
Chapter 1856 - Summoning Anzu

Chapter 1856: Summoning Anzu

After Draenor went through the events that precipitated because of the The Cipher of Damnation and the disaster involving the huge explosion, many of the intelligent native species went extinct. The survivors were either corrupted or degraded like the Lost Ones. However, two intelligent races not only managed to survive, but gradually managed to prosper in this broken place. They eventually became powerful forces that held influence over this area. These were the Mag’har Orcs and the Arakkoa.

Compared to the brown-skinned Orcs, the Arakkoa’s eccentric appearance, mysterious magic and sensational legends were far more interesting to the players.

The creatures that were present in Sethekk Halls would be enough to satisfy the players’ curiosity.

“Hoho, it’s time to go, let’s goo~~”

The first Boss, Dark Weaver Seth, was a prefect representation of the Arakkoa’s alternative looks and behaviour.

Azure Sea Breeze immediately went up to start the Boss without a moment’s thought. He had become very accustomed to taking the First Clear and couldn’t accept that he didn’t have any from the three Instance Dungeons that were available. His current equipment was exquisite and his level was high, so he was still quite tanky. He also still claimed to be the number one Main Tank of Dawn.

The Boss’ attacks were so pitiful that even Hachi Chan could keep them alive. When Chain Lightning was cast, she just needed to activate a healing-over-time skill on the other players before going back to healing the Main Tank.

Many players thought that Hachi Chan was like a cute pet that everyone just kept around.

In fact, this was a completely misinformed view. Not only was she cute, but she also had an incredibly high Charisma value. Moreover, she had many exquisite equips and an arsenal Enhanced Skills. Even if she was a little pet, she could guarantee the health of her teammates in battle.

If there was any difficulty involved with this Boss, it would be because of the elemental monsters that were summoned three times.

When the Boss reached 75% HP, 50% HP and 25% HP, it would summon four elementals. There was a Shadow, a Flame, a Frost and an Arcane Elemental.

The four elementals would deal incredible damage to the team in a short amount of time, so they had to kill them as quickly as possible. With the exception of the Main Tank and the Healers, all damage output players had to participate in killing these elementals before attacking the Boss. If they couldn’t deal with them quickly, they had to use their crowd control skills to limit their damage.

In addition to Lu Li, Hachi Chan and Azure Sea Breeze, they were attempting this Instance

Dungeon with Lonesome Flower and Fat Monkey.

This double-Mage line up was potent as the two of them were ranked first and second as Mages. Lu Li’s main responsibility was to crowd-control the monsters. It was a waste of time for him to kill the monsters as he could just crowd-control them and attack the Boss with all his strength. After all, the monsters would also vanish eventually.

The second Boss was called Ikiss, the Talon King.

The Sethekk were one of the most powerful tribes among the Arakkoa. Their leader, Ikiss the Talon King, was one of the most powerful Arcanists among Arrakoa.

His achievements and mastery in arcane magic were unmatched.

When compared to his Arcane Explosion, Dark Weaver Seth’s arcane skills were nothing more than cheap tricks.

He carried Terokk’s Shadowsatff which had been a reward for his ability and loyalty. This was a deadly Magic Staff and Ikiss always had it at his side despite the fact that he was more used to using a dagger.

It was rumoured that Terokk had cast magic onto this Magic Staff so that he could communicate with its user.

Ikiss used this rumour to declare himself as the spokesperson of Terokk. Terokk’s followers were quickly convinced that the his words were being spoken through the Magic Staff.

After the exiles fled from Skettis, the Sethekk family also left the area.

Ikiss, the Talon King, claimed that he had been inspired by the soul of the master. He said that Terokk was about to be reborn in Auchendoun’s Tomb. He was anxious to revive his master, so he took the three legendary items, Terokk’s Quill, Terokk’s Mask and Terokk’s Legacy without permission. He then brought the clan to Sethekk Halls to dig and search.

Unfortunately, before the excavation work had concluded, there was trouble in Skettis.

Although the Sethekk people claimed to be loyal followers of Terokk, their arrogance meant that they had no one to blame but themselves. Several other clans had been dissatisfied with the fact that Sethekk had been the favourites and were afraid that they would become even more indulgent with the revival of Terokk their hero.

As such, they singled out the Sethekk tribe and declared them as traitors to Skettis.

After days of digging, there was no sign of Terokk’s revival and Ikiss the Talon King was becoming very concerned.

Ironically, what he initially regarded as a symbol for Terokk’s revival, a paw mark in Sethekk Halls, was actually a mark which symbolised the revival of Anzu the Raven God.

There were many that thought he was an innately good person, but ultimately was corrupted.

In fact, this was incorrect. The so-called corruption never existed because he had never been a kind person to begin with. This was just an outward expression of who he was.

He had openly declared Terokk’s Revival with the intention of all of his people submitting to him and accepting his rule. In fact, this revival was nothing more than a hoax.

The other Arakkoa had seen them as traitors and the exposed Sethekk tribe now had nowhere to go except the hall.

In short, this was a story of some children who used the name of their master to bless themselves after their master’s death.

This Boss’ skills were very powerful. Due to his mastery over the arcane, he had a Polymorph skill that would randomly turn a player into a sheep for five seconds. A lot could be done in five seconds.

Of course, the players could resist this crowd control or have their teammates Dispel it.

Druids couldn’t Dispel magic, but fortunately, everyone was high-levelled enough that they had their own ways to control it. If they had a Priest present, Dispelling the magic would be a simple task. March Rain even had group Dispel skills.

However, they had brought Hachi Chan to fight Anzu.

In addition, the Boss would continually try to Blink into the players and cast Arcane Explosion. At this stage, it dealt significant damage, so if the healing wasn’t enough, there was a decent chance that they would get wiped.

Lu Li’s response was simple. When the Boss used Blink, the nearby players would use their escape skills. The two Mages had Blink, Lu Li had his escape skills and Hachi Chan had her equipment special effects. As for Azure Sea Breeze, he didn’t seem to care about the Arcane Explosion damage so he just walked out slowly.

In fact, this Arcane Explosion would be interruptible in future patches.

The official reason for this was to reduce the overall difficulty of the game.

At this point, many guilds didn’t know what to do after defeating this Boss. They couldn’t find another Boss, but the game refused to acknowledge that the players who had defeated the two Bosses had acquired the First Clear.

At this point, it was Hachi Chan’s turn to shine.

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