
Chapter 51 - Even Broken Glass Looks Much Prettier Than Before Once Its Pieced Back Together

Chapter 51 - Even Broken Glass Looks Much Prettier Than Before Once It\'s Pieced Back Together

The day went very quickly for April an endless flow of paperwork and computer work. She didn\'t join the rest of the team for lunch as she wanted to avoid whatever hostility Sophie had towards her. She didn\'t know what had caused the reaction but she was sure she hadn\'t done anything wrong.

\'Get all the boys\' Sophie must be mistaken she firmly had a leave me alone sign attached to her forehead so men wouldn\'t approach her. Her past lead to her mistrust and she had never been proven wrong so far.

She had seen and felt glimpses of how contrary to her beliefs Dean and Micheal were slowly proving her wrong but she kept her guard up again protecting her heart from what could inevitably crush her heart and break her soul once again. Sweet words were exactly that words for the nieve and young.

Though as she watched Sophie pack up her belongings April was about to confront her and hopefully resolve everything when she saw that Sophie stood with her bag and was leaving the office with Emily. Sophie gave her a dirty look and said goodbye to everyone except April.

April had lived two lives now and didn\'t want to play games so she decided to speak with Sophie first thing tomorrow. April switched off her laptop and grabbed her bag putting it over her shoulder as the office emptied she said goodbye to the rest.

As she stood up she saw Aarna standing by her desk, she smiled, "Hey Aarna do you want a lift home?"

"No thanks, let\'s walk down together I have my car with me too," Aarna replied cheerfully.

April had guessed Aarna had something on her mind so she nodded and followed her out and into the lift. When the lift door closed Aarna gripped April\'s arm looking very anxious.

"Are you okay, Sophie she was mean today. She even, I wanted to tell you but didn\'t know how." Aarna spoke very fast and April found it hard to keep up.

"Aarna it\'s okay, what was Sophie saying about me?" Thinking of office gossip made April roll her eye\'s she just wanted to go to work and live simply but people always had a way to surprise you.

"Okay...Well at lunch she said she was out with friends for a drink in The Nephilim and saw you there. You even drank with two handsome men and one carried you out." Aarna filled April in and they exited the lift together. Aarna was genuinely concerned for April, such rumours could be detrimental for her career and future.

April held Aarna hand and soothed her, "They are two male friends, isn\'t that allowed? Besides it won\'t happen again, I was sad and drank too much. But you won\'t see that again."

Aarna sighed, "Okay as long as your sure, but Sophie took pictures she said."

"Not to worry Aarna, I will speak with Sophie tomorrow." April was calm and walked Aarna towards her car.

Aarna took out her keys and opened the door on the driver\'s side, she looked at April for a moment before speaking, "You know you can always talk to me. I see the pain behind your smile sometimes. Others may not notice but I have. If you are sad or are hurting remember that even broken glass looks much prettier than before once it\'s pieced back together."

April was taken aback Aarna had seen through her smile and offered her comfort, her lips curved up slightly, "I am trying and thank you for your concern and advice. I will keep it in mind and I will talk to Sophie tomorrow."

"Okay see you tomorrow then." Aarna got in her car.

April stepped back, "Take care getting home."

April then waved Aarna goodbye and walked to her car and opened her door getting in she sighed. So much drama and it was only her first week of work. She started the car not to go home but to go to her fathers home. She had to get a sample of her father\'s tablets.

She didn\'t remember him being sick in her past life but then she had died so early. She also had to keep an eye on Racheal and Lucy. Left too long these two would surely cause trouble.

In this new life, she had just increased the people she had to be wary of, if experience had taught her anything it was to be careful of people. She took her time driving to her fathers she did not need to rush. Whatever would happen she was prepared.

She passed by the streets she had once struggled walking, in all seasons she had carried groceries in wind, rain and snow while Lucy drove a brand new car, she sneered in her heart how could she not see they only used her it wasn\'t familial love.

She arrived at the gates and before she drove in she noticed James\'s silver car. She watched as he helped Lucy exit his car and they beamed at each other. April laughed dryly surely the two belonged together. Both devious and as sly as a snake. That type of skinny love was not for April.

On the surface, they were a young loving couple kissing on the doorstep as they said their goodbyes but April knew different. They were both using each other to get ahead in life.

Once seeing that Lucy had walked into her father\'s house she noticed James wipe himself hand and mouth with a handkerchief before he got in his car.

April drove in and straight past James, the gates automatically locking behind them both. April parked and checked the rearview mirror. The snake was getting out of his car to greet her, fixing his suit. April rolled her eyes in disgust. This man was totally brazen. April lifted her bag and placed it over her shoulder.

She got out of the car and her long flowing wavy ebony hair danced in the wind.

"April... April..." James shouted to get her attention through the iron gates.

SKINNY LOVE- meaning a love that is malnourished and thin with nothing giving it weight or substance.

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