
Chapter 89: The Invitation from Macau, Part I

Chapter 89: The Invitation from Macau, Part I

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

We made short work of the rest of the battle now that the Blood Prince was dead. The Federation’s morale plummeted while the Myth guild’s skyrocketed.

There was nothing the seven deities could do.

“We will have our revenge. We will be back with the Prince and take over Egypt. Bet on it!” Those were Ang-te’s last words.

None of us were afraid.

“Sure, sure. We’ll see you all again in five years. We’ll be more than ready for you by then.”

As per the battle’s conditions, the Blood Federation now could not set foot on Egypt for five years. During that time, the Myth Guild could freely use all of Egypt’s resources to become stronger.

And with that, the guild battle had come to an end, with the Myth Guild as the victor.

==[The Blood Federation has no men standing. The Myth Guild has won the guild battle. As per agreement, Egypt is now off-limits to all Blood Federation members. (Leaving the Blood Federation will not change this.)

All Blood Federation members must leave Egypt in one hour. Failure to do so will result in a forced removal outside the nearest borderline.]==


“We did it!”

“We protected Egypt!”

“Victory belongs to the Myth Guild!”

The sound of the Myth Guild’s soldiers’ hurrah was almost deafening. I could see some embrace each other and others crying in happiness.

“Shin! Shin! Shin!”

“Jiwon! Jiwon! Jiwon!”

They began chanting my and Shin’s name. I followed Ebonene out onto the center of the Battlefield. Shin was there as well, looking around her and addressing her soldiers.

“Eveyone…thank you. We stand here victorious because of all of your strength and willpower. We protected Egypt, the land of our ancestors and our home. Thank you all.”

The soldiers roared out in response at Shin’s tearful message. Shin turned to me and gestured that I should say something as well.

“Um… I’m not a normal member of the Myth Guild like all of you, but I came to rely on all of you during my fight against the Blood Prince. I look forward to see how strong the Myth Guild will become.” I decided to keep it short and simple. I was here for me, but they did do their best, that much was true.

Another message soon appeared in the sky and the entrances we came through opened.

==[The Battlefield of Valor will disappear in thirty minutes. Please make your way outside within that time.]==

“Let’s go!”

“Hey, let’s have a party!”

“Let’s get that traitor, Rameha, expelled!”

The soldiers began marching out while shouting words of celebration. I followed Shin and the officers out as well.


Rameha, the former head of foreign affairs of the Myth Guild, and the 1,500 members of the Assault team 1 did not expect the Blood Prince to lose at all. The same went for Fate.

The 480 Fate members who left the Battlefield all left Cairo as soon as possible, afraid that the Blood Prince would turn his attention towards them after wiping out the Myth Guild.

After leaving the Battlefield, Rameha and his team quickly met up with their friends and family to leave for Libya, ignoring the other Myth Guild members who were waiting outside the Battlefield. Rameha and his team were still members of the Myth Guild. If the Myth Guild lost, they would also be unable to stay in Egypt. Rather than be forcibly kicked out of the country, Rameha and his team quickly made their preparations and headed to Libya, where the Blood Federation had set up places for them to stay.

They received the message while passing through the resort town of Marsa Matruh, near the Egyp-Libya border.

“What?” Rameha received the report from one of his spies remaining in Cairo via Comm Link, but he just couldn’t believe it. “The Myth Guild…just left the Battlefield? How can that be?”

Rameha came to a sudden stop. The fifty-five hundred people behind him stopped as well, confused.

“What do you mean, Shin and Ebonene left the Battlefield? What about the battle? What happened to the Federation? Where’s the Prince?”

‘There’s no sign of anyone from the Federation. The Myth Guild is…in high spirits. They are celebrating as if…as if they won the battle.’

“Hah…” The world around Rameha began to spin. He couldn’t believe it until he heard everyone around him receive the same message. They had their own spies as well. They couldn’t all be lying, could they? The Myth Guild actually won the guild battle!

While most of the fugitives were originally from Um-nefer’s clan, the rest were actual defectors. They believed that there was no future for the Myth Guild, and defected to the Blood Federation. They took the news the hardest.

A cold wind blew over the fugitives. They couldn’t go back now. They had to pay the price for their treachery. There was no way the Myth Guild would ever forgive them.

“We…should keep moving,” Rameha quietly said. The fugitives continued their journey to Libya. They had nowhere else to go.

They soon came to an old tanker riddled with holes. The rickety ship somehow managed to hold all five thousand passengers, and sailed off for Libya. The fugitives stared at the sea, wondering what their future held for them.

