
Chapter 1295 - The Power of the Emperor-Level Sutra

Chapter 1295: The Power of the Emperor-Level Sutra

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

It was Zhang Tie’s first time to sense the great power of the real body of the virtual image of a shadow knight...

The moment Zhang Tie was swallowed by the giant boa, he felt like he was sucked into a hole in an oceanic trench by a great undercurrent and swirl. As a result, he couldn’t even use the capability of divine dominator for the time being.

After being dizzy for a short while, Zhang Tie felt like falling into the liquid. In a split second, Zhang Tie felt being tightened all over while he was covered by bloody water.

The bloody water’s density was absolutely greater than that of mercury. As dense as the melting iron, the bloody water was squeezing Chaos. Besides, the bloody water had strong corrosiveness as Zhang Tie could hear the fine sound of “tsi tsi” like that when water dropped onto a hot iron plate.

Before his Chaos was broken by the bloody water, Zhang Tie didn’t need to worry about his health for the time being. Additionally, he could release his protective battle qi. However, now that the bloody water could corrode the Chaos which was made of abyss iron, Zhang Tie was afraid that his protective battle qi could also be corroded.

Numerous black snake-shaped runes were floating in the bloody water. Zhang Tie found that those snake-shaped runes were connecting with each other like real snakes and chains. They wrapped Zhang Tie’s limbs, waist and neck tightly so that he could not move. Additionally, those snake-shaped rune chains were tightening up constantly. Zhang Tie tried to move as he found that his strength was rapidly sucked by those rune chains. It was completely opposite to the function of vitality ring which could help him recover his strength rapidly. Therefore, Zhang Tie was so sad that he almost wanted to spurt out blood.

Zhang Tie was still holding Thor’s Hammer; however, the dense corrosive bloody liquid was like a bizarre barrier as Zhang Tie found that his spiritual energy as a divine dominator could not penetrate through the liquid.

‘Where am I? Principally, I should be in the stomach of the incarnation of Gao Tianzhao. However, it doesn’t look like that. When in the winding, narrow tunnel, the giant boa’s size was limited; however, I feel being in a large water pond and losing my direction in it. It’s like a terrifying fatal trap. The bloody, glutinous liquid and my encounter remind me of the scene when Meng Shidao fought Han Zhengfang in his semi-sage realm.’

‘Is this also a realm? No way. Gao Tianzhao is just a shadow knight. How could a shadow knight have the strength of the realm? But what else?’

A lot of questions occurred to Zhang Tie’s mind; however, it was not the right place for Zhang Tie to think about it carefully and calmly.

‘No, I have to leave out of here. If not, when I become extremely weak or my protective battle qi is fully corroded, I would die here for sure.’

‘Open...” Zhang Tie roared as he used his full efforts by his limbs.

Although Zhang Tie had great strength, the moment he exerted his full effort, the rune chains over his limbs, waist and neck were tightened up at once, causing Zhang Tie’s limbs to be closer to each other. Due to the great strength of Zhang Tie and the binding effect of the rune chains, the entire Chaos started to creak.

When those rune chains were going to be broken by Zhang Tie, many more snake-shaped runes came into being in the bloody liquid before swimming over here, restoring those breaking rune chains at once, making them thicker and thicker. Gradually, Zhang Tie’s arms were pulled apart once again while the rune chains became more and more powerful as if they were going to separate up Zhang Tie...

Zhang Tie roared as he exerted his full efforts to resist the increasing binding strength of the rune chains. At the same time, the bloody glutinous liquid which was squeezing and corroding Zhang Tie’s Chaos started to rock, causing ripples around Zhang Tie which gradually spread around in all directions...

“Hahahaha, you have a great battle strength; however, it doesn’t work, there...” Gao Tianzhao’s voice resonated around this place which directly entered Zhang Tie’s ears secretly. Given Gao Tianzhao’s sound, he had been weak. It seemed that he wouldn’t stand too long. Additionally, Zhang Tie identified a complex feeling of hatred and pleasure from Gao Tianzhao’s voice. Gao Tianzhao continued, “The binding strength comes from the power between the Elements Realm and my earth chakra and water chakra. If you’re a heavenly knight, you might break out; pitifully, you’re not. If not swallow you, I’ve almost been cheated by you. You’re a divine dominator. Are you from Penglai Immortal Realm and came here together with Zhang Tie? I”ve not imagined that even Penglai Immortal Realm has favored Fiery Oil...”

