
Chapter 242 – Goblin Lord (1)

Chapter 242 – Goblin Lord (1)

Translator: Seven

Editor: Ana_Banana

“Get them!”

“These are the last!”

By the end of the battle with the 100,000 strong Goblin horde, the players’ conditions were similar to cars that had just finished a long race.

‘When this is over…’

Their heated engines began to cool, and their reason, which had returned with their calm, began to make them feel cold.

The reason why these players felt this way was simple.

‘What will Isaac Ivanov do?’

They didn’t know what Isaac Ivanov would do after the battle ended.

But they knew that it was something that would change their fates one way or another.

The battle soon ended.


After that last screech, there were no longer any Goblins standing on the battlefield.


Instead, tension began to fill this place that was absolutely covered in corpses.

Even though no one said anything, all the players subconsciously gathered together regardless of their affiliations.


Of course, even at this time, the Skeleton Knights and Skeleton Soldiers didn’t forget to finish off any Goblins who were still alive in the pile.

So it made the atmosphere even scarier.



The dreadful silence that was only broken by the rattle of the skeleton’s bones, or their occasional cry made these players, who had overcome their fear, slowly descend into that state once again.

It was about that time.

When the sweat that had accumulated after the battle slowly became cold.


Isaac Ivanov finally approached the players with quiet, calm footsteps.

Then he turned to look at the Thunderbird players and said.

“The Lightning King is dead.”

Those words made the Thunderbird players take a collective gulp.

They once again remembered the scene of Isaac Ivanov slaying the Lightning King.


‘What about us?’

These thoughts soon became fear as they wondered if Isaac Ivanov would kill them after killing the Lightning King.

More importantly, they had initially had an agreement with Isaac Ivanov to work together and get rid of the Phoenix Guild.

Yet in such a situation, the Lightning King died?

This meant that Isaac Ivanov might have had an agreement with the Phoenix Guild to get rid of the Lightning King.


‘Was it intentional?’

The Thunderbird executives who were closest to the Lightning King began to wonder if their speculations were the truth.

‘What should we do?’

But they didn’t dare to fight.

Just the thought of fighting Isaac Ivanov after witnessing his prowess was crazy in itself.

But running was also not that good of a choice.

The only place they would reach by running from there was hell.

The eyes of the Thunderbird players shook violently as they wondered how to get out of their difficult situation.

Then Isaac Ivanov spoke again.

“So nominate a representative to take over from the Lightning King.”

Get a representative to replace the Lightning King.

This remark shocked all the Thunderbird players greatly.


Shakira, the Lightning King’s first disciple, bowed her head towards Isaac Ivanov and said.

“The leader didn’t choose a successor, so you, Isaac Ivanov, can choose.”

This was a judgment made out of desperation.

If she asked Isaac Ivanov to pay for the death of the Lightning King, what would Isaac Ivanov do?

If he wanted to negotiate, that would be great, but what if he didn’t?

The answer was obvious.

He would just eliminate these negotiators who dared to demand a price.

‘I’d be next.’

And with the current situation, Shakira was certain that she would be the first person to follow the Lightning King.

‘Absolutely not.’

Unsurprisingly, she had no intention of showing any loyalty to the dead Lightning King at that moment.

Furthermore, she didn’t think it was necessary to go down to hell together with the Lightning King in this dungeon.

Instead, she decided to lower her head and wait for the right time.

In this situation, there was one person who willingly raised their hand.

“Then I’ll represent them.”

Kim Woo-jin declared himself as the representative.

Thunderbird was the number one civilian military company in the world.

Thunderbird’s value was clear for everyone to see. If it became a listed company, there was no doubt that the richest people in the world would not spare their money to invest in it.

What was more surprising was that all of Thunderbird’s value was held in the hands of one person, the Lightning King.

The Lightning King did not give any real power to any of his subordinates, nor did he designate a successor.

This was because the Lightning King believed this would only lead to inevitable betrayal.

These were the thoughts of a Tyrant.

In any case, replacing the Lightning King was the same as taking complete control of Thunderbird.

“I’ll be the representative.”