Rameha recalled what he told Shin before leaving the Battlefield.

-I pray the spirit of Egypt stays with you. If you can…-

The spirit of Egypt truly stood by Shin. He now had to pay the price…


The Myth Guild was busy for a while after leaving the Battlefield. The whole guild went around telling everyone that they won, that they killed eight deities, including the Blood Prince. While they were busy bragging, I had nothing really to do. I hunted at the dungeon in Khufu’s Pyramid when I had the time. I was allowed to enter for free.

I definitely got less EXP than I did in the hidden dungeon. Still, it was a mid-grade dungeon and I went along with any Myth Guild parties that asked me to come with.

-There really are a lot of strong people out there. I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t have my Lightning Boots?-

I shivered at the thought. I pretty much beat the Blood Prince with items alone.

-Still, the Blood Prince had way too many overpowered skills. If he didn’t have Blood Rush, I definitely could have won on my own!-

I was attacking a group of undead monsters while thinking back on the fight.

-Still, things do seem easier after the fight.-

“I suppose it’s about time to leave now.” I had spent the past week hunting in the dungeon. I had received an invitation to a banquet via Comm Link earlier in the day, and decided it was time to leave if I wanted to make it on time.

I left the dungeon and zoomed past Cairo, but ran into a few problems on the way.

“Hey, is that him?”

“Yeah, it is!”

“Yeah! That’s the guy I saw on the video!”

I became quite famous after the fight against the Blood Prince. More than ten thousand people participated in the guild battle. Quite a few of them managed to film the whole thing.

The Myth Guild decided not to publicize their videos, but was unable to stop the Federation from doing so. The battle between the Myth Guild and the Blood Federation was what everyone talked about, so it was obvious the videos became viral. Many people were curious as to how the Myth Guild won the battle even after having traitors in their midst. I became a star quite literally overnight.

I quickly passed by the devas who recognized me and entered the Myth Guild’s base in Old Cairo.

“Ah, master! Did you just leave the dungeon?”

“Yeah. I heard there was a banquet tonight.”

Sunghoon and the twenty other former Fate members who stayed behind were getting the VIP treatment. They even received VIP cards, allowing them to freely enter the dungeon and use other guild resources.

“Hehe. I guess it is normal for you to come out quickly.”

“Well… I was bored anyway. Let’s head in.” We headed to our dorms. I washed up and dressed in the finest clothes the Myth Guild had provided for me. Once I was ready, I headed to where the banquet was taking place.


Everyone who had a hand in the guild battle was invited to the banquet, but I was the man of honor that night. And yet, not a single member of the Myth Guild was opposed to it. In fact, they seemed proud that they got to fight alongside me.

While the banquet was in full swing, I, Ebonene, Shin, Edwifu and Naika gathered in a small room by the banquet hall.

“I’d like to convey my greatest thanks once more.”

“No, really. It’s quite alright. I think you’ve thanked me more than enough now.”

“We’ve begun to rebuild the Myth Guild to its former glory. Before it all begins, we would like to properly reward you for everything that you have done for us.”

“You’ve already given me the Bracelet of Eternal Fire. You really don’t…” My lips were saying no, but my heart was saying yes.

“Please, that’s barely enough. If it weren’t for you…well, I shiver at the thought. You are the reason we’re still here today.” Shin gestured at Ebonene.

Ebonene produced fifty million golden rings and two items. I knew what one of the items was and picked it up.

“Item check.”

==[Stop Watching Me (Rank 7)

All skills targeting the user cancel out. A master smith poured all of his energy into forging this miracle item.

Effect activates as long as it remains in inventory.

Crafted item.]==


“This item isn’t sold in Stores or dropped by any monsters. It can only be crafted.”

“There’s only a 0.1% chance to successfully craft that item. We managed to make one after countless tries. I’d estimate its current worth at about thirty-five million golden rings.”

“I…I see.” I knew that. All known guild masters had one. I remember one selling for two hundred fifty million golden rings once.

“As you know, your popularity is growing, whether you want it to or not. We are shielding this room from prying eyes, but know that there will be many out there who want to know more about you.”

“Hmm…” I nodded.

Everyone was watching me. From the streets to hidden rooftops and windows. I had noticed there were at least ten people secretly following me when I left the dungeon.

My increased VIT helped me notice them easily. But the real problem wasn’t them, but those who were using skills to watch me. It was impossible to live in a shielded room forever.

“I don’t know if I should…”

“Take it, please. You are worthy to receive such an item. Don’t worry about it.”

