
Chapter 169

What did he dream about?

The same thing was he dreamed himself falling down and broke his bones. At first, he just fell down from his bed, nothing was broken and he didn’t think of it as anything.

In his second dream, he fell down from a second story house and he broke his legs. This time, he woke up with cold sweat dripped from his forehead. The third time, he fell down from the third floor of an unknown building, and surprisingly he didn’t die, but he broke his backbone and legs.

At this time, he was being suspicious that something had been messing around with his dream. So, he woke up and pondered for a bit. He really didn’t relate those dreams to his previous dream, the one before he got those scary dreams.

In that dream, he was summoned to a room with elderly people. They said something about a trial to a General of something army. The first trial was called Soul Endurance, and they said he needed to pass the test to grant him a pass to the second trial. After that, he woke up and only thought that he dreamed that because he was too into his research about how to get information from the South Sea.

Even after he fell down from the fifteenth floor and his body turned into meat patty, he still didn’t realize the connection. He had tried to chants some enchantments, but the dream kept coming to him in a steady pace. In the end, he gave up and refused to sleep.

By the time Jane came to check on him, he looked haggard and tired that he didn’t have time to feel happy with her visit. He didn’t even want her to see him that way. He had always created an image of himself in front of her as a strong and reliable man. What would she think if he let her see his ugly image?

Sanji knew that he had lost so much weight. He himself didn’t want to see his reflection, what about Jane? He didn’t want her to feel disgust with himself.


However, Jane was always so stubborn, and Sanji always gave in for her. Even if he didn’t want to, he still opened that door for her and flinched when she stared at him sharply. He was preparing himself for any harsh and disgusting words she would say to him, but she didn’t say any of those.

Instead, she listened to him talking about his weird dreams. He just said that it was weird, but he didn’t mention the details, like how he had died several times in his dream. She listened to him attentively but Sanji could see she was in her own world.

He saw her frowning as she carefully looked at him. She must have worried about him.

“Don’t worry. I’ve told you that I’m fine, right? I will be fine. Don’t keep frowning unless you want to have wrinkles on your face.” He tried to say that jokingly, to ease her worry for him.

In the end, Jane gave him advice. It was a long talk, something about walking from the nightmare and that he should be strong. However, Sanji really felt it. He knew what she said was right, and somehow he felt as if he was convinced to do what she said. It was like he was hypnotized, but he was still aware of what he was doing. Looking at her being a bit flustered from explaining things to him made him feel guilty but at the same time happy.

Guilty because he made her worry. Happy because she cared for him.

He also felt Jane was seriously cute from the way she talked to him. She was always cute, but seeing her trying to make sure her points was clear to him looked cute. The uncomfortable feeling he felt inside, as well as the traumatic memory inside his mind felt cleared up as he made a resolute decision.

He wouldn’t let some stupid dreams control him. He would be the one who control his dream. If his dream wanted him to fall down and die, he would make sure he prepared a safety way out from that. No more pain, he would not let the dream became a nightmare anymore. It was up to him to make it into an adventure or good dream.

After that, he kissed her forehead to express his grattitude. He shouldn’t do that, but he couldn’t help it. He really wanted to kiss her and he had controlled himself to his best by just kissing her forehead. If he had followed what his inner heart told him, he would have kissed her hard on her lips.

Ah, he also hugged her and her soft body felt so good against his own body. At this time, he regretted why he neglected himself. His strong and manly body looked sickly and didn’t match with Jane’s soft body. At this time as well, he vowed to gain back the time he lost, and his splendor as one of the hottest man alive.

Narcisstic much! But he didnt’ care.

Seeing Jane’s response towards his hug and kiss made him even more sure that he needed to return to his old self, and upgraded himself into a better version. Screw being a gentleman! He would show her that he wanted her.

Indeed, he had changed just like how he wanted. Even though he didn’t turn too flirty and touchy and he made sure Jane was aware of his feeling. Somehow, he had a feeling that Jane did have feeling for him. His advances to her were not rejected and it was either she realized it or not, she acted more spoiled with him.

It was almost a year since that boy ghost left, he thought, he was sure that he could make her his lover sooner or later.

However, Heaven didn’t seem to grant his wish regarding being Jane’s man. That day, that boy named Tom came on their doorstep. Sanji didn’t ask why he was still alive since he knew there were some things that could only remain mysterious to some people. Sanji believed that what had happened to Tom was the way the Universe showed to humans that It still held some power, that...or Tom was someone special.

Tom didn’t seem to forget Sanji either, and obviously not Jane since Sanji witnessed with a painful heart the way those two hugged each other. He could sense the intimacy between them and Sanji was sure that these two were closer than anybody could imagine. Just a short picture of Jane and Tom being intimate with each other could make his heart boil in jealousy.

He didn’t care about anything else, including the fact that Jane was the Master of White Army, and Tom was her General, or Siji, the man that he realized his existence only after he returned from the traumatic therapy, was the Adviser of White Army. He didn’t care about those facts, but he indeed thought about one thing.

If only he could persist with the trial, the one who became her General would not be Tom, but him.

Well, since the trial had passed, he could only stop lamenting about it and move on. Since he couldn’t be her General, it didn’t mean he couldn’t stay by her side and please her. As shameless as he sounded, he asked for a private conversation with Tom. Even though he didn’t like this man’s presence, he was sure of one thing; Tom was strong.

Since they were going against the Legendary Queen of South Sea, Sanji thought that they needed to have every single help they could gather. Therefore, he talked to Tom, saying what happened to Jane’s father and about their truce. He also talked blatantly about his feeling, and that he would not give up. He knew that Tom was disturbed with his confession, but apparently both of them had the same goal; to keep Jane safe and happy.

Two were better than one. However, in war of love, there would never be two victors. One needed to give in and make way to the others. If these two loves insisted to be together to please one person, then they needed to support each other to achieve their goal.

Since he loved her, and he had a truce with Tom, he was willing to step down for a moment and giving those two time to catch up. As a man himself, he knew perfectly what Tom wanted, since that was what he wanted to have and could only dream of it.

People could say that he was a pervert, but what was wrong in lusting the person one loved?

He only hoped that he would get the chance to please her sexually, that she wouldn’t find him forceful or anything.

For now, he could only feel that in his dream. A very sexy and wet dream with him and Jane as the actors in it.

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