
Chapter 31: Tomb of Undeads

Chapter 31: Tomb of Undeads

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 500

Agility: 10, 000

Vitality: 2, 000

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -Fire Archmagic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God]


A tomb is a repository for the remains of the dead. It is generally any structurally enclosed interment space or burial chamber of varying sizes. Placing a corpse into a tomb can be called immurement, and is a method of final disposition, as an alternative to, for example, cremation or burial.

Sometimes, the corpse that had been placed inside the tomb could regain their spirit that should be lingering at the afterworld because of the dense death mana inside of the tomb. A corpse that regains their spirit and regains the ability to move is called undead.


[Type: Lich [King]

level: 312

Strength: 4.000.000

Agility: 100.000

Vitality: 7.000.000

Mana: 15.000.000

Spiritual: 9.000.000

Skills: -Arch dark magic -Arch demonic magic -Arch fire magic -Arch ice magic -Arch earth magic -Summon advanced undead -Curse of the king of death]

Oz quickly used his appraisal card and gasped after seeing the skills the lich king possessed.

“All Of you, be aware of his magic,” Commanded Oz.


The lich king slammed his staff to the ground. All the torch’s fire suddenly lit up ferociously, making the room suddenly bright.

Crack! Crack!

Sounds of bones cracking appeared coming from the torches. There are about 200 torches in this room and every torch in the room emits the sound of bones cracking.

Slowly, white skeleton warriors appeared from every torch, jumping out from it. Dozens of skeleton knights appeared from the torch’s huge fire.

“T-this… this is the ‘summon advanced undead’ magic! Only an entity with a king rank or above could use this spell!” Shouted Gareth.

“You know this spell, Gareth?” Asked Oz.

“Y-yes, master… This is the ‘summon advanced undead’ magic! He’s opening a portal by using the torches fire as the medium to summon his underlings at Gravendath!” Explained Gareth.


The lich king slammed his staff once again to the ground, and 10 fully armored skeleton knights appeared in front of him. The skeleton knights emit a different aura from the skeleton warriors. They felt more ominous and seems to be a far bigger problem than the countless skeleton warriors.

“These bones will be dead if we kill their summoner right?” Asked Oz.

“Yes, master” Answered Gareth.

“Azaline, Geeta, Fedra, Ibra, Gurolf, and Brad. All of you will be handling the countless white skeleton warriors. Aegir, Gareth, and my other clones will handle the skeleton knights. And the lich king is mine. Advance!” Commanded Oz.

As Oz rushes to the lich king, Gareth froze the skeleton knights for a second to let Oz passes them and go straight to the lich king.

Geeta and co spread to different positions and started to annihilate the skeleton warriors. The skeleton warriors are no match for them, but their number is the biggest problem. They keep on summoning without showing any sign of stopping.

But Geeta and co are not weak. They cut the numbers of the skeleton warriors in only a few moments. Aegir and Gareth take one of the skeleton knights as their foe, while Oz’s clones will be facing the rest.

Oz rushes to the lich king and summons the maleficent staff that he got from the demon duke’s loot. He swings his staff with a pure brute force to the lich king as the goblin king clone couldn’t use any magic.


The lich king blocked Oz’s brute strike with his dark barrier, but the barrier seems to be not strong enough to block Oz’s strike.

*Sound of glass breaking!*

The barrier breaks and the lich king tried to block using his staff, but Oz’s strike got through both of the lich king’s staff and the lich king’s skull.


Oz’s strike scattered the lich king’s body that made only from bones. But it surprised Oz that it only need one strike to defeat the lich king. He was expecting to has another intense fight, just like the fight between him and old man Kyron.

(I-its over?)

Oz turned his head to observe the others fight. The torches fire had already got back to its original form, and his clones together with Gareth and Aegir’s fight seems to be over soon.

There’s still a lot of skeleton warriors, but Oz let Geeta and co to handle them, hoping that some of them will rank up like his clones.

<The host had killed an entity for the first time>

<The host will be rewarded the card ‘Lich [King] [Special]’>

Following the prompts, blue particles started to appear in front of Oz and gathered to one point, forming another blue card.

[Lich [King] [Special] [Develops]

level: 312

Strength: 4.000.000

Agility: 100.000

Vitality: 7.000.000

Mana: 15.000.000

Spiritual: 9.000.000

Skills: -Arch dark magic -Arch demonic magic -Arch fire magic -Arch ice magic -Arch earth magic -Summon advanced undead -Curse of the king of death]

<Host had possessed another [King] card>

<All of the [King] card inside the 10 normal card deck will be granted a unique skill each>

<Searching skills matching the category: [King]>

<Skills detected:

-{Grant}: Host could now grant a subject a skill from a card host’s possess

-{Monarch}: All of the subjects will have an unwavering trust to host. All of the subjects will defend the host with all they got. All of the subjects will level up easier. Only available to subjects that host had already possess the [king card].

-{Strengthen}: All of the subject’s status will be increased by 200%. All of the subject’s status will be increased by 400% when they’re near the host.

-{Ruler’s Luck}: The luck of the monarch>

The prompts make Oz speechless. Oz felt like he’s just hearing things, but Gareth and co fighting rate suddenly got boosted. Their strength and agility seem to be suddenly boosted. The skeleton knights and warriors don’t last that long because of the sudden boost Gareth and co received.

“Good job!” Oz said with a satisfied smile.

But right after Oz praised them, all of them suddenly got covered by blue particles, the blue particles are brighter than the one that forms the special cards Oz usually saw.

