
Chapter 425: Hunger

Chapter 425: Hunger

After returning to 4 Times Square’s highest floor, Virus started to feel hungry. However, not wanting to disturb the golden beauty who was in seclusion giving her all these days in order to increase her cultivation power, Virus decided to go brew some tea for himself.

When he was done, he returned with a cup of tea as he sat on the couch, turned the television on, and enjoyed his tea while watching it.

“These days, the number of Empty Rifts has been increasing in great quantities! It makes us wonder, where are those monsters disappearing to? Are some of them simply choosing not to cross over to our side? What is…”

As Virus was casually watching the current running program, he sensed someone attempting to directly call him. So, checking who it was, he determined the caller to be Amara.

“Hmm, hey, what’s up?” Accepting the call, Virus stated.

“U-uh, hi, I still can’t get used to talking to you in my head.” Was Amara’s immediate answer.

“Then please don’t. Just call my phone. You know I have one of those, right?” Said Virus before receiving Amara’s next response. “Ahh… Nah, how do I say it… this feels closer and more intimate, so I like it better, even if I haven’t gotten used to it just yet. Yep!”

“Sigh… anyway, why did you call me?”

“Ah, actually, I’m super bored right now, so I thought we should go out and have some fun. How about that? Bring Bells over too.”

“Don’t you have a company to run or something?” He said back.

“Not really. Not for the rest of the night. So what do you say? Yes?!” She asked again. Virus could feel the anticipation from her tone. Still, that didn’t stop him from rejecting her invitation. “No, forget it. I’m not in the mood.”

“Uh… is that so? I see… guess it can’t be helped then. Hehe…” Kind of downcast now, Amara’s disappointed and depressed voice came over.

On the other side, listening to her awkward and clearly saddened reaction, an idea popped into Virus’ head. So, letting out a helpless sigh, he talked. “Do you know how to cook?”

“Hmm?” The fire of life returning to her eyes at once, they began to burn in hope as Amara agreed in a rush. “YES! Yes, I do! Actually, I’m amazing at it, not to brag or anything. But why?”

“Come over then. I still haven’t tried that Two-meters Squirrel beast meat I bought at the auction house the other day so I want you to cook it for me.” Since he was feeling hungry anyway, Virus decided to just use her as his personal chef since apparently, she was also happy to be used that way.

“Ah, but can’t Bells cook that for you? Isn’t she with you?”

“She can but she’s busy with some other stuff right now. Let’s just forget it if you don’t want-“

“No, no, no, no! I’m already on my way! Wait for me! Half an hour! No, twenty minutes! I’ll be there in twenty minutes!”

“Okay, okay! Calm down, you don’t need to rush. Just drive safely. See you soon.” Hanging up the call without even listening to her following words, some notions started to occupy Virus’ mind.

Hence, picking up his phone, he called the Island ugly who picked up at the very first beep.

“Yes, master!”

“Uh, yes. You picked up fast. Anyhow, I want you to prepare some stuff. First, finish this C.E.L.L Project I just transmitted over to your mind. Then put it in my Transportation Spaceship together with a Shape-Shifter Technology. Oh, also, put some Water of Life and the best quality tea you can find on the market there.”

“Yes! Understood, master! Are you going somewhere?”

“I don’t know yet. Just do what I ordered you to do.”

“Understood, sir!”

“Alright, go do your thing then.” He was just about to hang up the call when the Island ugly mentioned. “Ah, master. I also wanted to report that I’ve finished the process of making another Transportation Spaceship, it’s in the same level of technology as your spaceship, however, it’s much bigger.”

“Hmm, I see, well done. Talk later.” Still not being in the mood, Virus directly hung up the line.

Exactly thirty-three minutes later, the door to the elevator opened up as a panting enchantress run out of it!

“Damn, you came really quick. Come, sit and rest for a bit.”

“Heee… haaah. Y-yeah, okay. I just… didn’t want to leave you hungry for long.”

After some time of catching her breath, she suddenly rose to her feet, rolled up her sleeves, tied her long blonde hair, and said with great enthusiasm. “So where is the kitchen?”

A while later, grilled meat prepared from the most tender parts of the Two-meters Squirrel was placed in front of him by a fey femme fatale of ocean blue eyes and pale blonde hair who uttered with a grin, “enjoy!”

“I will, thank you.” Grabbing a fork and knife, Virus cut a piece and put it in his mouth. The moment the meat touched his tongue, it almost started to melt by itself.

Subsequently, a rich taste, almost unbelievable, was experienced by Virus.

“How is it?” Leaning on the table while putting both her hands under her chin, she questioned happily.

“Hmm, it’s great. It was true, the Two-meters Squirrel has one of the tastiest meats I’ve ever tried!”

Listening to him only complimenting the meat and not her cooking, she couldn’t help but unconsciously roll down her lower lip while squinting a bit.

Seeing this reaction of hers, honestly tickled by it, Virus chuckled. “Hahaha… don’t make that face. Of course, your cooking was amazing too, otherwise, raw meat alone is useless without a chef to cook it right. Thanks for the food, I’m truly enjoying it.”

“Hehehe. Yay! I’m happy you like it. By the way, where is Bells, should I take some of the food to her as well?”

“She’s busy, don’t bother. She’ll go eat some when she’s free or hungry. Let’s dive in.”

“Ah, okay. Oh, right! Do you have some wine to drink? It would complement the meat and add to its richness.”

“Yeah, wait a moment.” Standing up, Virus swiftly went into a room and returned with two glasses and an opened bottle of wine. Next, after pouring some for both of them, he pushed one in front of her.

Following that, while they were dining, Amara’s eyes fell on a certain painting installed on the wall. “Oh gosh! Is that the original painting you bought in Shanghai’s Auction house, Leonardo da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi?”


“Wow, the more you look at it, the more fascinating it gets, don’t you think so?” Murmured Amara, unable to take her eyes off of it.

Seeing her lost in the painting, Virus’ attention was also drawn to the painting as he deliberated, ‘hmm, yeah, I wonder what’s the mystery it’s hiding.’

In truth, the day this painting was put on display and for sale in the auction house, Virus discovered that there were layers upon layers of paintings beneath the visible image of Christ.

Since then, Virus had every intention of uncovering the hidden secret and truth behind the painting at some point. Unfortunately, however, he hadn’t had the time to put any of his time aside ever since he was back from China as he was occupied with various affairs such as taking the Guardian exam, reserving some Rifts, and cultivation per se.

Woefully, after having just broken up with Ella officially, although he has some free time available at the moment, he wasn’t really inclined and eager to do so, at least not yet.

Drinking their fourth glass of wine, Amara was already feeling drunk as she made exaggerated movements with her hands while spluttering. “Yee know… you’re always wearing this ‘expressionless face’, even now. Deadpan. Poker-faced. Hehehe…” giggling as if something was tickling her inside, she went on ahead while pointing a finger directly at him. “But! It’s… usually ‘I’m totally in control’ type of expressionless face.”

Standing up all of a sudden, she reeled over to Virus’ side and sat beside him. “T-hic! Though right now, all I sense is ‘I’m really sad’ type of expressionless face…” her arm was on Virus’ shoulder at this point as she gazed into Virus’ eyes in absolute focus.

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