
Chapter 279 - Showing Off The New Daos True Potential

Chapter 279 - Showing Off The New Dao\'s True Potential

The tip of a finger that is filled to the brim with lighting chakra and a huge sword entirely made of ice clashed, resulting in a devastating explosion of ice and lighting that tore everything in the vicinity of the clash into pieces.

Simultaneously, two hands with a complex array of seals drawn all over them shot towards the person holding the sword.

A smirk appeared on Yuna\'s face as she increased the amount of chakra she was supplying to her sword while letting go of it with one of her hands to intercept the incoming attack.

Although she wasn\'t strong enough to contest with the Third Raikage\'s strength with only one hand, there was no problem as long as she used enough chakra to compensate for the difference.

Yuna gave the seals drawn all over Mito\'s hands a glance, and moments later, the ice that was coating her hand started moving and formed a complex array of seals as well.

The two attacks clashed, but instead of causing an explosion, chakra ripples originated from the point of contact, and moments later, both seals shattered simultaneously.

However, Mito was far from done as her nine [Adamantine Sealing Chains] stabbed into the ground around the clashing trio, resulting in thousands of seals bursting out of Mito and her nine chains and crawling towards Yuna.

"[Sealing Art: Ten Pillar Chakra Suppression Seal]"

The moment the first seal touched her, Yuna could feel that her chakra output was decreasing at a rapid pace and that the Third Raikage was slowly starting to push her back.

While most people would be overwhelmed by suddenly being trapped by such a complex sealing formation while clashing with someone as powerful as the Third Raikage, but Yuna was not most people. Her face twisted in glee when she realized her current situation as her thirst for battle became even more potent.

Her eyes moved at lighting speed to analyze Mito\'s seal as fast as possible, and not even a split second later, her seven chains that were combined with Kurama\'s tails started drawing seemingly random lines made out of ice in midair.

"[Ice Seal Combination Style: All-Devouring Divine Ice Seal]"

Although Mito had no clue what the ice lines Yuna just produced meant, with her experience as a sealing grandmaster, she could at least tell that Yuna was drawing some kind of seal in a system she had never seen before.

Although she currently had no time for idle thoughts, she still couldn\'t help but ponder where Yuna learned such a foreign-looking sealing style.

However, a short moment later, she remembered what Yuna told her about her childhood, and she realized where this unusual sealing style was coming from.

\'She…created it from scratch? Just how abnormal can a single person get?\'

Despite her idle thoughts, Mito\'s mind attempted to analyze the seal Yuna had just drawn, and after concluding that she had no idea where she was even supposed to start, she made a split-second decision.


Without a moment of hesitation, she canceled the seal that was about to paralyze Yuna completely and jumped backward while yelling at the Third Raikage to do the same.

These three people had been clashing with each other for quite a while now, so Mito had somewhat accepted just how abnormal Yuna was by now. Although she had no clue what the seal Yuna just created would do, she would rather not be in its vicinity when it activated.

Before the Third Raikage could react to Mito\'s words, a white dome exploded out of the seal Yuna just made and started engulfing everything around it.

The first one who was entirely covered by it was Yuna, who didn\'t seem to be bothered by that in the slightest. Moments later, it reached the Third Raikage\'s hand, and despite being an [Edo Tensei], his instinct screamed at him to get away from the white dome as far as he could.

He flared his chakra, increasing the density of his chakra cloak far beyond what he usually considered his maximum output, and appeared a few dozen meters away from the slowly expanding ice dome.

He glanced at his hand that briefly touched the dome and couldn\'t help but be entirely bewildered by what he saw. It was gone. Every part of his hand that was covered by the ice dome was gone, and despite being an [Edo Tensei], it wasn\'t regenerating at all. Additionally, ice started slowly creeping up his arm, and no matter how much chakra he pumped into it, it barely slowed down.

Moments later, the ice dome vanished, revealing Yuna with a casual smile on her face.

"As expected of someone who reached the peak of this world\'s sealing arts while they were alive, you managed to see through my attack to some degree."

A frown appeared on Mito\'s face when she heard Yuna\'s words. Although Mito didn\'t think that Yuna was purposely mocking her, she felt that Yuna was looking down on her for some reason. Despite Yuna just being a very young woman, Mito felt like she was being treated as a small child who just managed to show something impressive to her senior.

Despite that, she pushed down that feeling and decided to give Yuna a relatively short response instead.

"You are a monster."

Yuna couldn\'t help but chuckle when she heard Mito\'s response before nodding her head in agreement.

"Correct, I am a monster. Nothing about me isn\'t abnormal, and I wouldn\'t want it any other way. After all, there is nothing more boring than normal."

While Mito\'s eyebrows were twitching like crazy due to Yuna\'s ridiculous statement, the Third Raikage was still trying to push back Yuna\'s ice. Yuna took a deep breath, resulting in her presence slowing getting weaker, while her chakra cloak and ice armor vanished.

"Well, I\'m quite spent. As expected, fighting two people with endless amounts of chakra is rather tiring, so let\'s end this here."

Mito couldn\'t help but be bewildered by the sudden shift in mood, so the moment Yuna stopped speaking, she immediately started asking questions.

"What!? Why do you suddenly want to end it? Despite clashing with the two of us for such a long time, you seem to be completely fine, so why do you suddenly want to stop?"

Yuna couldn\'t help but chuckle when she heard Mito\'s questions. From her perspective, it probably looked like this fight was far from over, but she couldn\'t be more wrong.

"Hehe, that is rather easy to answer. It\'s because…"

Thousands of seals that were hidden underneath a layer of ice all over the room started glowing, while a massive grin appeared on Yuna\'s face. Although she used the same trick to capture Hashirama, there is no shame in using a good scheme twice.

"…I have already won!"

Before either Mito or the Third Raikage could move a single muscle, the seals in the room activated while an insane smile appeared on Yuna\'s face.



Cakes hit the faces of Mito, the Third Raikage, and even Fuyu, who still was sitting in a corner while closely observing a frozen pebble she held in her hand, and not even a second later, all three of them vanished and were replaced by three small tokes that had different numbers on them.

When Yuna saw that everything worked out perfectly, she gave herself a satisfied nod and started picking up the three tokens that were left behind.

\'Well, that was fun~\'

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