
Chapter 356: Remembering Alita - 1

356 Remembering Alita - 1

As he buckled his seatbelt and leaned back for the take-off, his mind couldn\'t stop from reeling back in time, into the past. The past that was severely painful for him even to recollect, the past which rather than bringing a smile on his face, always brought back the heavy weight of sorrow, which kept drowning him into an endless abyss of nothing but pain.

Ever since his wife had passed away, there had been a gaping wound in his heart, which no matter how hard he tried, was never filled.

He helmed a mask of a smile, busied himself in his profession, drowned himself in overtime and philanthropic activities, but nothing could heal him, like ever.

But the moment he saw Akira, the moment he got to know about her pain, he felt that by helping her, in a way he can lessen the burden that had been lying on his shoulders. he was hoping to seek salvation, but little did he know that his attempt will come and bite him back, rendering him feeling even more helpless than before.

Alita, his beautiful wife had left for the heavenly abode, precisely four years ago.?Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She herself was a patient of acquired prosopagnosia and was diagnosed a year back after she had met a fatal road accident. At that time the disease was new and not many were aware of it, including Dr. Nelson himself.

So neither he was capable of diagnosing it appropriately, nor he was able to figure out what had actually gone wrong with her. In a quest to make her feel alright, to heal her back, he tried all the medicines, including research medicines which had not been marketed for public usage yet. But there was no success.

She failed to recognize him. She failed to even acknowledge him. Every day had become a struggle for her as she had a case of mild amnesia which slowly transformed itself into an acute case. Her condition was becoming worse day after day. Even though he was a doctor, he was ready to even try at the quacks. He was that desperate to get her treated, for the wife who once loved him more than?anything else in the world, was slowly getting all detached, all distanced from him.

He loved her way more than he knew that he did and he slowly realized that when she was even scared of his touch.

It killed him, day by day, minute after minute, to see her not reciprocating to any treatment whatsoever and any clinical trials too.

She had stopped eating gradually, as she wasn\'t sure who she was. She was loosing her own identity, her own self and was looming into depression. Dr. Nelson had no idea how to bring her back. At that time it wasn\'t known as a self-healing disease where all that you had to do was to wait patiently for self-recovery.

So he took leave from his hospital and started to hunt for all possible clinical trials which were being conducted across the globe. Because he thought that, somewhere, someone must be doing something right.

So finally he found one research paper by a scientist couple in Japan, whose own son was suffering from this ailment and they claimed in their paper that they had cured it by mild induction of electric charge or simulation.

Getting all hopeful, he bought the tickets and everything for her and they left for Japan. He had already contacted the Japanese Doctor couple who had done the trial on their kid and had claimed 100 percent recovery from?acquired prosopagnosia.

They studied all her reports and outcomes of all the clinical trials and based on her age and tenure of the disease they calculated the amount of electric surge that was to be given to her.

All excited after their findings, they fixed the dates for the trials. He had already shelled a huge amount of money and this was the last shot that he possibly had and so he went all in and paid them in advance for the 10 sessions to be conducted on her.

After the first session, there wasn\'t much difference in her mannerisms and behavior but after the third one while going back to the hotel, she said,

"Jaby !!! Where are we going?"

"What did you just say?"

"This doesn\'t look like New York Jaby. Where are we? Where are we going?"

The moment he heard her say those words, his heart was elated. He felt like love would return to his life again. He felt like he would soon be able to set everything ok. He hugged her tight as she leaned on to him.

Her frail figure was turning paler day after day, but this man sat all strong next to her, never losing any hope.

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