings? ′′

Despite my dangerous thoughts about what to do with the fairy, I managed to notice a couple of details that need a better explanation.

Kyuru proceeded to explain to me a little about the history of harassment and persecution that fairies have suffered for millennia, the existence of the spell that fairies used as their last resort the promised seal; and on the connection that gave birth during the process of liberation of this.

I could understand a little of Kyuru’s circumstances, but there was still something that I couldn’t understand.

′′ I understand a little more now and I am very sorry about the circumstances in which the fairy race finds itself, but I still do not understand one thing; the way the promised seal spell works, no contract formation should be necessary. At the end of the day, the only person who is able to open the seal is someone who never harbored intentions to hurt you in the first place.′′

Kyuru seemed to ponder the answer to my doubts for a few seconds and answered in a sweet but somewhat proud voice.

′′ Fairies are small and weak, it is the price to pay for the affinity we have with mana, but we are a grateful race to those who help us. Freeing ourselves from the promised seal is equivalent to saving our lives so it is reasonable to pay with the favor of equal magnitude. The contract helps to increase the connection between the fairy and her savior, the fairy grants his blessings and in return, the guardian will ensure the fairy’s safety; that simple.′′

There you have it, that simple. . . it is not simple at all. you know what? forget it, now I have a beautiful fairy as a companion so I should be happy.

′′Now that I think about it, what kind of blessings are you capable of?′′

Voice out a question that I had in mind for a few minutes.

′′ I am a fairy of origin, my blessing will grant you a great affinity with all types of mana, it will also increase your life expectancy, it will make you resistant to some poisons and diseases; last but not least. . . I will bring you peace. ”

Kyuru was inflated with pride as she explained her blessings to me, her breasts bounced from the act and the saliva almost ran from my mouth. As I processed the image of her attractive breasts and the information about the blessings I noticed something peculiar.

′′What do you mean by peace? ′′

′′ I told you that I am very sensitive to the emotions of sentient beings. . . Desmond your emotions I can feel them, I can feel the chaos and torment that haunts you; my blessing allows me to channel my connection with you to calm and heal your wounded soul. . . I know it seems like I am manipulating you and I’m sorry for that. ”

Kyuru began by explaining what she meant by bringing peace, but as she progressed, her voice lowered and she began to tremble; By the time she got to the end of the explanation, she was almost crying.

This time I could not resist my impulses, I took a couple of steps and hugged her placing her pretty face against my chest.

′′You don′t have to apologize to me kyuru, you have no idea how grateful I am to have you with me right now; if it′s not for you. . . I could have gone crazy. ”

I explained how much I appreciated her and the fact that she didn’t have to apologize to me, my voice full of tenderness; my gestures expressing the warmth of my feelings.


She asked me still feeling a bit insecure.

′′ Of course, from now on I will be the best guardian that fairies have ever known and you will be my precious medicine for the soul; How about little kyuru? ′′

I expressed my convictions along with a request for the little fairy.

′′Yeeey, of course, I will be your medicine for the soul Desmond, but I warn you nothing of perverted things; I can feel your lust Desmond you are handsome but a pervert. So none of that. . . Maybe now I’m older if you are kind and make me your girlfriend we can talk about it. ”

My mouth was wide open at the sensitive and intelligent fairy she tried to put me in my place but she ended up making a somewhat dubious statement at the end. I have to be honest, it is impossible to see the beauty of her and not give birth to lustful thoughts; but let’s face it; With her 12 inches tall, I never thought of doing anything to her.

Thinking of having kyuru the cute and loving fairy by my side was enough to make me happy, as for the future. . . well only the author Cof Cof. . . I mean only God can know.

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