
Chapter 111 “Digression: The Magic Pouches.”

was during one night —- A few days after they had returned from Lagine Village and Toga.

Only the moonlight illuminates the world late at night. Feeling that something is standing over him, Tatsumi opens his eyes.

It’s already been quite a long time since he had gotten summoned to this world.

He looks outside the window with sleepy eyes. By now he can mostly tell the time by the position of the moon.

Tatsumi who decided he can get one more nap in moves to go back to sleep, shaking off his insomnia. (TL: No, he does not have insomnia, he’s just having a hard time sleeping i guess?)

At that point. He noticed that he can’t move his body as how he tries to.

The words sleep paralysis emerge in Tatsumi’s brain.

There’s many opinions about the cause of sleep paralysis.

One famous among the rest is,「The state where your brain is awake but your body is not」. And, the opinion just as famous next to that one is,「Sleep paralysis is a psychic phenomenon」.

In this world, the existence called a ghost does not exist, as Tatsumi was taught by the temple.

That’s because most people’s way of thinking is that after death, your soul that has escaped from your body immediately goes to God’s heaven.

For that reason, the soul does not wander around, and ghosts do not exist.

Immortal monsters, Undeads —- Things like zombies and skeletons —- exist, but they rely on the〈Magic〉left in the bodies of people that held deep grudges, and from Tatsumi’s knowledge were not immortal.

Then, what’s happening in those people’s bodies?

While desperately suppressing the unidentifiable fear crawling up his spine, Tatsumi once more opened his eyes.

The moonlight shines in through the window, and slightly illuminates the inside of the bedroom.

Inside that weak light, Tatsumi saw something that looked like it was wearing a white mantle climbing on his body.

──Just what is.......? I, impossible, a ghost.......?

’So there are ghosts in this world too’, so was the quiet out-of-place thought Tatsumi held in his mind, while he concentrated on looking at the white thing trying to get on him in order to completely figure out what it was.

The size of the white thing was about equal to Tatsumi. In other words, it was about the same size as a human.

That human-sized white thing got on Tatsumi who was lying upwards as if to lean over him, and there was also a round part that was like a pointed end, and slowly approached his head.

Inside the dim bedroom, there was a slowly approaching white thing. The fear climbing up his spine reaching his throat, about the point where Tatsumi unknowingly almost screamed.

With a light thud, something fell onto Tatsumi’s face.

Something fell on his face, sliding and crawling across his face, moving toward the side of his sleeping head.

──W, what was that just now!?

Raising a voice that couldn’t even be called one, Tatsumi opened his eyes in the dark.

Above that same person’s face, once again one more, and one more after that fall, and similarly, ticklishly move across his face.

While this happened, the white thing’s round part got even closer to Tatsumi.

At exactly that point – when Tatsumi’s fear overflowed from his limit, and a scream tried to fly out from his throat.

A stimulus entered his nose, a familiar smell.

──H, Huh? This smell is......pe, perhaps......

Somehow moving his throat which won’t work as he wants it to from fear, Tatsumi mutters in a soft and blurry voice.

「Ch, Chiko?」

The white thing that had come toward point-blank range, hearing his voice suddenly turned, as if snapping went downward towards him.

「M, Master!? It seems you’re awake......!?」

The white thing floating in the room. The thing that heard his voice from there was undoubtedly Calsedonia’s voice.

「Ehm...... What are you doing?」

「T, That is....... well.........」

As always this world relied only on dim moonlight. Even so, recovering from his fear, he is able to see further from the things he could see to the things he couldn’t.

Now, Calsedonia is straddling the region around Tatsumi’s hips, taking a stance of riding a horse.

As always, the two were fully naked. Even in the darkness, he’s able to see Calsedonia hurriedly continuing her condition of horse riding somehow, and is also able to tell that her two hills move every time she moves her body above Tatsumi.


When Tatsumi called that name again, Calsedonia hung her head in heartbreak at the idea.

Next to her, something soft tickles his stomach. It seems Calsedonia’s hair had touched his stomach.

It’s likely that the reason Tatsumi’s face had fallen down from a bit ago was because of her hair. There’s no doubt that as Calsedonia’s hand spilled a tuft of hair that fell toward Tatsumi’s face as she was lifted up.

「Ah, uhm......Master’s sleeping face was......just so cute that I......couldn’t control myself and kissed......」

In reality she had done what amounted to more than just a kiss leaning over Tatsumi, but Calsedonia would not say that.

「I see......」

Relaxing his entire body, Tatsumi gave out a deep breath. And, he once again looks up to Calsedonia, who is horse riding him from below.

Her body line which has been removed from her balance was as always beautiful.

Her whitish body standing out against the pale moonlight looked almost like a spirit.

Both bountiful chests and the lean abdomen. And the texture of her smooth thighs and soft rear, Tatsumi himself felt on his stomach.

This is probably too late, but Chiko is pretty beautiful.

While praising his own wife in his mind, Tatsumi lifted a grin in the dark.

「I well understand. And, I will regard that as a challenge to me」

Tatsumi suddenly grabs the defenseless Calsedonia’s chest with both hands.

「Ho, Hyeeeeeeee!?」

Moving the surprised Calsedonia with《Instantaneous Movement》, Tatsumi changes the position that he is in with her.

In one instant he changes who is on top and is on bottom, Tatsumi quickly changes the position to start horse riding Calsedonia.

「You had started it first, so I assume you’re ready for it?」

Tatsumi then pressed down on Calsedonia’s neck with his face, pressing his lips on her smooth skin,crawling his tongue along slowly.

