
Chapter 229

With that thought in mind, Nataya hastened his pace and hurriedly went through the portal. What greeted him was enough to make him smile.

Of course. Why should he worry about her? Even without unleashing her full potential, she could easily suppress those arrogant masters. He watched as she walked away, leaving such heavy pressure towards those men.

Her power had increased again, he thought.

He stood there with his wings flapped softly, looking down upon those human and their pathetic looking in the aftermath. Look at their whining faces as they realized the casualty she caused after she left!

She had successfully inflicted fear and wary in their heart. The next time they met her, they would think twice before they provoked her. Of course, there would be some fool among them that would always try to court death. Towards this kind of people, Nataya could only shake his head speechlessly and let his underlings reaped on their greed and arrogance energy.

Truly, human was the most idiotic creature when they were fool and the scariest genius when they were smart.

Thanks to their overly greedy and arrogant nature, his underlings could probably promote to a new rank soon.

As expected, some of his men had come out and manipulated their minds.


Whoever came first would be the one who got served was the exact way how they preyed upon human. That way, they would not attract other human’s attention with the negative energy they had around themselves.

Nataya watched with cold eyes as he saw his underlings started to feast on the human’s negative energy. Weak! He snorted.

Even so, they were the chosen ones. Before long, they had come out from their stuppor and hastily retreat while cleansing their bodies from any impure thought. Some of Nataya’s men got the rebound effect from their cleansing, but luckily no one got hurt more than necessary.

His underlings still harvested quite an amount of power, though.

“First Master is so rude. She is a junior, how dare she suppressed us, her senior, with her power? So, what if she is strong?” A man grumbled a bit loud intentionally.

“Her trashy attitude won’t make her survive. I wish I could watch her meet her demise soon.”

“Yeah, after all there is a curse being the Master of First Army. I wonder how long she could hold on? I just wish she would get it sooner than later.”

Those old men discussed among themselves with sinister smile bloomed in their faces. They were the chosen ones, yet they couldn’t escape human’s fate to be greedy and vengeful. Those dark mist as a result of their negative emotion leaked from their pores and mixed with their protective barrier against evil creatures. It made Nataya’s underlings couldn’t feed on it no matter how tempting it looked.

Nataya frowned as he heard their conversation. As the sole witness of the demise of the Masters of White Army before Jane, he knew perfectly well how those people died.

Yet, these puny humans said it was a curse? They had no qualms about cursing their kind, not to mention she was their fellow Master of Mystical Army.

His initial irritation that he felt when he thought they bullied her resurfaced in several folds. They dared to curse her in front of him -under his watch? Maybe these puny humans wanted to test the feeling of being cursed.

Nataya’s body emitted dense dark mist as his eyes glowed dangerously. His wings flapped softly, seemingly unperturbed with the turmoil that was about to happen.

The dark mist created a big dark cloud that could cover the whole city. In a second, thunder and lightning filled the sky. The rumbling sounds came from the thunder filled the sky as the wind howled creepily. The initial peaceful situation turned into a chaos when the lightning strucked down towards those men and their disappearing army.

Those masters seemed perplexed with the sudden change of weather. The clear sky suddenly turned into a thunderstorm, who wouldn’t be dumbfounded with the change?

As soon as the lightning struck down near their feet, they all knew that this wasn’t a natural phenomenone. This thunderstorm was a creation of someone.

But, who would be so powerful to create a thunderstorm capable of affecting almost the whole city?

While they were all drowned in a deep trance over pondering the peculiar situation they were in, they all missed the smooth movement under their feet.

Nataya’s dark mist crept on the wet ground, hiding behind the shadows created by the minimum light. Wicked schemes were being delivered right to the targets. The mist contained some slow reacting but excruciating poisons that dark and evil practitioners usually used to harm humans, but in a more advanced level. Unless the dark practitioner was related to him, then no one could heal them.

Of course, Nataya didn’t mean to harm them for more than necessary since it would disrupt the balance of the world. However, he knew this action could serve as a warning to them. He would make sure that these humans knew their difference with Jane.

The dark mist started to envelope their feet and crept its way up. It stopped only when it had reached their mid thighs.

“Now.” Nataya hissed as his hand clenched tightly.

As soon as the command was made, the dark mist seeped into those humans pores and attacked the blood vessels and muscles inside.

Heartwrenching screams reverberated through the heavy rain as they collapsed on the wet ground one by one. Their bodies spasmed as they were tightly grabbing their legs and feet. The pain was agonizing, one that they had never felt before. It was unbearable. They could feel their legs lost the power to stand up while being tortured in pain.

It was as if their bones were being scraped inside.

Their muscles were tearing up.

Their blood vessels expanded under the stress, created a rather terrifying look under their loose pants.

They all gritted their teeth as they could only endure the pain. As the Masters of Mythical Army, they knew one or two things about this evil poisons and of course, they should be immune towards ordinary evil poisons. Seeing that this kind of pain had the traits of dark and evil poisons, they all knew it wasn’t some usual dark arts.

They had tried to get rid of it, however they couldn’t do anything against it even if they had tried their best to counterattack it. With faces as pale as sheet and bodies soaked under the heavy rain, they all felt helpless.

“How is it? Is my curse good enough for you?” A thick voice was heard between the sound of thunder and rain.

“Who are you?” The Sixth Master shouted.

“No need to know who I am. You plotted against one of you, yet you can’t even bear with my low level curse. You guys are so funny.” Nataya smirked even if he knew they couldn’t see him.

After all, he was hiding behind the thick cloud. Not intentionally, but it was too much of hassle to fly down. He preffered his current position, higher than those humans could see. If they had the power to drag him down, they were allowed to do so.

Ajeng would drag anyone, or anything that hid from her and launched a sneak attack on her, out from their hiding place. Her aim rarely missed which made her the most frightening opponent his kind would ever meet.

She was aggressive and confident, a ruling Queen who aimed for a better future for human.

Did Jane have this trait? Seeing how similar the both of them, Nataya was sure they were both similar yet different in some other ways.

These Masters, however, were too self-centered to improve themselves in fitting themselves to be the best Master.

“Pathetic.” Nataya spat out this one word in disdain before he waved his right hand and walked back to his domain.

The rain gradually stopped and the thunderstorm disappeared. Next, the thick cloud started to disperse, opening up a path for the sun light to pass through and shone upon those pathetic Masters who were lying on the wet ground with pale face.

He retracted his dark mist slowly and disappeared from their view completely, leaving pale face and confused men behind.

The pain left them as if it was never there, but the trauma it caused made their legs shivered and twitched.

Pathetic, indeed.

Without further discussion, all of them returned back to their places. In their heart, fear started to form towards this unknown opponent of them. This man could subdue them so easily but then he left them after giving them a ‘warning’.

Was that a warning? A warning for what?

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