
Chapter 157: Elder Dragon

Chapter 157: Elder Dragon


Frank glanced through the eyes of his Light Clone who was repeatedly making more Dirt Blocks, as it suddenly came across a strange entrance, resembling an internal cave section.

Through it, the Light Clone kept making Dirt Blocks until the entrance opened completely.

Glancing inside with the natural light of the Light Clone, he glanced inside to find two large yellow eyes opening within the darkness.

The Light Clone tried to quickly step back from the creature, but its roar already showed up that it was pissed, most likely having been sleeping for a long time and suddenly awakened…

"What did I get into this time…" thought Frank, as the Light Clone was squashed by a gigantic rock claw!


The moment Frank felt his Light Clone disappearing, he swallowed saliva, because what he awakened down below might be something quite dangerous.

"Unnngrraaaah! What happened with my cave?! Who made this?! Ugh, there is even an entrance to the surface?! This is horrible!" cried the giant lizard, slowly walking into the large hall that Frank created.

"A lizard that can talk…?" wondered Frank, glancing down below.

"My lord, should we take care of it?" asked Nezhit.

Frank glanced at it once more, noticing that it resembled a comodo dragon with the head of a snake, covered in rocky scale-like plates over its entire body, and having sharp rock claws that could easily tear apart flesh, on its chest, it held a large gold jewel, flowing with power, seemingly, its Mana Core.

Frank tried to use Inspect, but he got no results… this creature was way above his own power.

"Don\'t even try… I can even feel like it\'s exuding… Divine Power…" said Frank.

"D-Divine Power?! That thing must be some kind of Dragon then!" said Hades.

"Dragon?" asked Frank.

"Although I am not sure if this applies to this world, Dragons had always been strong beings, often even carrying some divine power with them, especially Elder Dragons… Perhaps this Elder Dragon serves a God in this world? Maybe you could try speaking with it, as it seems to be able to speak," said Hades.

"Well, I can always try through Telepathy…" muttered Frank, concealing his presence and then talking with the "Dragon".

"Who made this?! Come out and confront me! This is horrible! It will take so long to fill it all so I can go back to sleep, damn it! Oi! Where are you?! I can feel your presence, don\'t even try to escape from me!" roared the Dragon, even though Frank\'s concealment Skills, he was still detected!

Frank sighed, as he spoke to it through Telepathy.

"I am sorry, mister Dragon, I was just trying to make an underground base," said Frank, trying to act polite to nod offend the ancient creature.

"Eh?! So you did it then! What are you, some kind of Earth Mage or something?!" asked the Earth-Dragon.

"Well… something like that… My name is Frank, and I am very sorry for angering you… I mean it!" said Frank.

"Greeehhh…! Do you know how much of a pain it will be for me to get everything back to how it was now?! You made such a big hole… even an experienced Rank 5 Magus would not be able to do this, but your presence is clearly around Rank 2! Are you some kind of super-genius?! But even then, how can your Mana do this in just a few hours? Or were you doing this for weeks?" asked the Dragon.

"No I actually did everything in around three hours and a half," said Frank.

"You what?! Are you a God or something? Who even has so much Mana to- Anyways, get down here and bring everything back to normal!" said the Dragon.

"…I am afraid I can\'t do that," said Frank.

"What? Why?!" roared the Dragon.

"I don\'t want to…" said Frank.

"Oh, I see, you don\'t want to- What?! You little shit, come down here now if you don\'t want me to unleash the wrath of the earth over you!" roared the Dragon.

"Well… I wanted to make a secret underground hideout all around this land, but I never thought that I would come across an actual Dragon… Is there something else that I could do for you to let me have this place?" asked Frank.

"What?! No!" said the Dragon.

"Please, I don\'t want to fight with you over it…" said Frank.

"Then obey me and get things back to normal!" said the Dragon.

"Well… Let\'s talk things out, why do you want to sleep so much?" asked Frank.

"…Because that\'s what Dragons do! A-And I… well… err… I hate the outside world!" said the Dragon.

"Oh, so he\'s a neet…" said Frank.

The Dragon heard Frank said \'neet\' as he roared fiercely, hitting the ground with its claws.

"A neet?! What is that? Is it an insult?!" he asked.

"Err… No, it is just a name for those that enjoy living indoors… but why do you like that? There\'s a big world waiting for you outside!" said Frank.

