
Chapter 311 – If I Am With Him (1)

Chapter 311 – If I Am With Him (1)

After meeting with Chief Chanatha, the military procession marched towards the capital as originally planned. Crowds flocked the city to welcome their return.

“Long live the Emperor! Long live the Empress!”

Enthusiastic cheers poured out in celebration as the soldiers paraded through the streets. Some of the Ruford people had initially sided with Paveluc, but when they learned that he had sold parts of the Empire to the Kelt Kingdom, the people became betrayed and angry. Land and slaves were usually offered as tribute when another kingdom was involved in the struggle for the throne. Since the damage was left to the people, Paveluc’s support had quickly plummeted. The crisis was averted when Carlisle and Elena took victory, and the people were joyous.

Finally, the dazzling carriage carrying Carlisle and Elena stopped at the entrance to the palace. When the carriage door opened, Carlisle stepped out first, then held out his hand for Elena. The appearance of the Emperor and Empress drew out loud cheers from the crowd.


Carlisle, oblivious to the celebrations around him, picked up Elena in both his arms once again, then walked to the Imperial Palace, the crowd still applauding and shouting wildly behind them. Carlisle spoke as he headed forward.

“You can relax now that we’re at the Imperial Palace.”

“Yes, I will.”

“I’ll be in charge of the investigation, so don’t worry about the curse and just focus on your recovery.”

The meeting with Chanatha gave them a big clue on how to move forward, but that was only the beginning. They had to find the Zamida fruit first, and then see if it could lift curses just like in the legend. It would take time to go through so many parts.


“I will regularly report my progress to you. You’re pregnant now, so please rest easy.”

He was truly concerned about the injuries Elena sustained in the early stages of her pregnancy. She understood his worry, and she gave a nod.

“I know. This curse won’t be solved overnight anyway, so I’ll do as you wish.”

Carlisle’s expression softened with relief, and he leaned his head towards Elena. He lay a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Thank you for understanding me.”

“But of course. I know you’re worried about me.”

They were used to showing affection like this now, but those in the Imperial Palace were amazed. No emperor had ever acted like this before.

“G-greetings to His Majesty the Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress. Eternal glory to the Ruford Empire.”

Each of the palace servants gave them a respectful bow, then stepped away to give them a wide berth. Elena was a little embarrassed by it, but she smiled when she saw Carlisle’s warm blue eyes staring at her. Rather than being ashamed by him, she basked in the tenderness of the moment.

Normally she would have asked him to set her down by now, but when she did not protest, Carlisle looked at her in slight surprise.

“You didn’t ask me to put you down. I thought you didn’t like attracting attention.”

“Not necessarily. It’s true that I worry about undermining your authority, but I can’t hate being in your arms. It’s just...”

Her words trailed away, and Carlisle looked at her curiously. Color flooded her cheeks, and she dropped her voice.

“I just don’t want the others looking at me when I’m so happy. It’s embarrassing if my face is different from usual. I don’t want my feelings towards you to be out in the open...”

Elena, who was trying to explain her reasons, stopped talking when she realized what she was saying. She felt Carlisle’s arms tighten around her body, and when she looked up at him, a wide smile split his face.

“It was for that cute reason?”

“I just worry I can’t control my facial expressions in front of you.”

Elena blushed and gave a nervous smile. Carlisle then nodded in reply.

“You’re right. You can’t show that face to other men besides me.”

Carlisle repositioned her so that her face was hidden inwards, and held her more strongly than before.

“Only I get to see you, your lovely eyes, your lovely face...all of it.”

The smile on Elena’s face brightened. These ordinary days were the epitome of perfect bliss. She couldn’t find the words to describe the warm spring breeze blowing through her heart.

As Carlisle and Elena gazed affectionately at each other, a voice called out to them.

“Heug, Your Majesty.”

Elena, who was still tucked in Carlisle’s arms, turned her head in the direction of the tearful voice. She saw the faces of Mary and her nanny, whose shocked expressions were decorated with wet cheeks.

For a long time, Mary had been blaming herself for putting Elena in danger. If Mary hadn’t stepped on the branch when they encountered the assassins, the Empress would not have been kidnapped. Now, Mary was immensely grateful to hear of Elena’s survival.

Elena looked at Mary’s and her nanny’s tear-swollen faces, then turned back to speak quietly to Carlisle.

“Please set me down here, Caril.”

Carlisle looked a little reluctant, but he carefully lowered her down without a complaint. Elena approached Mary and the nanny, leaving her husband behind. Mary spoke with a thick voice first.

“Welcome back—heug. You don’t know how relieved I am. Every night I prayed for your safety. I am sorry...truly.”

Elena gave a small smile and lightly held Mary’s shoulders.

“There’s no reason to apologize. I’m happy that you’re alright. I was worried that you might have been captured when running away.”

“Heueug, Your Majesty.”

Mary burst into uncontrollable sobbing. The nanny delicately wiped her tears from her face, then spoke with similar emotions.

“I was worried when I heard you suffered while pregnant...but you don’t seem to be hurt anywhere.”

At the nanny’s concerned words, Elena released her arm from Mary and hugged the nanny standing next to her. Soon, the three of them ended up in a close embrace. Elena looked at the group, and soothingly rubbed her hands at their backs as they cried.

“Now that I’ve returned, you can both stop crying.”

But Elena’s words made only Mary and nanny cry even more. Elena looked back at Carlisle standing behind her, looking a little embarrassed.

Carlisle merely stared back with a displeased look. It didn’t matter that Elena was with other women—he didn’t seem to like that she was hugging other people. The reason for his discontent was so obvious that she couldn’t help but laugh.

At that moment, Elena realized that she had returned to what she considered home. This once was a very strange and awkward place when she first set foot in the Imperial Palace and married Carlisle...

Now, it was a place for her to rest.

Elena looked at all the people who welcomed her, and then closed her eyes.

She felt comfortable here.

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