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Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Chapter 242


Yoo Chun Young’s voice asking the question sounded, unexpectedly, so lower and colder that I recoiled with surprise. Eun Jiho, however, didn’t remove the smile from his face.

He then responded, “Birthdays come once a year.”


“But after today, I will have no more birthdays.”


This time, it was me who flung the question. Glancing at me with his jet-black eyes, Eun Jiho answered back.

“No, I’m not saying that I’m gonna die or something, but from now on, I won’t ask you for any presents, Ham Donnie.”

Not only did Yoo Chun Young’s voice and face seem so unfamiliar, but even Eun Jiho right now looked and sounded very uncharacteristic. Closing my mouth again, I wondered, ‘Why is Eun Jiho acting like that after declaring today as his birthday?’

Apart from that, I realized I didn’t observe Eun Jiho’s feeling thoroughly.

I should’ve asked him earlier in the car, ‘What’s going on? Why are you behaving differently today?’ Eun Jiho was, however, a character who didn’t like to act obviously or receive attention for what he had deeply in mind, so I just left him to do what he wanted. Now that I came to think of it, I should’ve not done that.

‘Am I too late though?’

Eun Jiho was staring at me with a smile, whereas Yoo Chun Young standing still with his mouth tightly shut. Being stuck between the two, I just fetched a sigh through my closed lips.

A helping hand then was extended toward me from an utterly unexpected direction. A beautiful white hand came out and split the two boys who were standing like statues.

‘Eek!’ Having been pushed away from her, the two boys staggered aside. Yeo Ryung then strode through them briskly and showed a face full of rich smile.

“Donnie! Let’s dance with me!”

There wasn’t any time to stop her. Standing blankly for a second, I quickly agreed and grabbed her hand tightly in fear of the two boys jumping into me again. Yeo Ryung then burst into soft laughter at me.

When I turned around, I found the boys glancing at my side while looking hollow. They were then smiling bitterly at each other.

Being in a daze for a second, I suddenly just smiled and grabbed Yeo Ryung’s hands again. We then slid into the middle of the hall.

Even until we held each other’s hands under the twinkling, starry lights, I was concerned about myself if I were able to dance; however, it was just my imaginary fears.

Ban Yeo Ryung, who excelled in almost everything, managed to waltz so flawlessly. At first, she took one of my hands with hers and stretched them out. She then placed the other side of my hand on her waist. Taking a few steps along with the music, she took my hand off her waist then put it up on her arm.

The lights were then turned down low. Suddenly, like firework flames, beams of light showered down through the dark. I flickered my lashes swiftly. Ban Yeo Ryung’s face that came into my sight shone like a dream. Pulling my hand, she slightly flaunted a smile.

With a downcast gaze, I browsed her outfit. She was wearing a bit stiff, simple black sleeveless dress that had a gemmed collar and a side opening under the waist. Even with that quiet look, Ban Yeo Ryung, just dazzled as if to absorb all the attention in here.

When I pouted my lips to say something, her brows met in the middle. She then lowered her head and asked me, “Sorry, what did you just say, Donnie? I wasn’t able to hear you.”

“You look really pretty today.”

As I said those words seriously as if telling a big secret, she blinked and replied with a bright smile.

“So are you, Donnie!”

She then added shortly, “But you’re always pretty.”

I burst into giggles. If I were a boy I would’ve fallen in love with her a hundred times a day.

Thankfully, the two of us didn’t seem to stand out that much. While we danced the waltz, a few female couples went by us. Some looked like close friends or sisters as they giggled while trying to step on each other’s feet. A couple of others moved their steps comfortably like a water flow as if being very used to the dance.

The music then suddenly changed.

It was time to switch partners. With a grin, Yeo Ryung slowly let my hand go. Her black hair disarranged my sight then scattered away. Being left alone, I just flickered my eyes.

‘Geez, who should I dance with now?!’

That was when a hand suddenly popped out from behind me and grabbed mine. Turning my head around, I cracked a smile.

“Oh, Yoo Chun Young.”

Putting my hand on his arm, Yoo Chun Young also smiled at me. He then moved his lips to say something, but I could hardly hear what he said in the noise.

“What did you say?” I asked again.

“Wasn’t it hard?”

Oh, I grinned with my mouth tightly closed.

So to speak, I guess everyone in here except me knew that taking Eun Jiho’s partner role would be something like riding a first-class express train to hell. Or else, why would they ask if I was okay after I showed up with Eun Jiho today?

Eun Jiho… if this was the express train to hell, you should’ve said that in advance!

I opened my mouth with a smile.

“Well, I volunteered to come here, so what else I can do?”

Then I continued, “Actually, it could have been hard… but I met other kids here, so it was fine.”

Holding back my laughter, I added, ‘You know, you saw Yoon Jung In and Kim Hye Hill, my classmates.’

Yoo Chun Young then furrowed, replying, “I was surprised… to see two Eun Jihos.”


I burst out laughing again. As my laughter sounded quite loud in the middle of the dance floor, a few people around us gave me a look.

Yikes. I sealed my lips again, but soon giggled back. Tapping Yoo Chun Young’s arm with my hand that was just on it, I kept on speaking.

“Don’t you think so too? Aren’t they really like soul twins? I mean, I knew that they will get along so well. They are now like besties. I don’t think they’ve met for the first time today.”

“Yeah, true.”

Even Yoo Chun Young seemed to answer back while slightly suppressing a laugh. I continued to speak with excitement.

“I knew it! They are so funny. Did you see them quarreling earlier? They kept getting angry while telling each other not to say that they look alike… How hilarious they are…”

That was when Yoo Chun Young’s voice quietly resonated around me as it cut through my words as well as the waltz music playing on the background.

“I must have arrived earlier.”



It was now the part where we had to keep our faces close to each other’s; therefore, Yoo Chun Young’s face was right in front of mine.

I could nearly hear his breath through the noise hanging around us. Dropping my gaze at the floor for a moment, I soon lifted my eyes back at a slow pace.

His eyes that were on mine looked so serious that I could hardly breathe. Keeping a straight face for a while, I showed a slight smile and spoke carefully.

“You don’t like this kind of spot.”



Looking down at me, Yoo Chun Young replied with his usual, nonchalant voice.

“You are here.”


“If I came here earlier… Ham Donnie…?”

Ignoring his call, I quickly released his hand. Thankfully, the music just changed. It was time to search for a new partner.

Meanwhile, I tried desperately to avert his gaze. Although many people around us were aiming at him as a partner for the next dance and would soon take him away from me, I just wanted to avoid any awkward moments taking place between us!

On the other hand, I lifted both hands to wrap my blushed cheeks.

“That was really bad,” I murmured.

It was, for sure, bad and so unfair. How could he say such words so nonchalantly as if nothing was happening!

While I was just standing still hesitantly among the dancing crowds with my face so reddened, another hand then grabbed mine. It seemed a little smaller than Yoo Chun Young’s.

I lifted my head to check if the person was a stranger, but as soon as he hugged me, which was even before dancing, I realized who he was. A familiar voice then rang around my ears.

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