"Because the outside world is boring, and I don\'t like the people outside! They slaughtered my brethren!" said the Dragon.

"O-Oof… maybe it will be harder to talk it out I guess," thought Frank.

It seemed that the Dragon had some kind of grudge with the people on the surface as they slaughtered his brethren, and he hated the outside world so much he went to sleep underground.

"Do you by any chance know a God of this world? Does Thineas and Abraddon sound to you?" asked Frank.

"Yes, they do, who wouldn\'t know the Gods of this world, are you from another world or something to ask something so stupid?" asked the Dragon.

"…Haha," laughed Frank.

"I know them, Thineas and Abraddon created Dragons to rule the land before humanoids came, we ruled this world with our strength and wisdom… but when beast-kin, demons, elves, dwarves, and humans were born from the gods, we were thrown away, discarded! Our civilizations… everything!" roared the Dragon.

"W-What? Was this world dominated by dragons in the past? That\'s some big lore info I didn\'t know about…" said Frank.

"Obviously! You must be a foolish and ignorant mortal! You can\'t even comprehend what someone who has lived for thousands of years had gone through!" said the Dragon.

"I clearly can\'t, I apologize," said Frank.

"Hmph…" groaned the Dragon.

"Do you have a name?" asked Frank.

"Name? …Aaronarra," said the Dragon.

"I see, that\'s a complicated name," said Frank.

"Hmph, at least it does have a meaning other than whatever \'Frank\' means!" said Aaronarra.

"Sorry if I sounded rude…" said Frank.

"You clearly are a very rude mortal. I have never been refused before like that! And where are you? Are you on the surface? What a pain. Come down!" said Aaronarra.

"…No, you\'ll kill me if I do," said Frank.

"I will never… Well, I might," said Aaronarra.

"See? Anyways, do you have a grudge against the Gods? I actually met them almost every day, Thineas and Abraddon that\'s it, maybe I can get them to talk with you if you let me do as I please around here- I will make sure to close your area of the dirt though," said Frank.

"You know Gods?! Haha! Do you think that you can fool an Elder Dragon such as myself?" asked Aaronarra.

"I am not joking… but I guess I cannot prove it to you with just words, huh? Or maybe I can? Thineas was wounded, did you know that?" asked Frank.

"Eh? How can a mortal know that? That information was deeply concealed when it happened and- Ah!" muttered Aaronarra.

"See? I know what\'s going on between Gods. I also have met with Axitl, Zudithe, and Judith too," said Frank.

"You what?! How?!" asked Aaronarra.

"Wait… maybe if I unleash my Aura you can sense their Divine Protections?" asked Frank, as he unleashed his Aura, the expression of his soul.

Aaronarra was then quickly shocked as he sensed the presence of the Gods of this world within Frank\'s soul!

"Y-You\'re… You not only have… one god… but three Divine Protections!" said Aaronarra.

"Indeed. Abraddon, Axitl, and Thineas, in that order," said Frank.

"But how! Are you those that they call a Hero?" asked Aaronarra.

"That\'s right… I have the Hero Crest too, but I don\'t really like to brag about it, it brings more problems than anything," said Frank.

"…Maybe the thing you said about contacting the Gods wasn\'t a lie," said Aaronarra.

"I am not lying… And yeah, I could offer you that service, although I do not really know what you would do to them other than asking them to forgive you," said Frank.

"You know what? That would be quite enough, the last people of my race are now spread across the globe, hiding from mortals as they had conquered most of the land… I could let you get your way in my domain if I can talk to them and ask them where the others are…" said Aaronarra.

Hades who was hearing all of this could not believe what happened.

Frank just sweet-talked his way out of this situation.

There was not even a fight, he just spoke with the Dragon…

"Deal… You will have to wait for me to talk to them beforehand though, and then I believe they might be able to figure out a way to contact you through me… Now, I am going to get down, do not kill me though," said Frank.

"Okay, get down here, I want to see the face of the Hero of this generation…" said Aaronarra.

Frank quickly walked down the stairs as he took a better glance at the Dragon… he was truly quite the majestic creature.

"Huh, so tiny for a Hero… And a human at that? Well, I can clearly sense the gods within your soul… Now come here and repair my cave, I want to go back to sleep!" roared Aaronarra.

"Sure thing," said Frank, walking at the side of the intimidating Dragon, an unexpected new ally and perhaps a friend.


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