
Chapter 197 Exploring the City

Chapter 197 Exploring the City

"Tell me, Danica, how long has your city been suffering like this?"

Danica\'s expression grew sombre as she replied, "We\'ve endured these hardships for five long years, kind sir\'\'

\'\'The depletion of resources has left us in a state of constant struggle."

I couldn\'t help but feel a deep sense of empathy for the women and how they had to suffer for 5 years.

"And what about the nobles or rulers of the city? Have they made any efforts to alleviate your suffering?"

A bitter smile crossed Danica\'s face.

"The nobles have shown no concern for our plight\'\'

\'\'In fact, some of us dared to protest and rebel against their indifference, but they responded with cruelty\'\'

Many were executed, and the rest of us were left in fear."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on my mind.

The women of Velia had endured five years of suffering, and the ruling class had only exacerbated their misery.

It was clear that a change was long overdue, and I was keen to bring about that change, no matter what. 

I leaned in closer to Danica, my voice filled with mystery as I revealed my goal.

"Danica, my goal is to recruit every woman and every female child in this city into our sect\'\'

\'\'I want to bring Velia under our rule and make it a place where they can thrive, free from suffering."

Danica\'s eyes sparkled with a mixture of awe and obsession as she listened to my words.

To her, I seemed like a godly figure, capable of achieving the impossible.

Her unwavering support was evident in the way she looked at me with reverence and devotion.

"I believe in you, kind sir," she whispered, her voice trembling with devotion.

"With the powers you\'ve granted us, nothing seems impossible. I will follow you with all my heart."

I nodded in agreement with Danica\'s words.

"Danica, I\'m glad to have you by my side. Here\'s what we\'ll do\'\'

\'\'Initially, let\'s gather a small group of women who are willing to join the sect, even if it means letting go of their husbands or partners\'\'

\'\'We\'ll start discreetly, and as our numbers grow, we\'ll eventually reach a point where the entire city hears about us."

Danica\'s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she embraced the plan.

"Yes, kind sir. I\'ll talk to the women in similar situations as mine. They deserve a chance at a better life, and I believe they will follow our lead."

Amara, who had been quietly listening, couldn\'t contain her excitement any longer.

She beamed and said, "I want to help too! I can talk to the girls my age and convince them that joining your sect is the best thing for all of us!"

Both Danica and I couldn\'t help but smile at Amara\'s enthusiasm.

It was heartwarming to see the determination and eagerness in the young girl\'s eyes.

I knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Amara, your help would be invaluable. You have a special way of connecting with your peers, and I believe you can make a difference."

I turned to Danica and Amara, a sense of purpose in my eyes.

"Danica, Amara, I have faith in both of you. I\'ll focus on recruiting more women, while you and your daughter gather those who are willing to join our cause on your side."

Danica nodded with resolve, her eyes filled with unwavering loyalty. "We won\'t disappoint you, kind sir. Together, we\'ll make a difference in Velia."

Amara chimed in, her youthful enthusiasm shining through.

"We\'ll bring as many women as we can to the sect, just you wait!"

As I bid farewell to Danica and Amara, I ventured deeper into the city of Velia, wanting to explore its every corner and uncover the true extent of its suffering.

It didn\'t take long for me to detect a peculiar sight.

In a dimly lit alley, I noticed two cultivators dressed in white robes, cornering a young woman.

Their menacing expressions and sinister words sent a shiver down my spine.

I approached quietly, concealing my presence, and overheard their conversation.

"If you don\'t pay up the fee for the loan," one of them threatened, "we\'ll have our fun with you\'\'

\'\'You wouldn\'t want that, would you?"

The young woman\'s terror was palpable as she pleaded desperately for mercy. Her voice trembled as she implored, "Please, I beg you! I\'ll find a way to pay, just don\'t hurt me."

The two cultivators in white robes merely sneered, their cruel intentions evident in their expressions.

One of them taunted, "You should\'ve thought about that before borrowing from us. Now, it\'s time to pay the price."

My heart filled with rage and indignation at their treatment.

These cultivators were exploiting the vulnerable, especially towards a powerless woman and it was a situation that could not be allowed to continue.

I approached the two cultivators with a not-so-kind smile and a calm demeanour.

"Gentlemen, I suggest you put your hands down and walk away," I said firmly.

They turned to me, their expressions filled with disdain.

Seeing that I was alone and couldn\'t sense my cultivation level, they thought I was just a mortal pretending to be a hero.

One of them scoffed, "Who do you think you are, trying to play the hero here?"

The other one added with a mocking tone, "Get lost before we decide to have some fun with you too."

Little did they know that beneath my seemingly mortal facade lay powers they couldn\'t even fathom.

It was time to teach them a lesson they wouldn\'t soon forget but it\'ll be a lesson that they can\'t learn since they won\'t be alive in the next few seconds. 

The two cultivators raised their hands, preparing to unleash their techniques.

With menacing smirks, they taunted me one last time.

"You\'re in way over your head, mortal," one of them jeered, his energy crackling around him.

His companion added with a wicked grin, "Let\'s show him what a real cultivator looks like."

As they launched their attacks, I calmly swiped the air with a swift motion, and in an instant, their menacing figures vanished into thin air.

The alley fell silent, and I turned my attention to the stunned young woman, questioning with genuine concern, "Are you alright?"

But she remained too stunned to respond, her eyes wide with disbelief.

She was gazing at the spot where the cultivators had stood just moments ago. It was clear that their sudden disappearance had left her in a state of shock and disbelief.

The young woman, still in a state of shock, finally found her voice and stammered, "What... What just happened?"

I offered her a reassuring smile and said, "Everything is fine now. The troublemakers are gone."

I asked once more, my concern evident in my voice, "Are you alright?"

After a few moments of absorbing the situation, she managed to nod and said in a shaky voice, "Yes, I think... I think I\'m fine."

After a moment of contemplation, the young woman turned to me and asked tentatively, "Are you... a cultivator?"

I nodded with a warm smile and replied, "Yes, I am."

Her eyes sparkled with newfound determination as she hesitated for a moment before finally asking, "Could I... be your disciple?"

A wide smile spread across my face as her request took me by pleasant surprise. It was the first time someone had initiated a desire to become my disciple, and I couldn\'t help but feel delighted. 

"Of course," I said, my voice filled with genuine warmth. "I\'d be happy to have you as my disciple."

Eventually, she gathered strength  to share her painful past.

"I was orphaned at a young age," she began, her voice tinged with sadness.

"My parents abandoned me and I\'ve been on my own ever since."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued, "I struggled to find food and shelter, often going days without a proper meal\'\'

\'\'It\'s been a constant battle just to survive."

I listened empathetically, my heart heavy with sympathy for her plight.

"You\'ve endured so much," I said softly, encouraging her to continue.

She nodded, wiping away a tear. "I\'ve seen others in the same situation, especially women and children. We\'re all trapped in this never-ending cycle of suffering."

As Ashly began to share her heartbreaking backstory of being an orphan and suffering through the famine in Velia, I listened intently, my heart aching for the hardships she had endured.

It was clear that she had faced unimaginable challenges.

After she finished, I explained the terms of joining my sect, the Heavenly Harem Sect, and the opportunities and support she would receive. I promised her a new life, one filled with hope and purpose.

Without hesitation, Ashly nodded and said with a determined look in her eyes, "I have nothing else to lose at this point. I\'m ready to join your sect and start anew."

I extended my hand to her, sealing our agreement. "Welcome to the Heavenly Harem Sect, Ashly. Together, we\'ll work towards a brighter future for you and all the women of Velia."

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