But now Kim Woo-jin had said in front of Isaac Ivanov that he wanted to replace the Lightning King.

Shakira’s eyes became bloody at this fact.

‘These guys!’

In all honesty, this was complete nonsense.

Isaac Ivanov was the one who killed the Lightning King, and now Kim Woo-jin who was one of Isaac Ivanov’s closest associates wanted to be the head of Thunderbird?

“There won’t be any problems with my qualifications.”

The problem was that it seemed like Kim Woo-jin had some kind of agreement with the Lightning King.

“I had an agreement with the Lightning King.”

Obviously, she knew what they had talked about at that time.

If Kim Woo-jin killed Johann Georg in the dungeon, the Lightning King would make a place for him in Thunderbird.

He would also prepare a key position for him in the group.

“Isn’t that right, Ms. Shakira?”

Of course, Shakira knew about this deal, even if no one else did.

Naturally, she could deny his words, after all, they didn’t sign a contract, nor did they get another person to notarise their agreement.

But what would happen after she denied it?

No, it wasn’t even worth imagining.

It was obvious who would win the debate.

‘If Kim Woo-jin becomes Thunderbird’s representative…’

So, on the contrary, Shakira began to weigh what would happen if she agreed to his offer instead.

‘Thunderbird’s power would be the same.’

Once Kim Woo-jin became Thunderbird’s representative, at least the executives wouldn’t have to worry about being hit by Isaac Ivanov’s lightning.

And even if they had to suffer some losses, it would only have to be to Kim Woo-jin instead of Isaac Ivanov.

The difference was quite large.

If you asked any of Thunderbird’s executives to go talk to Isaac Ivanov, they would be unable to do so, but if it was Kim Woo-jin, they would be able to have a conversation.

In other words, Kim Woo-jin could act as the buffer between Thunderbird and Isaac Ivanov.

‘And he’s not a good person.’

In addition, Kim Woo-jin wasn’t someone who was completely loyal to Isaac Ivanov.

‘It’s possible to negotiate with him after.’

Naturally, this meant that they could deal with Kim Woo-jin in other ways be it transactions or conspiracies.

After thinking about it for a while, Shakira nodded.

“It is up to you Isaac Ivanov, if you recognize him as the representative, then Thunderbird will follow him.”

When he heard Shakira’s words, Isaac Ivanov turned to look at Kim Woo-jin who nodded and said.

“I’m Thunderbird’s Representative, Kim Woo-jin.” (TL: basically reintroducing himself)

It was the moment when Kim Woo-jin had been appointed the head of Thunderbird.

“First of all, Thunderbird would like to delegate total command in this dungeon to you, Isaac Ivanov.”

Then he delegated the command of Thunderbird over to Isaac Ivanov.

After nodding at those words, Isaac Ivanov then turned to look at Park Yong-wan.

Park Yong-wan, who had been watching this from the side and making his own calculations, finished making his decision by the time those eyes came to rest on him.

‘Nothing good will come out of resisting here.’

Afterwards, he lowered his gaze and said.

“An unexpected situation has occurred, so, Isaac Ivanov, I think it would be best if you took command from now on. If you give a command, then the Phoenix Guild, including myself, will absolutely obey it.”

Isaac Ivanov nodded once more.

This meant that from that moment, Isaac Ivanov was basically the leader of everyone in the dungeon.

If they acted against Isaac Ivanov now, it would no longer be a disagreement, instead, it would be disobedience.

“Then I’ll give the orders.”

Then he gave an order to everyone for the first time.

“On the seventh floor, we will take down the boss monster of this dungeon, the Goblin Lord.”

This order put everyone’s minds at ease.

‘So it’s just hunting.’

‘Right, we would have had to do it to leave the dungeon anyway.’

All the players there knew that they had to keep attacking and eventually clear the dungeon if they wanted to survive.

Of course, these relaxed thoughts didn’t last very long.

“The time limit is a month.”

Kim Woo-jin continued, not giving his new subordinates the chance to interpret his words in a different way.

“We will clear this dungeon in a month.”

After Park Yong-wan sold out the country to Japan before Kim Woo-jin returned to the past, the Messiah Guild went to war with Japan.