I really wanted it, considering my current situation. It would be tough trying to go about my life when I knew there were people watching me through observation skills. To be honest, this item was more than enough, but my hand drifted towards the other item, and I picked it up to check it.

[Make My Skills Work Longer (Rank 6)

All skills duration are greatly increased. A master smith poured all of his energy into forging this miracle item.

All skill durations increased by 20%.

Debuff skills are not affected.

Effect activates as long as it remains in inventory.

Crafted item.]

This was really nice too.

“We noticed that you use Warrior’s Brave Spirit.”

“Yeah. It’s pretty useful for a fighter class like me.”

“Exactly. That’s why we prepared this for you. Even if you raise Brave Spirit to level 3, it still has a cooldown of three hours. As long as you have the item, you should be able to get more use out of your skills.”

“Thank you. It’ll be a great help.”

Both items were just amazing. Obtaining crafted items was extremely difficult and expensive. Raising crafting skills was something no one could do alone. There were so many materials required and they would need a lot of people gathering those materials. As a result, only some guilds managed to craft items and they sold them for insanely high prices.

I tried to hide my smile as I placed the golden rings and the two items in my inventory. At that moment, Shin leaned in and spoke to me.

“We would like the Myth Guild to maintain a close relationship with you, Mr. Lee.”

“Don’t we have one already?”

“No. We’d like one even closer.”

“Come again?”

“We don’t know what the end goal of the Otadolon stage is. We want to keep forging ahead, but in a direction that will make us the strongest.”


“We want you to be our companion in our endeavors. I’m not asking you to join as a full member. I just want to continue working together so that we can help each other grow.”

“Hmm…” This was something to think about.

It would be nice to be on good terms with a large guild and take advantage of its perks. It was nice getting this treatment. This never would have happened in the past.

-The Myth Guild should be enough, right? They’ve been treating me well so far.-

Besides, I could basically have free reign in Egypt with the Blood Prince and the Federation gone for five years. It would be good for both of us.

“I agree. Let’s do that.”

“Thank you.”

“You won’t regret it.”

“I’ll work hard so that you all don’t regret it, either.”

They told me that I could keep my VIP card, continue to freely use any dungeons in Egypt, and have my own little section within the Myth Guild’s base.

“I…don’t have anything to give in return.”

“Please, don’t worry about it. It’ll be enough for us with you by our side. We gain so much more with someone as strong as you fighting for us.”

I was basically the guild’s own Blood Prince now; someone to take them to a greater level and to keep others away. No other deity could freely challenge me or the Myth Guild now. How could they, when I just demonstrated that a deva could kill a powerful deity? Deities had more to lose now!


After that day, Lee Jiwon began to hunt at Khufu’s Pyramid dungeon while using the Myth Guild as his base. He wanted to reach level 350 in order to gain another skill point. He spent a week every time he went into the dungeon. All members of the Myth Guild greeted him as he was no longer a stranger. While not a true guild member, Lee Jiwon had become a friend to the whole guild, and that was what the Myth Guild advertised. Lee Jiwon was now on the Myth Guild’s side.


Meanwhile at Macao, the capital of gambling and pleasure…

A man and a woman were conversing in a room full of treasures and gold while lazily lounging on a couch. They were considered royalty in Macao.

“It’s impossible to observe him anymore.”

“We can observe Shin now. That means she gave her item to Lee Jiwon.”

“Wow, she’s going all in on him.”

“He beat the Blood Prince. I would have thrown myself at him if I could get him to stay.”

“Bwahaha! You’re too honest.” The man burst out in laughter at what his companion said. “A deva strong enough to defeat the Blood Prince…his stats must be through the roof.”

“Yes. I managed to check, and his HP alone are over 5,500,000.”

The man gave a low whistle. “That’s crazy… so crazy!”

“He’s not even a tank. He’s got crazy high ATT, as well, so high that the Blood Prince cried out in pain.”

“The more I hear about him, the more delectable he sounds.” The man licked his lips. “One of our hosts is coming close to his expiration date. We won’t be able to use him anymore. If we can get Lee Jiwon to take his place…”

“He’d be a huge help to our business.”

“How do we get him to come to Macao?”

“I asked the Gnosis Guild in South Korea, where Lee Jiwon is from, but they rejected me,” the woman said, getting up from the couch.

“That just means they have something on him.”

“Right. They have something… but to think they actually rejected money…”


“We need to approach this carefully.”

“You’re right. He’s worth that much, isn’t he?” A dark shadow crossed the man’s eyes.


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