
Chapter 85 Teacher Quest: Simo Hahya (10)

That very face would plague my afterlife… for all of eternity.

(Orion POV)

I only came back to my senses after everything had been slaughtered… and when I mean everything, I mean everything.

The corpses of soldiers lay around me, bloody, beaten, torn, cut. The corpses of innocent and hungry animals lay around me, torn to pieces by the large blood-red spear in my hand.

[A god has smiled down upon your achievement]

[A few gods roar in anger at your forceful use of the system]

[A few gods applaud your rage]


[You have completed the Hidden Quest: Awaken Your Source of Power]

[Reward has been granted]

[The next Hidden Quest will be revealed once ready]


After checking my status, I noticed every single bar had been drained; my hp, mp, and stamina were completely gone.

Not a single ounce of juice was left in my body.

But, I was still somehow standing.

Clank… Clank… Clank… Clank… Clink

All of a sudden, invisible chains appeared around me, binding my wrists ankles together, and they were all connected to a single wooden stake right in front of me.

I snapped my head around to try and see who could\'ve done this, but to my surprise… it was by a power higher than the strongest mages in existence.

[The council of gods has made their decision]

[Trial before the gods has been set in ston-

[Interference by higher being]


[Trial before the gods has been delayed to a later date]

Then, as if they were never even there, the chains binding my wrists and ankles disappeared into thin air, leaving absolutely no trace behind.

Well, the only thing left was the large wooden stake standing tall before me.

Intrigued by something possibly used by the gods, I stepped up to it and touched it, and to my surprise, it was extremely smooth, like waxed marble instead of the usual bark feeling that you get when touching wood.

It wasn\'t rough in the slightest, almost like it was carved and manipulated by the gods themselves.

"*sigh*... What happened…" I muttered as I then proceeded to scan the area farther than just the pile of corpses surrounding me.

But, it wasn\'t any different… it was a sea of corpses, but one thing stood out to me.

A single corpse without even a single drop of blood touching it. The streams avoiding it made it almost feel like it was preserved by the god of blood.

Short, light blue hair, completely dead, pale gray eyes, and a short stature covered by a thick, long coat that touched the tips of his large boots.

Flashes of memories streaked across my mind like lightning, making my head throb and my emotions whirl.

"That\'s right… He died," I muttered, and my feet began to subconsciously move towards the lifeless corpse.

I kneeled down beside it, my head hanging and my eyes almost as completely dead as the man under me.

Rage continued to course through my veins like adrenaline, but my mind felt strangely clear, and I only knew one thing…

​ "I\'ll kill them… I\'ll kill them all,"

Slowly, I stood up as a glare scratched at the back of my head, and despite them seeing the hellish sight before them, they didn\'t even flinch as I picked my spear back up and let out a cold blood-red mist from my mouth.

Our eyes met, and I soon noticed it was one of our targets, the boss of the base at the foot of the mountain, that had killed the high-ranking dude from our side.

He was full of pride and still looked down on me as I walked toward him.

His lackeys then spread out from behind him, latching onto our auras like parasites trying to extract any bit of achievement that they can from this one encounter.

"AK\'s, huh… So they used these then,"

I continued to walk forward, even as the men creating a U-shaped formation with the boss at the center screamed at me to stop.

We soon came face to face, and the man was a bit taller than me, so I was forced to look up slightly, but that didn\'t stop me from glaring down at him.


"Quite the feisty kid. I wonder what you\'ve seen to obtain eyes like these… These… These eyes aren\'t something you can just acquire from seeing somebody you care about die… These… Are something acquired through war,"

His voice was raspy, dark, and malicious, just like something you\'d expect from a man who commands his men to slaughter hundreds of civilians.


"What if I don\'t want to move? What are you going to do, kid? Tell me. Tell me!"


It was a long breath that I had breathed in. A breath filtered through my teeth and molded by my tongue.

As I squeezed my spear with my left hand, I imagined my right-hand squeezing my heart, making it slow down.

"Fire," The man muttered with a psychotic smile.

The firing of bullets whizzed past me, but I saw everything… in such a slow world that it felt unreal.

I was far from mastering it, but this was more than enough.


Three of the twenty men dropped dead, but twelve of the twenty guns had been sliced in half, their dirty smell of gunpowder mixing with the stench of fresh blood.


Twelve more dropped dead, but the remaining stood their ground, crying out with fear as they continued to try and hit me.

I could see the man in the corner of my sight growing nervous as his soldiers were quickly falling.

Within just a few more seconds, it was just him and me.

I charged toward him and lifted up my spear while he stumbled and tripped up on his own feet.


"*gasp*... *gasp*... *gasp*..."

I was on the ground, gasping for air as the man had fallen on his butt, and soon realized the situation had turned in his favor.

"You damn little… SHIT!" He shouted as he quickly picked up the only semi-intact AK-47 and stabbed the blade on the barrel right towards my head.


"Just kidding," I muttered with a large sadistic smile, and the man didn\'t even have time to react as his head went flying off into the distance.

[Status has been overloaded]

[Negative Health Detected]

[Negative Mana Detected]

[Negative Stamina Detected]

[Reprucussions are commencing…]

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