And after the Messiah Guild’s victory, the world became split in two.

There were those who agreed with the Messiah Guild’s values, and those who disagreed with the Messiah Guild’s values.

In this divided world, many people gathered under the Messiah Guild’s banner, and in the process, the Messiah Guild experienced explosive growth both qualitatively and quantitatively.

However, there were some side effects.

There were many who agreed with the Messiah Guild’s values, but it was not easy for those who had never fought for said values to meld into the Messiah Guild.

Therefore, there were bound to be some collisions, which could be said to be a part of the fusion process.

Unfortunately, most of the time, these collisions didn’t just lead to casualties, but also the failure to clear the dungeon.

From then on.

“Kim Woo-jin, you have to lead the players who will enter the dungeon this time.”

The Hunting Dog, Kim Woo-jin, began playing the role of hunting dog trainer.

“Because these brats are particularly troublesome…”

In addition, Kim Woo-jin’s charges were the poisonous types that no one else dared touch.

Nevertheless, Kim Woo-jin led them and never failed a dungeon.

The trick was simple.

“Eliminate the Goblin horde in front of you within three hours.”

He didn’t give them time to have any other thoughts.

The secret to making it possible was also simple.

“These are Mr. Isaac Ivanov’s orders.”

The secret was to engrave fear, so that no one would dare to disobey an order.

And Kim Woo-jin had applied the same method here.

Under the horror of the name Isaac Ivanov, they didn’t have the chance to regain their bearings.

“Damn, he doesn’t even give us a chance to rest. This isn’t worth dying for.”

“Let’s move. In the worst case scenario, Isaac Ivanov will support us.”

“That’s what makes it so much worse. We can’t die even if we want to.”

He repeatedly pushed them to the battlefield, and they had to use all their mental faculties to think of ways to win.

In addition, this was better for the players as well.

“We don’t have to worry about anything other than fighting monsters.”

“That’s true. It’s much easier to just fight.”

For these players, it was much better to just focus on hunting monsters than to be tense around the other group like the Phoenix Guild and Thunderbird groups had been after they entered the dungeon.

Most importantly, all the players in this dungeon were experienced players who had cleared 6 Floor dungeons.

That’s why it was most natural and comfortable for them to just hunt monsters.

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s use this chance to get rid of the Goblins.”

So they quickly became a team under Isaac Ivanov’s name.

Naturally, this was exactly what Kim Woo-jin wanted.

‘Now, the team has been created.’

Kim Woo-jin had no intention of throwing away these players after using them once.

If he had intended to do that in the first place, then he wouldn’t have used such a troublesome method.

If he just left them as they were, then at least half of those who went to fight would face the risk of death, and they would naturally look to Isaac Ivanov for salvation.

It wasn’t difficult for him to get what he wanted in exchange for his help.

It was, in the end, a give and take.

‘A team that listens to me.’

Leading a group and producing actual results were two different things, and what Kim Woo-jin wanted was the latter.

‘Now I can create a guild to go against the Messiah Guild.’

Kim Woo-jin, who had been fighting the Messiah Guild on his own until then, planned to establish a Guild that would go against the Messiah Guild.

‘The Saviour Guild.’

The Saviour Guild.

Kim Woo-jin’s plan was to create a new saviour who would eat the Messiah Guild.

‘It’ll be clear when we hunt the Goblin Lord.’

And the birth of the Saviour Guild would be through the Goblin Lord’s death.

After pondering this plan for a while, Kim Woo-jin closed his eyes.

With his eyes closed, Kim Woo-jin’s expression was more serious than ever.

‘It won’t be easy, but…’

Kim Woo-jin remembered his first 7 Floor dungeon attack.

‘Come to think of it, when I first attacked a 7 Floor dungeon, I lost limbs twice.’

He recalled the image of himself who had faced the real threat of death in a 7 Floor dungeon.

[There are 1,111 Goblins remaining.]

The notification informed Kim Woo-jin that it wouldn’t be long before they entered the fifth floor of the dungeon.

Kim Woo-jin’s eyes changed.

‘It’s been a long time since I hunted in my own style.’

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