
Chapter 114: Zhao Yanzi from Class Two in the Eighth Grade!

Chapter 114: Zhao Yanzi from Class Two in the Eighth Grade!

Translator: Noodletown Translated Editor: Noodletown Translated

At this thought, Hao Ren immediately tossed his book to Zhao Liren. “Take my books back to the dorm. I got some errands to run!”

Looking at Hao Ren who dashed away from him, Zhou Liren yelled indignantly, “Damn! Do you think I am a delivery boy?!”

Hao Ren ran to the main gate of the school and took a bus to LingZhao Middle School. He arrived at the entrance of the school about ten minutes later.

It was not the lunch break yet, and the gate was still locked. Hao Ren walked into the guard’s office and told the guard that he needed to visit Zhao Yanzi from Class Two in the Eighth Grade.

The guard opened his log and found Zhao Yanzi’s name on the list, so he knew that Hao Ren wasn’t making the name up. However, the guard was still suspicious and wouldn’t let him in.

Hao Ren had no choice but to dig out his student ID and leave it in the guard’s office; he would have to collect it when he leaves.

Seeing Hao Ren’s photo, name, student number, and other information on the ID card that was issued by East Ocean University, the famous university in the East Ocean Region, the guard finally relented. He took Hao Ren’s student ID card and reluctantly allowed him into the school, stating that he could only stay for one hour.

Since his student ID was left with the guard, Hao Ren must make sure that he does not cause trouble in the school. He approached the sports field quietly.

Many of the students in LingZhao Middle School were kids of high-ranking government officials and wealthy business people, but they all followed the strict school rules of wearing school uniforms. Of course, their school uniforms were beautifully designed, and the materials used were several grades higher than those of ordinary public schools.

The plain striped shirt Hao Ren was wearing was a drastic contrast from their beautiful school uniforms.

On the sports field, a P.E. class had begun. Standing in a remote corner, Hao Ren searched for Zhao Yanzi.

The uniforms of the middle school students were sky blue, and their athletic uniforms were deep blue. Concealed under the shade of a tree, Hao Ren’s sharp eyes scanned the field.

Finally, he spotted Zhao Yanzi who was the sixth in the first row. In a slightly tight-fit deep blue athletic uniform, she looked petite and agile.

At the moment, her best friend, Ling, was the eighth in the second row, not too far behind Zhao Yanzi.

Hao Ren was amused as he watched the class progress; he was reminded of his own experience in the P.E. class in middle school.

On the other side of the field, the P.E. class of the High School Department was also in process. The boys looked dashing in their uniforms, and the girls looked pretty in their black shirts and skirts.

Comparatively, the high school students stood casually in the lines, not as obedient as the middle school students.

Shortly, the high school students began their freer P.E. class; some played basketball, and some played soccer.

On the other hand, the middle school students began jogging after being counted.

Zhao Yanzi led the jog; her pigtails swayed as if they were asking to be tugged on; she looked vibrant when she ran.

Hao Ren remembered that Zhao Yanzi’s usual uniform was a sky-blue suit and skirt, but she had changed into a deep blue shirt and a pair of deep blue pants for the P.E. class.

Oblivious of Hao Ren’s gaze on her, she ran quite fast with her slim legs.

Some high school students stopped playing basketball and soccer and looked toward Zhao Yanzi.

Pant! Pant! Zhao Yanzi finished two laps and was the first one to reach the finish line

As a member of the long-distance race team back in the middle school, Hao Ren knew that one must have endurance as well as strength to win a long-distance race.

From their mountain climbing trip, he knew that Zhao Yanzi’s strength was not great, but she was quite competitive. If someone had competed with her in cultivation, she would probably have reached a higher realm long ago.

A while later, Ling also reached the finish line, panting. She walked to Zhao Yanzi and tugged her pigtails playfully as she was a bit envious of Zhao Yanzi’s fast speed.

The two girls messed with each other a little and didn’t discover Hao Ren.

After all the students had finished the jog, the teacher gathered them together and gave them some instructions. He tossed out a couple of volleyballs and returned to his office to rest. P.E. teachers were indeed one of the most comfortable jobs in the school.

The students picked up the volleyballs and ran to the nearby volleyball court to play.

The court was on an open field with a net dividing it into two parts.

Ling dragged Zhao Yanzi along to join the game.

During this time, Hao Ren just stood under the tree on the edge of the sports field and amused himself by watching her.

The students were divided into two teams; one team of girls and one team of boys. In the sports of volleyball, the girls had the advantage of agility; after all, strength alone wasn’t that useless in this sport. Generally, the girls played better than the boys.

The match began. It seemed that their PE teacher had taught them how to play since they played the game in a well-organized way.

Among the girls, Zhao Yanzi had the quickest reflexes, and she excelled at digging. Since she could always pick up the most difficult serves, she gradually became the main player.

When she jumped up to smash, her vibrant figure with her flying pigtails formed a beautiful scene. Hao Ren wished that he had a camera with him to record a beautiful picture.

Bang! The ball landed in a corner out of the boys’ reach, and the boys looked at each other in frustration and began to blame each other.

The girls won another point, and they encircled Zhao Yanzi, cheering. Standing in the distance, Hao Ren couldn’t help but grin at Zhao Yanzi’s excitement.

Then, he noticed several guys from the High School Department gathering together and talking. After that, they walked toward the volleyball court.

Zhao Yanzi saw them approach, but she ignored them. Backing up to the edge of the court, she tossed the ball high up in the air and then jumped up for a smash serve.

Seeing the high school students approaching, the boys in Zhao Yanzi’s class were a bit panicky and didn’t pick up the serve.

The girls got another point, but they didn’t cheer. Instead, they uneasily watched the approaching high school students.

With a straight face, Zhao Yanzi yelled at the boys on the other side of the net, “Come on! Your turn to serve!”

The boy who was supposed to serve hesitated with the ball in his hands. A student from the middle school department had once accidentally hit one of the high school students with a ball in the P.E. class, and it didn’t end well.

Sensing trouble, Hao Ren began to walk toward the volleyball court. Dressed in his pale-colored shirt, he didn’t attract the attention of the boys while the girls including Zhao Yanzi and Ling had their backs to him and couldn’t see him.

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