
Chapter 512: She Is a Big Celebrity! (1.3 in 1 Chapter)

Chapter 512: She Is a Big Celebrity! (1.3 in 1 Chapter)

Translator: Noodletown Translated Editor: Noodletown Translated

“What… across the street?” Hao Ren was a bit confused.

He hadn’t slept in his dorm for the past two to three months, so he didn’t really know what was happening in school.

Zhao Yanzi glared at Zhou Liren angrily, so he didn’t dare to say anything else.

“What’s going on? Hao Ren was even more confused, so he asked Zhao Jiayi.

“Oh, the construction of the middle school across from the main gates of our university has been completed. Students would start attending there when summer break is over. We thought it was an affiliated school of East Ocean University, but we found out recently that it is LingZhao Middle School,” Zhao Jiayi said.

“Oh…” Hao Ren dragged out his voice as he thought.

Indeed, there was construction going on across from the main gate of East Ocean University for more than six months now. Everyone was saying that East Ocean University paid for this, so it should be an affiliated school of East Ocean University. No one would have thought it was actually Zhao Yanzi’s new campus.

So… after this summer, Zhao Yanzi would move from the old campus to here.

“Middle school students?” Zhou Liren thought to himself for a few seconds but couldn’t help but ask Zhao Yanzi.

He remembered that Zhao Yanzi went to LingZhao, but he didn’t know whether or not she was in the Middle School Department or High School Department

She was indeed very middle-school-like in terms of her personality, but she looked like a high school student.

“What about it!?” Zhao Yanzi was so furious that she squinted her eyes.

She wanted to keep this as a surprise until school started; she didn’t expect this to be exposed to Hao Ren this early, all thanks to his classmate.

LingZhao Middle School was one of the best schools in East Ocean City. It had connections with East Ocean University, and it was that Mingri Group funded both of their infrastructures.

Since the Middle School Department and High School Department were on the same campus, and students in both departments shared some of the school’s facilities, there were conflicts when scheduling classes. Also, there were negative influences from the high school students on the middle school students, making more middle school students engage in romantic relationships earlier.

After careful consideration, the school decided to build a new campus and move the middle school over.

Since some of the teachers at East Ocean University would go to LingZhao Middle School to teach, it made sense that everyone thought that it was going to be an affiliated school of East Ocean University.

“You’re really a middle-schooler…” Zhou Liren winked at Hao Ren and thought, “What a b*stard! He doesn’t even pass on such a young girl.”

Also, he gloated over Hao Ren’s bad luck. “Hao Ren, does Xie Yujia know that you seduced a middle-schooler over the summer? Her reaction would be golden,” he thought.

“The elementary school would also come over with the middle school. Are you not even letting elementary kids pass?” Zhou Liren leaned over and said softly.

“Even the elementary school is coming over?” Hao Ren was a bit shocked.

“LingZhao Elementary School is going to move here, right next to LingZhao Middle School; the original elementary school campus was too small. After they move, they’re going to open an international department so that foreigners can also come to study there. There’s going to be better teachers too,” Zhao Jiayi said.

“Damn, doesn’t that mean Zhen Congming is going to come over as well?” Hao Ren thought to himself secretly.

He knew that LingZhao Elementary School was the best in East Ocean City, but he didn’t think that Zhen Congming was going to be coming over as well.

The new campus of LingZhao Middle School would be on the south side of East Ocean University, and there was only a road in between them. Hao Ren’s dorm was also on the south side of the campus.

That meant Hao Ren’s dorm and LingZhao Middle School was right next to each other! There was only a wall separating them.

Since Hao Ren’s dorm building was no.7, it was right next to the wall. From their dorm’s balcony, they could see the classrooms of LingZhao Middle School.

His fiancée, Zhao Yanzi, was only a walk away from him!

Hao Ren suddenly was full of fright at the thought of a new school year. Although the distance between East Ocean University and LingZhao Middle School wasn’t far before, there was still a distance of four to five bus stops. Now that Zhao Yanzi could just walk across the road and get to his university, he would be bothered by her a lot!

“Now, your cousin could come and see you often,” Zhao Jiayi said with a smile.

He didn’t think that Zhao Yanzi was Hao Ren’s fiancée since he didn’t think Hao Ren could do such a shameless thing. That was why he chose to believe that Zhao Yanzi was Hao Ren’s little cousin, as well as that all the things that happened before and today were just jokes.

“However, Hao Ren’s little cousin is adorable. She is going to grow into a beauty for sure!” Zhao Jiayi thought.

