
Chapter 786 - Dispatch Part 1

       Demi put everything she made into the plastic container, organized it neatly, and put it in the freezer. She cleaned up the kitchen, washed her hands, and proceeded to the bedroom. She removed her clothes and crawled to the bed and hugged Christian\'s cold pillow. She stared at the bedside table at Christina\'s photo smiling at her and showing his abdomen.

       She sat up and reached for the tablet. She called Cyra and she answered after a few rings.


"What\'s the update?" Demi asked.

"We already dispatched them. At this moment, they are on their way to the location." Cyra said. "Why didn\'t you come to see Christian one last time?"

"Well, I don\'t want to hold him for long. I might not let him go." Demi said.

"Come to the facility when you get some sleep."

"I will."

       Demi hung up, slipped off from the bed, and went to the walk-in closet to put Christian\'s shirt on. She went back to bed with the tablet. Then, she checked Christian\'s location. Christian promised her that he\'ll be safe and to come back to her.

       At ten in the morning, Kale picked up the maki and dumplings that she made. Then, she drove her motorbike to the facility. She greeted them. Natalia gave her a hot chocolate as they watched the team\'s location.

"My man is there too," Natalia said. Demi looked at her.

"You made it with Ashton, finally?" Demi asked.

"What do you mean, finally?"

"The two of you are teasing each other and daring each other for years. Now, it seems like the two of you finally \'get it on.\' I was surprised that it takes a while." Demi commented. Natalia creased her brows.

"Well, we haven\'t had actual sex so I\'m waiting for him to come back," Natalia said.

"Where\'s Bea?" Demi asked.

"She\'s fixing a few things," Natalia replied. The door beeps and opens as Cyra and Butler Samson enter.

       She nodded at the two as she sipped on her hot chocolate. She exhaled slowly as she watched the dots of Christian\'s team moving away from the Philippines to India. Their mission is something that only the four Empires needed. To retrieve the data that has been stolen by Jacob Ike. Something or someone in the Four Empires has been stealing data. That also includes the design of the suits. After Jaxon and Rhys find out that they are working with few gangs around the world, it\'ll be something new. The list of gangs that they took from the Eagle Empire decades ago faded.

       It seemed like they just went off for hiding to multiply and to become an empire on their own. They all knew that this is a trap. They all knew that it\'s something that the Eagle Empire is playing and Demi is nervous that she might not have Christian back. She���s nervous that they might not have them all back. It won\'t be her alone who would mourn for their deaths. But there\'s also Bea, now there\'s Natalia and each of their family, waiting for them.

"How long are we going to process everything?" Demi asked.

"Too long. It\'s a night mission." Asher said.


       Dmitri stayed in Zachary\'s invention room for a night. They processed everything and checked every detail that is needed. Zendaya leaned on the counter table and watched as Luke and Logan laughed at the faces that they made.

"Next step, old man!" Luke announced. Dmitri laughed with them but it didn\'t help because his son-in-law is on a very big mission.

"You get everything, kiddo?" Zach asked Zendy.

"Yeah. But," She looked at Zach. "Would they make it?"

"Yeah," Zach said confidently.

"I know that we had planned this thoroughly but I\'m just worried about Demi, Bea, and our agent\'s family." Zendaya exhaled. "A one-night mission." Zendaya took the tablet. "We need to make sure that it goes along with the plan."

"Zendy, don\'t be nervous," Dmitri said to calm her.

"EPUA is not with us at this moment," Zendaya announced. "There\'s something big that they are dealing with. They are stronger than the Knight Empire or the Rose Empire. What I need is for them to get back to us alive. And I\'m not nervous. I\'m just worried."

"Whatever you say," Dmitri chuckled.

       Zendaya exhaled and went to the sofa as her fingers drummed on her lap. She bit her lip and smirked. This is going to happen and she knew it. Just right at the time that they dispatch them.


