
Chapter 97 - Arriving At Dilheim

In Dilheim,

Lucas was truly in disarray. Just a month ago, Liu Feng had sent Lucas a message through a communication stone that he was facing demons. He had given him the particulars, and that he was going to help a phoenix. Lucas was already impressed with the fact that Liu Feng had met a phoenix. Lucas was from the ancient times around the demon war, and he knew about the existence of a phoenix, as well as that of the demons. He knew the severity of the issue right away.

He received news that Liu Feng was in trouble, and was prepared to send a whole platoon to help him out. But when he heard that demons were behind it, he knew that he did not have enough power to handle the situation. He himself could not leave the mage tower, and as for the children, they were to strong enough to help Liu Feng with the literal platoon. And, when he heard that Liu Feng was facing an entire legion, he was particularly tensed.

A whole legion acting independently did not spell anything good for the continent. 

Then, Arad came to Dilheim. Lucas certainly did not expect a Dragon to already arrive. He apologized to Lucas, saying that he could not help Liu Feng. As a dragon, the magical forest was the one place that he could not act. Arad told Lucas that this was something that Liu Feng had to handle on his own, because Arad\'s arrival would only complicate things.

After all of this happened, and a nerve-wracking day, Lucas received a message from Liu Feng that the whole demon situation was taken care of, and he was mistaken in that it was not a legion but rather just a scouting group. He also told Lucas that a gift was going to arrive at Dilheim. Lucas had no idea what to expect.

Then, a week later, a true phoenix arrived at the tower\'s doorstep seeking accommodations. She showed the city guards Liu Feng\'s token and was allowed into the city, and when she arrived at the tower, she just sent a tremor of mana to signal her arrival.

Lucas was terrified when he felt that tremor. He thought that an enemy had arrived. When he sent a group of students to stand guard and went to see the situation, his eyeballs popped off. He realized immediately that this was the phoenix herself, because of her mystical aura among her, and the huge wings that she unfolded to their full glory just at that moment.

"Please come in. I was not told of your arrival. Forgive me if the accommodations are not able to satisfy you.", Lucas bowed.

"Hmph. All that you humans care about are the useless superficial details. When it comes to the important times, you just disappear.", the phoenix harrumphed. Nevertheless, she entered the tower and accepted her accommodations.

Lucas truly marvelled at Liu Feng\'s ability. He heard the detailed account of what happened from the phoenix. He took some time to organize his thoughts and prepared for the phoenix\'s stay. He also had to prepare for the arrival of a whole lagoon of dragons, and he had no idea how many would come. 

Present time, Three weeks afterwards,

It was at this time of chaos and unrest that Liu Feng returned. He was haggard in appearance and had unruly hair and a dirty face. No one would recognize him as Liu Feng, and he even gave his token to the phoenix so that she could give it to Lucas. Now, Liu Feng was faced with a problem with entering the city. He was the one who imposed great standards into the security of the city, and he made it such that even he himself could enter only the front door. 

As the Lord himself, he did not want to be the one to break the rules and try to jump the wall. Moreover, he made the wall quite big, and it was not an easy task to jump over it.

Liu Feng stood at the outer gates, where the city guards were taking the records of all who were entering. They obviously stopped Liu Feng when it was his turn.

"Who are you? The city is only accepting people for labour. Anyone else must have prior permits for entering the city."

Liu Feng knew better than to claim that he was Liu Feng himself. So, he said, "I am an orphan. I heard that the master of the mage tower was hiring talent? I am willing to do any work."

*Somewhere in the castle, both Liu Man, and Mo Daiyu suddenly sneezed and started coughing*

"You are an orphan? The master is accepting orphans from the age of five to eleven only. Not people who are almost adults. You cannot enter."

Liu Feng cursed at the rules that he imposed himself. "I can do labour. I am strong. I can give you a part of my first salary as well."

"Boy, we are city guards of the esteemed city of Dilheim. We cannot be bribed. Go back, maybe come in a few years once the restrictions are relaxed."

Liu Feng did not know whether to laugh or to cry. Then, it dawned upon him. He closed his eyes, and he sent his mana to the centre of the city, where Lucas was. Lucas realized that someone was at the front entrance, and was communicating with him.

He called out one of his apprentices, and said, "There is someone at the city gates. Go welcome them."

The apprentice nodded and rushed towards the city gates. Meanwhile, the city guards were growing impatient.

"Hey boy! You are slowing the line. I am going to have to use force to kick you out. You will be banned from the city for obstruction."

Suddenly, a city guard from inside the gates rushed outside along with the apprentice. Liu Feng looked at the apprentice, who was a whole head smaller than him.

"Lucas sent you? Let\'s go. I need a bath."

"How dare you speak so rudely with the esteemed apprentice of the mage tower?", the city guard stopped Liu Feng, with his hand pushing on Liu Feng\'s chest.

Liu Feng looked down, and he chuckled.

"Take your hand off.", he said.


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