“Let’s eat, let’s eat!” Zhao Jiayi said as they entered a barbeque restaurant.

Zhao Yanzi was the only girl in the group, so Hao Ren’s friends all treated Hao Ren’s ‘little cousin’ well, helping her to cook the meat, getting her spices, and ordering her drinks.

They were treating her like their own little sisters.

Zhao Yanzi suddenly felt like Hao Ren’s friends weren’t bad.

They had a great time at the barbeque place, and It was already one o’clock in the morning when they finished eating. Yu Rong and a few others were already drunk.

Hao Ren also drank more than ten bottles of beer, and he didn’t use nature essence to resolve the alcohol; his eyes were a bit red.

Cultivation was important, but his friendships with his buddies were also important to him.

Zhao Yanzi was full, and she also had a bit of alcohol. She saw that Hao Ren was getting drunk, so she helped him walk out of the restaurant.

“Bye, bye…” Hao Ren waved at his buddies.

Then, he held Zhao Yanzi’s hand, summoned the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, and flew away.

Yu Rong burped as he rubbed his eyes and couldn’t believe what he saw.

“Did Ren just fly away?” He turned to ask Zhao Jiayi to confirm.

“You must be drunk!” Zhao Jiayi’s face was all red. “Ren probably got a taxi! He doesn’t live with us!”

“Yes, yes, taxi! It drove very fast toward the south!” Gu Jiadong went along with it.

Yu Rong knocked his head a few times and murmured, “… His little cousin sure is pretty.”

They were so drunk that they couldn’t walk straight anymore, and they supported each other back to the hotel.

While Hao Ren flew on the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, he suddenly remembered to open the red energy sphere after flying a few hundred meters.

The River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting wasn’t flying straight, so it made Zhao Yanzi a bit worried. She was a few months away from being old enough to get the identification card so that she couldn’t get a hotel room.

“Left, left…” Zhao Yanzi thought for a bit and pulled on Hao Ren’s elbow.

Hao Ren soon dissolved the alcohol. He saw the helpless look on Zhao Yanzi’s face and found it a bit funny.

It would be at least three o’clock in the morning if they flew back to East Ocean City, so he wanted to see what kind of place Zhao Yanzi could find in Beijing for them to stay the night.

The River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting flew toward the left. There was a high-class apartment building ahead that was lit up with a dim green light. The green light was an array formation put up by a dragon cultivator who lived there.

Many dragon cultivators lived in the cities, but ordinary ones weren’t capable of putting an array formation at where they lived. The ones who did were very powerful cultivators.

“That way, balcony, balcony…” Zhao Yanzi pulled Hao Ren’s arm once again toward the direction she wanted them to go, treating him like a steering wheel.

Hao Ren had regained his consciousness from the alcohol and was just pretending to be drunk. The River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting landed on the balcony of the 16th floor according to the directions Zhao Yanzi gave.

There was only one thin layer of energy sphere, and Hao Ren’s inspector’s token easily destroyed it. The inspector’s token was a top-tier dharma treasure, one of its powers was destroying array formations.

“Who is it?” A high pitch voice sounded from the room.

“Sister Song, it’s me!” Zhao Yanzi exclaimed softly.

Hua… The balcony door opened, and a beautiful woman in pajamas stepped out.

Hao Ren saw this woman and didn’t have the nerves to pretend to be drunk. He stood up straight and put the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting away.

Zhao Yanzi was shocked to see Hao Ren suddenly waking up from his drunkenness and said in embarrassed, “Sister Song, this is my friend. We came to Beijing to watch a basketball game, but it’s too late now, and we can’t go back to East Ocean…”

“Friend…” The pretty woman glanced at Hao Ren and smiled at Zhao Yanzi. “This is that famous fiancé of yours, right?”

Zhao Yanzi blushed and said in a cute voice, “Sorry to disturb you!”

“That’s alright; I’m close with your mom. Since you can’t go back now, you can stay for the night.” The woman smiled and led Zhao Yanzi and Hao Ren inside.

Hao Ren took the opportunity to observe her. He felt that she was around 27, 28 years old, and she was pretty but mature.

The interior of the apartment was gorgeous, and there was a baby crib in the living room.

“Where’s Brother-In-Law?” Zhao Yanzi looked around and asked.

“Something happened at Yongding River, so he went over to deal with it.” The pretty woman closed the glass balcony door and fixed the array formation. “When you guys destroyed the array formation, I was a bit scared.”

“Who dares to bully you?” Zhao Yanzi teased.

The pretty woman laughed and looked at Hao Ren. She took Zhao Yanzi’s hand and said, “Why don’t you introduce us.”