Like a worm that got covered by a cocoon. The blue particles are covering their body like a cocoon, preparing them to evolves.


The blue particles keep on shining and disturbing Oz’s sight. As the blue particles started to fade away, their figure begins to be visible at Oz’s eyes.


Oz gasped when he saw their figures.

All of them that follow Oz into the tomb ranked up!

Not only one of them, but all of them!

Even Gareth that had just begun to follow Oz also got ranked up!

Oz scanned their status with his appraisal and is greatly satisfied with what he saw. Gareth and Aegir ranked up to the King rank. Fedra, Ibra, Brad, and Gurolf ranked up to the Duke rank. Oz’s other clones also ranked up for one level. And both Geeta and Azaline ranked up to the Count rank.

Not only Oz, but they themselves were also surprised because of their sudden ranking. They rub on themselves and observes the others that also ranked up like them.

(Now I understand…)

Oz doubts his hypothesis before, but now he’s 100 percent sure. In this world, the magic beasts hold the same leveling system just like in RPG games. All you need is to kill monsters and get a lot of experience points to level up and get rank up.

As he confirmed it, Oz immediately ordered Aegir, “Aegir, starting from tomorrow, Brad and the hunter corps will be exploring the area, search for a dungeon. I think I’ve found the key to strengthen the quality of our soldiers” Said him.

“Roger that,” Answered Aegir.

“Gareth, don’t you have your own troops on your world?” Asked Oz.

“Yes I do, I used to have 2 Duke, 5 Marquiss, 10 Count, 20 Viscount, 40 Baron, 50 Rare, and thousand normal undead underlings. Why do you ask, your majesty?” Answered Gareth.

“Could you summon them? If you could, make this place as your lair for meanwhile. I forbid you from attacking other races, but it’s okay to retaliate if your lair got attacked. You could only plunder from the demons that are in the south. Raise your necropolis from plundering them, I believe that you’ll find resources suiting your undead tastes from the demons,” Said Oz.

“Yes my lord, I think that I could summon some of them, there is a lot of death aura around here that makes it easier to summon them, but I don’t have enough mana to summon them all.” Answered Gareth with a bow.

“Then…” Oz uses his real clone card to summon the lich king clone as he said: “I wonder if you could summon it together with my lich king clone?”

“It will definitely succeed, your majesty,” Said Gareth enthusiastically.


[ Name: Gareth

Age: 320

Level: 300

Race: Skeleton [King]

Strength: 20.000.000

Agility: 10.000.000

Vitality: 50.000.000

Mana: 5.000.000

Spiritual: 4.000.000

Intellect: 1.000.000

Unique Skills:

-Summon Servants -Summon Undead -Animate Dead – Death Archmagic -Finger of Death -Immortal Strike -Ice Archmagic -Fire Archmagic -Grimoire of Death -Death Brand -Monarch’s Glare -Aura of Sovereign -Summon greater undead -Necrotic Plague]

[ Name: Aegir

Age: 35

Level: 300

Race: Goblin [King]

Strength: 15.000.000

Agility: 12.000.000

Vitality: 40.000.000

Mana: 8.000.000

Spiritual: 10.000.000

Intellect: 10.000.000

Unique Skills:

-Club dash -Monarch’s glare -Sovereign’s aura -Swordsmanship -Archery -Advanced Archery -Taunt -Auto Counter -Enrage -Berserk -Wind Magic -Leap -Superhuman Strength]

[ Name: Brad

Age: 34

Level: 250

Race: Goblin [Duke]

Strength: 2.000.000

Agility: 5.000.000

Vitality: 10.000.000

Mana: 7.000.000

Spiritual: 20.000.000

Intellect: 7.000.000

Unique Skills:

-Wind magic -Fire magic -Archery -Swordsmanship -Spearmanship -Tame -Riding -Superhuman strength -Ruler’s Aura -Stealth -Assassinate -Deadly strike]

[ Name: Ibra

Age: 37

Level: 250

Race: Goblin [Duke]

Strength: 4.000.000

Agility: 1.000.000

Vitality: 8.000.000

Mana: 1.000.000

Spiritual: 1.000.000

Intellect: 400.000

Unique Skills:

-Swordsmanship -Hammer Mastery -Shield Mastery -Herlucean Strength -Ruler’s aura -Mad man’s Glare -Berserk -Herlucean Dash -Guardian’s endurance]

[ Name: Gurolf

Age: 40

Level: 250

Race: Goblin [Duke]

Strength: 700.000

Agility: 500.000

Vitality: 1.000.000

Mana: 7.000.000

Spiritual: 20.000.000

Intellect: 30.000.000

Unique Skills:

-Wind magic -Fire magic -Mind magic -Nature magic -Death magic -Arch wind magic -Ruler’s Aura -Magus wisdom]

[ Name: Geeta

Age: 13

Level: 150

Race: Goblin [Count]

Strength: 100.000

Agility: 120.000

Vitality: 500.000

Mana: 700.000

Spiritual: 600.000

Intellect: 900.000

Unique Skills:

-Wind magic -Fire magic -Archery -Advanced Swordsmanship -Spearmanship -Dash -Assassinate -Knife mastery -Dash]

[ Name: Azaline

Age: 700

Level: 150

Race: Elf [Count]

Strength: 80.000

Agility: 180.000

Vitality: 300.000

Mana: 500.000

Spiritual: 700.000

Intellect: 800.000

Unique Skills:

-Wind magic -Fire magic -Water magic -Nature magic -Advanced Archery -Swordsmanship -Dash -Assassinate -Knife mastery -Dash]

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