The next morning.

In slightly sleepy faces, the two head toward the temple as normal.

Right now the season is the time of the sun. In other words, summer.

The summers in Largophilli Kingdom compared to Japan’s summers pass quite easily.

No matter what the actual air temperature was, what Tatsumi felt was about 30 degrees. Comparing it to Japan’s summers which often surpass 35 degrees, it can be said to be quite low.

However, the defining feature of Japan’s summers, the cicada’s voices, could not be heard, so Tatsumi was left a bit unsatisfied.

Even so, when it’s summer people are dressed lightly.

There were many who exposed their arms and legs, and it seems the materials the plainclothes are made of are permeable.

Tatsumi and Calsedonia were showing their social class of priests, wearing priest clothes. Days off and times when one is in the house aside, one surely cannot wear rough clothes

And since it’s priests’ clothing, since exposing skin is prohibited, the two are right now a bit uncomfortably hot. While holding Tatsumi’s right arm, Calsedonia walks. It seems today she is in really good health and has been nothing but smiles since the morning.

His right arm conveying her body heat combined with the air temperature can be called hot, but he didn’t feel that unpleasant strangely.

On the contrary, the warmth of Calsedonia’s body from his right arm reminded him of their midnight affair, and Tatsumi’s body temperature rose to his face.

There were no changes to the capital Levanits from normal.

The town was overflowing with activity, and people were running around busily.

The town that had started its activity along with daybreak, had already waken up fully.

The prosperous various stall keepers calling in customers with inviting voices, and the customers who check the goods happily.

Perhaps the ones walking quickly along the road are travelers who are going to leave and go to another city.

Inside all of this, is one group wearing armor. They are most likely magic beast hunters who are going hunting.

──Oh yeah, although it’s been a few days since we’ve returned to Levantis, we haven’t gone to see the〔Elf’s Resting Place〕yet.

The few days after we had returned to Levantis were quite busy with chasing after the postprocessing and reports of the events, so we didn’t have the chance to set foot in the〔Elf’s Resting Place〕yet.

When L and Jardock had remembered their nostalgia and Mil-Il’s face, they had dimly thought they should go to L’s shop tonight.

Tatsumi became aware of a gaze facing towards him.

Without even turning his gaze around, he moves just his vision to find their identity.

The person facing toward him was standing in a thin alleyway like he was entrusting his body to it.

If he’s not particularly hiding, then he’s also not hiding the fact he’s looking at Tatsumi.

And that proof was, that when that person was caught by his (Tatsumi’s) gaze, that person showed a sweet smile.

Wondering who it is, Tatsumi stops where he is and once again turns toward that person to look.

And, Tatsumi unknowingly opened his eyes widely.

First, he was surprised that the person was a woman.

From his eye it looked like she was somewhere in the first half of her twenties to the first half of her thirties. Her height was tall, about the same standing as Tatsumi.

Her white skin was not odd for this country. However, other parts of her were pretty odd.

If you were to put it in precise words, it would be correct that she was bizarre for the country of Largophilli.

That woman’s hair length led down to her waist, with the same black color as Tatsumi’s.

And what that woman wore on her, was not any normal clothes that could be found in the peoples of the country, but a design that Tatsumi was very familiar with.

It was a dark grey business suit.

It was the working woman that Tatsumi knew well, and not your average Office Lady (OL), wearing a shirt that gave the image that she was in a more high social position of a manager.

The coat on her shoulders and the slim pants gave the woman a smart impression.

Below the suit was a white shirt. Decorating her neck was a deep red necktie.

At her feet were dark blue sneakers, but it was still undoubtedly not a material from this world.

Her pupil color was light brown, and the way her face was featured was evidently not from Asia. However, it still gave off a different impression from those of this country.

Everything about that woman(‘s appearance) was deeply familiar to Tatsumi, and was from the point of this country......No, this world, was too different.


Calsedonia, who had seen Tatsumi stop suddenly with a strange face. But, realizing that he was fixated at one certain direction, she looked in that direction —- And swallowed her breath.

「Th, The same color of hair as Danna-sama......?」

Up until now she had not seen anyone with black hair in this world.

The woman who was entrusting her body to the alleyway meets Tatsumi and Calsedonia straightforward halfway in between, walking toward them.

And walking a few steps toward the two and stopping, the woman points her gaze toward Tatsumi’s right hand—-toward『Amaryllis』.

「Yeah, that’s definitely 『Amaryllis』. Yeah, you’re him right?」

The black haired woman once again smiles, and elevating her right hand toward the same height as her eyes, turning over her sleeve.

Equipped on that arm was a vermillion gold mineral weapon that’s often seen.

「Th, That is...... I, Impossible......」

「Yeah. It’s from the same material that your now equipped『Amaryllis』is made of. Though, in terms of time mine is a lot more new than yours?」

「I, Impossible......You are......」

The one who asked in a blurry voice was Calsedonia, next to Tatsumi.

Seeing the weapon shining vermillion gold, she had guessed who the black-haired woman is.

「Why don’t we once again introduce ourselves. My name is Tina Abi Zahui. And, in this country my name is Tiet Zamui, or perhaps you know me by the famous name《Great Sorcerer》? Nice to meet you, my successor-kun.」

And that was the moment where two〈Heaven〉magic users met.

Author’s Note:

I’ve changed up the last chapter “Digression: The Magic Pouches.”

I haven’t changed the general flow, but some of the details have changed.

If you would like, I would be happy if you could take another look at it.

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