Zhao Yanzi had wanted to skip this, but she couldn’t avoid it now. She said awkwardly, “He’s Hao Ren. Well, you already know who he is.”

Then, she turned to Hao Ren. “Sister Song’s full name is Song Qingya. You know who she is, right?”

“It’s the first time seeing her. How would I know?” Hao Ren thought at first.

Suddenly, it hit Hao Ren. “Song Qingya?”

Asia’s Diva Queen, the female singer who received the Golden Record Award, the record keeper of the best-selling song, and the most popular… All these accomplishments flashed in Hao Ren’s mind.

“You are so stunned!” Zhao Yanzi giggled as she looked at Hao Ren.

“Don’t tease him like that. Your lover seems like a good boy…” Song Qingya reached out and patted Zhao Yanzi’s head.

“He… he’s not my lover!” Zhao Yanzi was a bit anxious, so she rushed to explain herself.

“Hehe…” Song Qingya laughed and introduced herself. “I’m the Seventh Princess of South Ocean, Song Qingya. My husband is Yongding River Dragon King, Qian Lin. He’s out dealing with some business right now.”

“Sister Song, where’s your baby? Let me see!” Zhao Yanzi badgered Song Qingya.

“Hehe, in the room.” Zhao Qingya turned around and went into the bedroom to get the baby.

The baby was chubby and white. He looked really cute, and his skin was still pink, almost translucent. He looked like a big piece of jade.

It was the first time that Hao Ren saw a dragon baby, so he rushed over to check as well.

There was a wooden plate around the baby’s neck. From the look of it, it was a dharma treasure with calming effects.

“Haha, he is a little bigger than last time!” Zhao Yanzi said happily before lightly poking the cheek of this sleeping baby.

East Ocean and South Ocean had a good relationship. When Zhao Yanzi came to Beijing with her mom, they had visited Song Qingya, and she had seen the baby before.

Right now, Song Qingya was very welcoming toward them at the middle of the night, and it helped Zhao Yanzi feel less embarrassed for interrupting Song Qingya’s sleep.

The sleeping baby seemed discontent, so he opened his sleepy eyes and waved his arms and legs.

A few drops of crystal-clear water formed in his palms, and they splashed onto Zhao Yanzi’s face.

Zhao Yanzi wasn’t prepared, so her face was all wet.

“Haha, the baby isn’t happy!” Song Qingya quickly hugged the baby.

“Humph! I’m not going to play with you anymore!” Zhao Yanzi made an angry face.

However, the baby closed his eyes and went back to sleep, completing ignoring Zhao Yanzi.

Hao Ren looked at Song Qingya and thought, “This famous female singer is actually a princess in the South Ocean Dragon Clan. Not only that, she is already married and gave birth to a baby.”

“Since you guys don’t have a place to go tonight, you guys can stay here. Little Zi doesn’t have her identification card yet, so you guys probably can’t go to a hotel,” Song Qingya said after she put the baby back in the room.

Song Qingya was only stating the facts, but Zhao Yanzi was overthinking that her face turned bright red.

“I’m going to rest; I still have events to attend tomorrow. You guys could use the guest room over there,” Song Qingya said and pointed to the room on the left.

“OK. Thank you, Sister Song!” Zhao Yanzi thanked her immediately.

Hao Ren never thought that he’d be able to stay at the home of the celebrity, Song Qingya.

If Zhou Liren knew about this, he would get jealous for sure and make a big fuss over it.

Zhou Liren and the other guys at East Ocean University were all crazy for Su Han, but they were also fans of Song Qingya.

Of course, if they found out that Song Qingya was already married and had a baby, it would hit them hard.

“Do dragon babies have innate techniques?” Hao Ren asked.

“Yes. They’re born with basic techniques, though their powers are small; it’s like how babies can swim when they’re little. When they grow up, they will lose these abilities.” Zhao Yanzi explained.

“Oh…” Hao Ren nodded. He thought to himself that if his children knew basic spells, how could he let his parents see them?

Zhao Yanzi thought of something else. She looked at Song Qingya’s room with envy and said, “The baby is really cute and fun to play with. I wish I had one.”

She said whatever that came to her mind, but she realized that something was wrong. Her fiancé was standing next to her when she said that, so it sounded like she was hinting at something.

“OK. You sleep in the living room, and I’ll sleep in the bedroom!” She said angrily and ran into the guest room.

Bam! She shut the door.

“You’re the one who misspoke, but why am I the one punished… Sad…” Hao Ren thought to himself, looked at the sofa in the living room, and lied down.

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