“Where am I?” Zhang Tie asked as he forcefully resisted the binding strength from the rune chains.

Through his body-changing immortal bloodline and the special sound-producing device of his Chaos, Zhang Tie’s voice sounded tinny. Gao Tianzhao couldn’t identify that was Zhang Tie at all. Not until now did Gao Tianzhao feel that this one was not Zhang Tie. He even brainwashed it and connected Penglai Immortal Realm with Zhang Tie with evidence. Zhang Tie didn’t feel like explaining about it at all...

“You’re in the stomach of the real body of the virtual image of Heavens-eaten Boa. Although shadow knight couldn’t grasp the strength of the realm, the stomach of Heavens-eaten Boa could form a Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm which was similar to that of the realm. As a shadow knight, I could use the strength of earth and water here. As long as you’re swallowed by the Heavens-eaten Boa, your life will be under my control unless you’re a heavenly knight or above...” Gao Tianzhao said icily.

“Really?” Only after having such a short talk with Gao Tianzhao in Chaos, Zhang Tie had been oozing sweat heavily. Additionally, Zhang Tie found something more terrifying. The more strength he used, the faster the rune chains would suck his physical strength. Thankfully, Zhang Tie had super great strength which didn’t even seem like being owned by humans. As a result, the rune chains couldn’t suck his strength faster than the speed that he recovered his strength. Therefore, although the rune chains’ binding strength was terrifyingly great, Zhang Tie could still bear it.

“You will know it soon. Don’t expect that someone else could come to save you here. No matter how powerful you’re as a divine dominator, you will turn into a puddle of bloody water in the end. Hehehe, it’s my first time to devour a divine dominator...”

After Gao Tianzhao finished his words, Zhang Tie had felt this giant boa was moving. It seemed that it was moving forward and evacuating away from their battlefield rapidly. As long as Gao Tianzhao left here, if a shadow knight wanted to hide somewhere in the underground space, even the powerhouses assigned here by Blackwater Base could barely find him.

When Zhang Tie was resisting the corrosion of the bloody liquid, he kept thinking about the solution. Although it was very dangerous, Zhang Tie was not running out of his ability. Zhang Tie felt that Gao Tianzhao couldn’t kill him in a short period even though Gao Tianzhao trapped him with this real body of the virtual image of the giant boa. They were actually in a stalemate. It depended on who could last longer.

In this case, Zhang Tie felt that he underestimated the real power of a shadow knight. Now that shadow knight was higher than earth knight in level, he must have powerful battle strength. Additionally, the secret methods cultivated by shadow knights absolutely had reached a wholly new level. At least Zhang Tie had not imagined that a shadow knight could form a space which was close to the realm in the real body of his virtual image previously.

It should be the unique ability of the real body of the virtual image of Heavens-eaten Boa. It could be judged by the words “Heavens-eaten”. The secret method that Gao Tianzhao cultivated must be something even in Taixia Country as a whole.

Shadow knights were indeed terrifying in power; however, Zhang Tie felt lucky that Gao Tianzhao was only a shadow knight. Given the power of the real body of the virtual image of Gao Tianzhao, as long as Gao Tianzhao promoted to a heavenly knight, the realm in the stomach of the Heavens-eaten Boa might be more terrifying.


The giant boa rapidly flew in the underground space. Even Zhang Tie didn’t know where it was. Zhang Tie just attempted to tear apart and break those rune chains. However, as was told by Gao Tianzhao, the power of those rune chains was connected to Gao Tianzhao’s chakras and the Element Realm, which represented the earth strength. No matter how Zhang Tie struggled, he could at most transform those rune chains; instead of breaking them.

After almost 3 hours’ struggle, Zhang Tie felt the giant boa suddenly stopped. It seemed that Gao Tianzhao had already hidden somewhere.