       Claus watched as Jacob paced back and forth. He\'s aware that he\'s finally holding Ilya and him as hostage. He agreed on leaving but Jacob isn\'t that nice to let him go. He looked at Ilya sitting on his throne with a desk in front of him.

"They are on the move," Jacob said. "Just like we planned."

"Close them, prepare everything. I want my son alive."

"Of course, you do," Jacob smirked and looked at Claus. Claus only stared at him. "But make sure that your little lover here won\'t tell a single thing to the Dragon Empire."

"He didn\'t have contact with them," Ilya said as he stared at Claus.

"Then, why do you keep me here?" Claus asked and he crossed his arms. "Why didn\'t you just kill me, Jacob? You set up the Dragon Empire for Ilya to declare war and now, killing more pleases you."

"Yes, it pleases me indeed," Jacob smirked. "We\'ve been planning this for decades. Why should we give up now, just because of you?"

"He\'s right." Ilya stood. "I don\'t care if it was a setup or not. What is important is you are safe and well."

"And yet, we aren\'t completely together because there\'s someone else," Claus said sardonically indicating that it\'s Jacob.

"That\'s enough!" Ilya took a glass of martini. "Claus, go back to your room."

"Now, I am treated like one of your whores." Claus stood. "Anyway, I\'ll just do my boring routine."

       He left Ilya\'s study room. Claus was escorted by his very own bodyguard. When he reached his room, there were two girls ready for him but he wasn\'t into the old thing anymore. He and Ilya used to share more girls for their pleasure but now, seeing the girls crawling for money because they needed it somehow makes him pity them.

       He let them stay there and do some lewd thing. But he would just watch and give them money. He again felt like he\'s one of them. When he got sick, he wanted to end it. So, there will be no pain or worry.

"Girls, aren\'t you tired of going in here and doing whatever men would tell you to do?" He asked. The girls put their clothes on.

"Master Claus, this is our job. To please you." The girl with blonde hair said.

"Well, I don\'t need your girls anymore to please me."

"Then, we\'ll need to go to Master Jacob or Master Ilya."

"Yes, do that," Claus said and waved them off.

       He stood and went to the balcony. A pair of gray eyes makes him remember the promise he did. Cyra, he promised her that Ilya won\'t start a war but it just happened. Now, that agent\'s life depends on it. And the equipment that the Dragon Empire had, together with the design of the bulletproof suit would be very useless. Ilya provided everything that Jacob needed to kill them easily. Laser gun. The one that they also stole from the Dragon Empire.

       Even those suits won\'t help the agents to stay alive. Even the helmet that they are wearing. They will make sure that they are dead at that moment. I wanted to communicate with Cyra. But I\'ll be too late. Every phone in here has been tapped and connected to Jacob\'s server. He will know everything. He also had cameras around his room. Jacob became obsessed with destroying the four empires. He\'s obsessed with Ilya and Christian.

       Claus and Ilya used to share Christian\'s mother. Ivana. She\'s such a beauty, captivating and everyone will turn their heads as she passes by. They were all drowned in a drug that night as they shared each other. They forget the condom or more like she forgets her shot. One of them could be the father and that\'s when Ivana\'s father found out that Ilya is the father. Grisha didn\'t want Ivana to have an abortion and that makes Christian a pure Lebedov. They kept him safe to rule the Eagle Empire but it seemed like they failed.

"He\'s in good hands," Claus said. "Not until they will take him here."

       The door opened.

"What are you murmuring about?" Ilya asked as he removed his coat.

"I\'m murmuring about Christian. He\'s in good hands, with a good father."

       Ilya\'s face darkened.

"You mean Dmitri?"

"Yes," Claus chuckled. "Your son is in good hands. He\'s happy to have Dmitri as his father."

"Dmitri, killed Ivana, Grisha, and Adrian."

"Your family killed all of the Phoenix," Claus said. "It\'s just fair, is it? Those poor heirs and heiresses had made the empire rise again. I think you should stop this war." Claus turned to him. "Or lose me."

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