
Chapter 223: Vol2 Ch23: The world’s other aspect

Chapter 223: Vol2 Ch23: The world’s other aspect

Translator: La0o9

〖 Everything in the surroundings have turned into living beings 〗

Negary noticed that the house he previously resided in had now transformed into a large fleshy head.

The mud and dirt had turned into flesh, the road into a giant wiggling caterpillar, the stairs had come to life as fleshy bugs that laid on top of one another, the handrails also came alive as extremely long centipedes.

The plant lives in the other aspect of reality also contained life, but their [Origin] was incredibly weak, so to the majority of humans, they weren’t considered to be living beings.

In this world, plants had become considerably livelier, they had an [Origin], they had souls, as well as clear emotions like joy, anger, or sorrow.

The world was growing increasingly stranger, but one couldn’t help but feel that this was how the world should be, that this was the true world.

The living and the dead, organic and non-organic, existing and non-existent, many of the natural laws that were evident in the normal world had become blurred here.

In the end, even the air itself seemed to have become a living being, while humans were living inside this being.

Perhaps it was this world where all things were alive that convinced the first soundless people who came here that this was the domain of God.

After all, in many bibles, myths, and legends, the creation of life had always been the privilege of Gods.

〖 The Soundless cult people did not alter this place; they simply lifted the veil of another aspect of it 〗

Negary walked on the road that had now become a giant caterpillar and carefully observed it all.

This scenery existed normally as well, even if humans couldn’t perceive them, they were still very real and present.

What the three members of the Soundless cult did was to cause a sort of pivotal change and dye Negary’s perception in a different ‘color’, revealing all of this to Negary. And the pivotal change was sound, or rather, the sense of hearing.

As the world mutated more and more, its atmosphere also became increasingly stranger.

An incorporeal figure appeared out of nowhere. From their physique, Negary was able to infer them as Mrs. Jersey from the other side of the street. Her steps were graceful and gentle as she walked down the fleshy bug stairs, then casually picked a wild flower and lightly sniffed it.

From Negary’s current point of view, he could clearly see that the flower quickly achieved hyperemia and ejaculated a large amount of pollen into Mrs. Jersey’s nose.

However, this did not affect Mrs. Jersey much at all. If she was a more sensitive person, she might sneeze a bit from pollen allergy, but the pollen only floated within the incorporeal figure for a bit before losing its vitality. This was the vision from the other aspect of reality that humans could observe, and the incorporeal figure was actually a representation of the real Mrs. Jersey in the real world.

〖 In this world, Mrs. Jersey is an incorporeal ‘unliving’ entity 〗

Negary noticed that even though all things were alive in this world, no actual living being that carried an [Origin] had appeared here at all.

〖 Is it because she cannot observe this aspect? 〗

Negary drew this conclusion from his observation:

〖 This is the world of the unliving, but all unliving things are actually thriving life forms in this world. I can even sense their [Origin] 〗

〖 From this point of view, they are without any doubts, living beings 〗

〖 On the other hand, beings with an [Origin] from the other aspect of the world cannot observe this aspect, although they can act and indirectly influence it, they are essentially unliving entities here 〗

〖 All things can be observed from numerous aspects, and depending on the observed aspect, the same individual can take different forms 〗

Negary pondered this fact. Under the influence of the Soundless cult members, his sense of hearing had been altered, which allowed him to perceive this aspect.

The perception itself was the bridge, and this perception was mutual. Since Negary’s senses had been altered to perceive this aspect, this aspect could now also perceive Negary, manifesting him in this world in accordance to his actual state.

The changes he observed in this world was not simply the world being altered, but rather of Negary’s perception itself becoming more accustomed to perceiving it.

The air itself now felt like a huge jellyfish, Negary could sense his viral body being able to take in less and less oxygen to sustain itself, while the dust particles in the air were slowly becoming miniscule insects.

Negary had reasons to believe that as his perception became more warped, he would eventually find that anything that could become sentient would become sentient. At some point, even the foundation building blocks of the world like atoms and its building blocks would also become sentient.

Naturally, Negary wouldn’t be able to survive long enough to observe that. If his perception continued to be altered this way, Negary would most likely be assimilated into this world before too long.

〖 What an eye-opening experience indeed 〗

Having seen this world, Negary had received a lot more inspiration. He had been able to observe another aspect of this world, allowing his understanding of the essence of all things to become deeper.

〖 That is...〗

Negary looked up at the sky. He was now able to perceive the entire air jellyfish; under this heightened vision, he was finally able to recognize a gigantic entity above the sky of Lohr.

This entity appeared to be living, but unliving at the same time; it was light-blue and highly incorporeal, and something that Negary had once observed from a different aspect.

〖 The elves worshipped the Moon Tree, and there were a total of three different fruits of different kinds 〗

Negary recalled the images he had seen while transmigrating into this world. At the time, the three fruits of the Moon Tree appeared very clearly, one of which was blue. These fruits actually represented the three elven God Lords of this world’s ancient elf race; although the form was now different, the unique characteristics were quite similar.

At this point, not even the names of these three elven God Lords remained, so he didn’t expect there to be something remaining of them in this aspect of the world.

〖 That is the God of Silence that the Soundless cult worships, huh? 〗

Negary now had a general understanding of the relationship between the Soundless cult and the will of this world. These people believed the fallen God Lord of the elves to be the God of Silence, so they became active in Lohr.

For the same reason, the Soundless cult people became extremely interested in the blood of evil, committing all sorts of crime that ended up with the rate of blood of evil incidents in Lohr becoming much higher compared to other regions.

〖 I should leave now 〗

Negary could already feel his viral body no longer being able to adapt to this environment, if he kept stalling here, he would be thoroughly assimilated into it.

〖 What shallow understanding 〗

Negary raised his hand to exert his interference force on the entire surrounding environment.

Small bits of drifting blue mist slowly manifested, Negary’s interference force started acting on everything in his surroundings, causing it all to quickly degrade. Living beings started to become unliving again, while the incorporeal figures quickly became solid, real living beings.

Sound gradually returned to his surroundings as well, and once everything had returned to normal, the three Soundless cultists reappeared in front of Negary.

“You should have seen the great silence, that great God, and his great domain. Since you were able to leave from it, you have successfully proven yourself to have the talents to become soundless as well. Although you do not have the blood of God, that is only a small issue” one of the cultists started speaking like it was natural: “After a short period of time, we shall have you conduct the experiments to be implanted with the blood of God”

“Firstly, you may merge your Hermit Order with the Soundless cult, as you and your organization have now qualified to become our dependent organization”

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