
Chapter 20 - Inspiration

"I mean it! Sora\'s skill is a formidable utility, I think you can use it in combat! And don\'t forget that you can always tame other demons, besides the two you have!" Yoichi enthusiastically added.

"I don\'t know, I never even thought about it. After my grandfather died, no one in my family ever talked about fighting and stuff again. My father, if only he wanted to, could have taken my grandfather\'s place in the army, but he refused the call", Enatsu replied, emphasizing the rigid ideals of his family. ​​

"Well, you and your father are two different people, right? You could always change your mind! Join me!" Yoichi insisted, drawing the interested gaze of his friend. "I need someone who is experienced in this world to guide me!" he explained.

Enatsu\'s eyes rose again, framing the large stone statue and touching the sky. Sora was perched on his shoulder as if sharing his concern.

"Man, listen!" the young tamer replied, grabbing both of Enatsu\'s arms and talking to him face to face. "I woke up in an old hut, not remembering who I am or where I am. All I have is Kenji, this curious, little demon following me wherever I go and you know what? I don\'t care! I don\'t fucking care I can\'t remember anything!"

Enatsu\'s face changed expression, recognizing in Yoichi\'s speech grit and determination. He shrugged his shoulders, straightened his back, and continued to look his friend in the eye.

"Our life is an incredible gift. It is worthy of being lived with determination and tenacity. That\'s what I gonna do! I want to live to the fullest, I want to travel and discover new places!" Yoichi exclaimed again, playfully shaking Enatsu\'s shoulders. "What about you? Will you be a merchant for the rest of your life? Will you be a normal person in an exceptional world like this? You have a gift, Enatsu! There, right on your shoulder!" he continued, pointing to Sora.


"You\'re a tamer! Let ordinary people trade goods and other shit like that!"

Enatsu began breathing with open lungs, closing his eyes and then reopening them in Yoichi\'s direction. Those unexpected words had struck the bottom of his soul. The kind boy who offered him shelter on that stormy night had managed to break through his greatest fears without even knowing him.

"So? Can Kenji and I count on you and Sora?" Yoichi smiled again. His face came even closer to that of his interlocutor, who could no longer escape from his gaze.

"Yes, I think so... I..." Enatsu stammered as if those words had been drawn forcefully from his heart.

"I haven\'t heard anything! What, have you forgotten how to talk? Will you come with us or not! Try to imagine the mess I could make traveling on my own out there! Hahah!" Yoichi reiterated, pointing with one arm to the sky outside the walls of Ambershire.

"Yes, yes! Sora and I will come with you! I can\'t give you a sure answer about becoming a tamer, but... I won\'t let you wander around Tentochu alone!" Enatsu answered with determination. As he spoke, the young trader clenched his fists, marking the effort he was making to utter those sincere words.

"Alright! That\'s exactly what I was talking about, my man! Leave your past behind and think about the future!" Yoichi cheered aloud, drawing the gaze of a passerby, who greeted him cordially with his hand.

He reciprocated the gesture, realizing that kindness was an integral part of the inhabitants and visitors of that place.

Looks like my motivational speech convinced Enatsu to help me out. I really need his help, he knows a lot of things about the demon of Lumya! He thought, accidentally touching his leather pouch with his hand.

*dling* The metallic sound of the three gold coins resounded in the air, reminding both travelers of the real reason that had pushed them beyond the Bronzeforest.

Looking around and trying not to care about the majestic statue that had stolen the stage at everything else, Yoichi noticed a face already seen. Sada Takamori, the guild master he met earlier, was riding towards the exit of the rim, on a majestic steed.

The dark brown and glossy coat was adorned with drapes of green cloth and its horsehair collected in thin braids. Tufts of long hair traced the movements of his mighty stallion hooves.

"It\'s gorgeous, isn\'t it?" Enatsu interrupted, after realizing that Yoichi was admiring that magnificent beast.

"Well, yes. It\'s a nice horse. Who knows, maybe we too will have one of our own, one day", he replied, walking around the statue without adding anything else. Behind it, Ambershire\'s tallest building, the golden dome of which could be seen from outside the walls.

\'The Sleepy Owl Tavern\' was the inscription engraved on a large light wooden board. The handmade drawing of an owl clinging to a branch upside down made the sign fun and captivating.

"We could stop for a typical drink, what do you say?" Yoichi proposed, with his hands resting on his hips, spying on the inside of the room from the large window overlooking the square. Dozens of tables were scattered in an immense oval room with wooden floors and ceilings.

Behind a long bar, which stretched from the entrance almost to the end of the hall, three innkeepers, two women, and a man served drinks to clients.

Men and women of all kinds sat at long rectangular tables and along the perimeter of the bar, drinking and eating to satiety. Judging by the rosy cheeks and lost looks of some of them, many were getting drunk, while others were sobering up.

"Do you want to drink at this hour of the morning? I don\'t know about you, but my stomach\'s been growling for over half an hour. The Sleepy Owl is a tavern renowned for its great food and low prices. Oh, yeah, they also make a delicious sakè" Enatsu replied, explaining to Yoichi the qualities of that place and implicitly accepting his proposal.

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