
Chapter 149 - Goals Part 1

In the biggest meeting hall of the Westfall guild house, not only were Ryu and the core members there but also the newly added leaders of each section of the guild. Crafting, PVP(Player Versus Player), and PVE(Player Versus Environment) were also attending this meeting. This was because Ryu was handing out cultivation manuals. 

Ryu sat in the main seat in front of everyone else. Next to him were stacks of books. "First, let me start off by handing these out to everyone." 

"This… Is this what I think it is!?" GreenHat eyes shot open wide in excitement. He had been going crazy searching for one of these, but now he had one in his hands. He couldn\'t keep his hands from shaking as he looked at the book in his hands.

"It is what you think it is. It is a cultivation manual. These cultivation manuals will be the foundation of our guild. As we get higher levels, we will need to upgrade ourselves to be the best of the best. As you all know, this game is not easy when it comes to certain things. Armor, weapons, potions… All of these things are sold in small quantities in shops but are much more inferior to what you can actually make. Crafting is a big part of Soul Fusion Online. But only certain items can be attained this way as well.

"In order to ensure we always have the advantage, we will need to be up to par with the game itself. Just because one can attain a higher level just from grinding monsters, this does not mean you will be able to attain the best of what the game has to offer. Once you start cultivating, the experience gain from killing monsters will become negligible as it will only help your cultivation instead. From what I understand of the game so far is that Soul Fusion Online wants its players to become real cultivators and not fake ones. A person who has leveled up to the highest realm will never be able to fight a person who risked it all to gain a cultivation manual and the resources needed to reach the peak. 

"The world itself is full of mysterious and many things that you do not know yet. The relationship between players in NPCs is also a factor. You can not think of this just as a game. You need to think of the game as a second life that you enter when you fall asleep. 

"Your ability to enjoy the game will be very dependent on how well you are able to adapt to the changes that occur later on. As an example, just recently, Chi and I have gotten into a feud with one of the top families here in Westfall city, the Qin family. And let me make this clear it is not an event or quest. We are in an actual feud with them. This means you may be targeted by NPCs from the Qin family at any time. But their family also holds the key to us becoming a clan." Ryu paused there as WhiteLotus raised her hand.

"You\'re saying you figured out how to become a clan?" WhiteLotus asked.

"Yes, and as I see it only, we stand a chance of becoming the first clan in the game. Each member of the Qin family are real cultivators, not the fake kind either. This means even if a group of soul assimilation realm levelers showed up to try to take the Qin family over, they would only be looking for their own death as the Qin family, as far as I know, has a nine souls forming guard in the family. I am not sure about the head of the household, but I do know many of their guards are in the soul sensing realm. Even the NPC guards I hired for this guild house are only in the soul sensing realm.

"This means that at least two of us will need to be in the nine souls forming realm to even think of taking over the Qin family." Ryu paused again because Violet raised her hand. 

"Ryu, you said to take over and not wipe out. Does that mean we can take the Qin family over without having to kill them all?" Violet asked. She was not too keen on having to kill a bunch of NPCs as she knew once they died, they died for real in game unless it was a field or dungeon monster.

"Yes. We do not need to kill everyone in the Qin family to take it over. We just need to make them submit. By the rules of this world, only the powerful are able to do such a thing. Think of it as a multi billionaire who slaps a small business owner in the face with a few million crowns. Normally that business owner would gladly sell. It is the same when you suppress someone. They will gladly submit as long as their lives are intact. 

"But this does not mean we will not have to shed blood. They will not submit so easily. But we can at least choose our targets. I would like to not kill any non combatants. If they are not attacking us, we do not need to kill them. But there is one person out of the batch that I will need to kill no matter what." Ryu gritted his teeth. He will never forgive Emma! Chi, who was sitting at Ryu\'s side, also snorted.

GreenHat raised his hand and asked: "May I know who this person is and why you seem so bent on killing them?"

"She is the young miss of the Qin family and next heir to be family head if she gives birth to a son. She was the one who had her nine soul forming realmed  guard knock me out, strip me naked, and almost had her way with me." Ryu explained through gritted teeth.

"Pfft! Hahahaaha!" FingerSandwhich broke down laughing. GreenHat was right behind him. "Haha, sorry, it is just funny to see that the great Ryu, the best player in the game, was knocked out and taken advantage of by an NPC. If this got out, oh man, it would be news."

"FingerSandwhich, I took you for the quiet one. Why is it that your mouth makes me want to chop off your head more than GreenHat\'s mouth? Let me help you remain quiet forever."  Ryu said as he got up and drew his sword. The issue with him almost being raped by an NPC was not funny!

"I was just joking! Put the sword down! Chi, do something about your man!" FingerSandwhich saw Ryu coming towards him with his sword and became scared. He knew Ryu could easily kill him and send him to respawn, but he did not want to lose the experience!

"Humph! Serves you right." Chi snorted and looked away.

"Alright, Alright. Ryu, calm down. We do not want to stain our new guild meeting room with blood." WhiteLotus stood up and blocked Ryu. 

"Yes, Darling~ we can\'t have you messing up the new meeting room." Margie also came forward. Ryu frowned and humphed before going back to his seat. 

"Anyway," Ryu spoke up as if nothing had happened. He was not really going to cut anyone\'s head off. "What we need now is to resource farm and get people to start cultivating. The cultivation manuals that you all have I will need to ask you all to use them now. It is not that I do not want to trust you all, it is just that I do not know you all well enough yet besides the generals. So in order to make sure these manuals are not sold or given out, I will need to see them being used. GreenHat, WhiteLotus, Rose, Violet, FingerSandwhich, Numbers, and Margie. I want you to begin handing these out to people. Make sure they use the manual. If they do not wish to start cultivating, then they do not get one. But once we become a sect, this will mean that those who are not cultivators will only be able to be outer disciples of the sect and never rise in ranks. 

"Our main goal for this guild is to become the strongest sect in the world of Soul Fusion Online!" Ryu was firm on this goal. Since he started the guild, he would make sure it was the best guild. He would not settle for anything less. 

It seemed his words also lit a fire of determination in everyone else, unlike the games that had you sit behind a computer to play where the emersion was about one percent. Here in Soul Fusion Online, where the world is just as real as the outside world, really allowed one to get sucked into the game. So wanting to stand at the peak of the world was something that everyone could stand behind.

"Now then. With this portion of the meeting out of the way, let us discuss a few things. I also want to go over raiding and world bosses. This is, after all a game so we can not just let everything be about work."

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