
Chapter Volume 15 2.3

Feng Ming stared as the enemy ship approached. The body of the ship hada long front and a narrow centre, possessing an excellent design thatillustrated the ship’s powerful potential as a warship, excelling in fightingand attacking. He couldn’t help but feel his scalp go numb as his mind reeledabout thinking about his life as Duke Ming.

Why is itthat my life so far has mainly consisted of me being at the mercy of others?How vexing!

Every time it seemslike I cannot escape a nine episodes television drama.. First Miao Guang hadabducted him, then it was Bo Ling and the Third Princess’ turn. After that Ruo Yan,and most recently Dong Fan…and...

Now couldsomeone please tell me, who the hell are these damn pirates!?

At least last time he could still make use of strategies, but not thistime. Even with the protection of Xi Lei’s elite guards and the Xiao Family’sexperts, they still unexpectedly suffered a crushing defeat.

Despite the Xiao Family’s reputation as a group that nobody dared tooffend throughout the Aman River, they were currently suffering a major defeaton their own territory. At this moment, the pirates had truly made them loseface and smeared their reputation.

The enemy’s ship right now exuded a leisurely atmosphere andostentatiously floated their way towards the Xiao Family’s ship, making asudden stop in front, less than 3 metres away. Their ability to smoothly stoplike they did made Feng Ming realize something shocking.

Even someone with little knowledge about ships would realize that theenemy’s way of stopping may seem simple, but only the most experienced sailorscould be able to accomplish such a feat so easily.

Their enemy is incredibly skilled!

Watching the enemy arrive closer to their sinking ship in such anarrogant manner annoyed Luo Yun as he coldly spat out “How loathsome.”

“What exactly are they trying to do?” Feng Ming frowned.

The distance between the two sides continued to shorten, however strongwinds blew by, slightly obstructing their heavy gazes.

The ferocious battle had left behind a bloody odour that saturated theriver’s surface.

Suddenly, before everyone’s eyes, the enemy ship, which had onlyilluminated 2/3 of their deck with lighting, increased the brightness by 2times with more fire.

Blinded by the piercing lights, Feng Ming and the others opened theireyes only to find the other side had set up huge stoves upon their deck. Theydidn’t know how the pirates were able to create a method to ignite them all atthe same time.

Rong Hu, who stood by Feng Ming’s side whispered, “I heard that DanLin’s pirates like to toy with their victim’s emotions. They instil fear intotheir opponent’s minds and if they ever rob the same merchant ship again, evenif the victim has the power to defend, they will choose not to retaliate andjust surrender all their treasures. What we just saw is probably one of themethods they use to intimidate their victims.”

Feng Ming slowly nodded, “Without a doubt, psychological tactics areincredibly important when strategizing.”

“Do you think they are aiming for the valuables on board our ship?” Oneof the experts in the crowd could not help but ask.

Just as Luo Yun was about to reply, Feng Ming casually answered, “Ifthey came for our valuables, why would they wreck our ships? Sinking our shipswould cause the treasures to also go down in the river. They would have no timeto go and fish out the valuables since this area is not the strait of Dan Lin,but rather a part of the Tong Kingdom. Their military forces could arrive andkill them at any time.”

Luo Yun was secretly surprised.

He was aware that just now Feng Ming was trembling. Luo Yun knew thatthe young Lord’s nature will change after the bloody battle. Just 3 minutesafter the conclusion of the violent fighting, his original demeanour as acowardly, weak, and pampered young lord would once again emerge. But at thismoment, he was surprised that Feng Ming could use his brain to provide suchbrilliant insights.

“They’re coming out.” Someone whispered, catching everyone’s attention.

At once, everyone became more alert and set their sights on the enemy’sship.

On the other sides’ brightly lit deck, the silhouette of two men of tallstature could be seen slowly stepping out the cabin door. One walked in frontwhile the other stayed a step behind, clearly showing a distinction betweenmaster and servant.

Their manner of walking, as if strolling calmly through a garden, reallygot on everyone’s nerves.

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