In the past 3 hours, although Zhang Tie had not used up his strength, he was still resisting the great strength of the rune chains. However, his Chaos had long been severely corroded by the bloody liquid with many pits on it. The bloody liquid which was denser than mercury was indeed terrifying.

“In the Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm, you could survive at most 2 days. I’ve already hidden somewhere. I have enough time to deal with you. If you want to survive yourself, we could make a deal...” Gao Tianzhao’s voice sounded once again.

When Zhang Tie was thinking about the countermeasure, he heard Gao Tianzhao’s sound once again. Therefore, he asked, “What deal...”

“You give me the cultivation method that Penglai Immortal Realm uses to train divine dominator...”

“Fine, you let me out of here. I will tell you about the cultivation method of divine dominator...” Zhang Tie replied without any sincerity.

“Don’t be that stubborn; I will see how long could you stand there...”

“Really? I will see how long could you remain the real body of your virtual image. When your virtual image collapses, do you think that you could trap me?” Zhang Tie sneered as he said dauntlessly.

At this moment, Zhang Tie had not fully released his protective battle qi. From the beginning, Zhang Tie was resisting the corrosion of the bloody liquid using his Chaos. Even though the Chaos was completely damaged, Zhang Tie was still confident to stand a few more days inside with his protective battle qi. However, Gao Tianzhao was severely injured too. Could he maintain the real body of his virtual image for a few more days?

“Do you think that’s all I have?”

“Just use them all...”

“Although I’ve not fully formed my wind chakra, I could have you taste different flavors in the Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm...” Gao Tianzhao said while hundred more bizarre silver runes suddenly appeared in the bloody glutinous liquid around Zhang Tie. The moment they appeared, they had stabbed onto the Chaos like snake’s fangs, causing several times heavier burden on Zhang Tie’s Chaos in a split second...


Being corroded and attacked by the sharp spines, only after half an hour, a fingernail-sized hole had been caused on the most fragile joint of Zhang Tie’s Chaos. Soon after that, the bloody glutinous liquid and those fangs had poured into the hole as they started to attack Zhang Tie’s protective battle qi and body...

“Hehheh, it’s just the beginning. Enjoy it...” Gao Tianzhao’s ruthless voice entered Zhang Tie’s ears.

However, the moment the bloody glutinous liquid and fangs touched Zhang Tie’s protective battle qi and body, an extremely furious and dignified voice had sounded in the hot sun of Zhang Tie’s qi sea as if an unrivaled person’s authority was challenged and despised by a clown. In that voice, Zhang Tie’s body rocked heavily all over. At the same time, the virtual image of king roc in the “King Roc Sutra” manifested itself in the hot sun of battle qi. Closely after that, the image of this king roc turned into a huge golden rune in a split second as it rushed up and exploded in Zhang Tie’s mind sea...

In a split second, Zhang Tie finally knew why the virtual image of king roc was driven mad.

Rocs ate dragons. As the king of rocs, king roc ate 300 big dragons and 500 small dragons. The entire dragon species would be scared by king roc. At the sight of king roc, dragon king would become weak, sore and lose all of its strength...

King roc was nuts for dragons. Imposing dragons were just like noodles in front of king roc, not to mention the Heavens-eaten Bao which was even inferior to dragons and hated that it couldn’t turn into a dragon due to the height of the sky.

However, a Heavens-eaten Boa wanted to swallow a king roc. When the Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm touched Zhang Tie’s body, the “King Roc Sutra” that Zhang Tie cultivated took effect at once. In a split second, Zhang Tie mastered a new skill...


All this really happened in a split second...

“Break...” Zhang Tie suddenly opened his eyes under the Chaos as his eyes shone while uttering this voice unconsciously. At the same time, Zhang Tie’s 10 fingers turned straight or bend like how a roc stretched out its wings.

Soon after Zhang Tie uttered this voice, the entire Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm had been frozen. Closely after that, all the rune chains and fangs turned into ashes. The Heavens-eaten Bloody Realm then blew up into endless fiery flames with Gao Tianzhao’s earth-shaking screams...

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