
Chapter 397

Given the immediacy of the mission, the humans chosen to partake in it were few yet strong. Tarin who was supposed to be building was designated to the rescue squad as their magician.

Apart from him there was also Lea and Zhang who had previously been shortly positioned under Kiano. This was not a 3-person squad however, and with a magician, an archer, and a speedy knight, they were still missing someone capable of dealing real damage.

A senior knight by the name of Talon was chosen. He was one of the those oddities that fought weapon less in close range. Given his well-built body and overwhelming presence, calling him a knight almost seemed like a stretch. He was a gangster!

This was especially so because Talon used a gauntlet custom-made by the kingdom. While it didn\'t look like they were brass knuckles, Talon\'s aura still managed to make him seem like a dangerous thug. If anything the gauntlets seemed far more intimidating than brass knuckles. Talon\'s mighty hands looked as though they could flatten you easily.

Whatever the case, Talon\'s choice to use gauntlets had its draw backs as well as benefits. The main draw back was range but his mobility was greater than someone with a long weapon strapped to their side or back.

This was ideal for their small team which had only one purpose, in and out, 20-minute rescue mission.

This small team size also posed a problem, however. For one, they couldn\'t possibly carry so many arrow dispensers. There was also the issue of scaling the tall outer wall in order to render the tactic effective.

Fortunately, they were quick to find out that there were just a coupe of odd orcs atop the outer wall. Not just that, but there was now an inner wall which could further hide their actions.

While a wall could provide defense, in a situation where a giant army was not coming over, it was also easy for small groups of people to sneak by unseen. This benefitted them so the humans were quick to adapt.

With the rubble also providing cover for not just them, but also the contraptions, they were able to slowly set the traps while going to and fro. The to was the outside perimeter of the inner walls, and the fro was outside of Sanctuary where a small force of 16 knights were guarding arrow dispensers.

They were also there for the eventual extraction of the king, Brennan Bosque. They would be able to buy time if things went wrong for the rescue team and hopefully, also extract the king.

So far, things were going well. After setting the arrows and priming them the team was still able to sneak to the opposite side of the main gate.

"Tarin…" Someone said causing the earthen mage to nod and begin a hushed chant.

"They are going off!" The arrows which were primed to reload and fire continuously set off decorating the sky with black dots. They were not very well visible from their current spot, however.

Regardless, with their safety guaranteed, the group had no problem acting under this storm of arrows.

The ground beneath each member trembled and rocketed upwards causing the humans to quickly reach the top of the wall.

An arrow quickly whizzed out and darted right into the skull of an orc guarding this side of the wall.

<"ARGH!"> The orc had been distracted by the shower of arrows and the constant alarm of the other orcs that he failed to see the humans appearing.

But the humans made one miscalculation, these orcs were tougher than the ones they fought before and they were also wearing armor.

The orc had stumbled but the next moment they charged towards Zhang who had shot the arrow. The orc\'s large body was about to reach the earthen pillar of Zhang and push both Zhang and itself off the wall but they received a dizzying punch instead.

The heavy yet light gauntlet of Talon buzzed the brain of the orc causing him to collapse for good. It certainly helped that the arrow already inside their skull inched forward from the force.

"Zhang! Scan for the king!" Tarin shouted to Zhang as he hopped off onto the wall. Zhang was already on it however, his eyes shone with a blue aura causing Zhang\'s mind to cool and his eyes to process the information in front of him faster.

This application of elemental mana onto the body was fascinating but the others did not loiter to observe it happening. There were still orcs on the wall!

As the wall was significantly smaller than the last the amount of orcs atop of it would appear to be more. After the fall of the one in their immediate vicinity, Lea charged out towards the left direction of the wall to confront an alerted orc.

Tarin was working on casting a spell for the meddlesome fellow on the other end.

"I\'ve found one place of interest!" Zhang said having taken in all that was visible from atop the inner wall.

There were many stone huts and other structures obstructing view onto the dirt paths but looking at the roofs of and the way they were arranged alone could tell one quite a good bit of information.

What Zhang had noticed was the plaza of Sanctuary and the plantation of orc blood fruit behind it. The plaza had been there in essence but the plantation was a new addition. He believed a shady cabin in the woods or a secret compartment in one of those buildings was ideal for hiding a kidnapped king!

The group wasted no time. Lea and Tarin had taken out the immediate threats and the other guards of the wall were already running down to help out with the emergency. They failed to realize that there were intruders near them.

Around this time, a second volley obstructed the sky only to be charred to bits right after the very next moment. The group of 4 seemed to know who the likely culprit was and subconsciously sped up. It was a life or death situation!

"Hey! Are those humans?!" Their fleeting figures were spotted by an orc who exited from his home a bit later than the rest.

Suddenly, the attention shifted towards the already gone figures.

"They went that way, let\'s go!" After this shout, chaos ensued. The orcs were all originally heading towards the gate but after this commotion some suddenly turned to follow after the intruders.

Yet, this meant that those still going forward were bounced around.

"Zhang! Is this still the right direction!?" Tarin asked exasperated. The orcs were flooding over, he could feel it from the vibrations of their march!

"It is! Just follow me!" The archer had an excellent sense of direction. Even as they took various detours to try and avoid orcs, they quickly made it to the plaza.

Around this time, a third and final volley would fly out. The weather forecast however was clear skies causing them to feel rather glum. They were coming! The freakish orc was coming!

To take out that many devices so quickly meant that their time was limited! They promptly reached a consensus, split up!

There was the town hall, the tavern, the plantation, the smithy, they would check all of them quickly!

But as soon as Lea entered the tavern she simply ended up stunned

"Th- The king!?!" Bloody who was inside of Brennan was currently hunched over head first into a barrel of wine. The orc blood fruit had attracted Bloody towards Goe\'s Tavern!

Goe himself had already gone out to battle and could not stop the "human" from attacking his livelihood.

"Your Majesty!" Lea shouted at Bloody who was chugging wine like water.

Lea\'s sudden shout got the attention of the other members of the rescue team but not before one of them encountered trouble.

Zhang was blasted out of the town hall by a raging vortex of wind.

"F*ck!" He cursed having struggled to release an arrow under the close quarter indoor conditions. It was that, and the surprise of being attacked.

Talon and Tarin both ended up promptly returning. It was a good thing they did too.

They managed to see Lea dragging the king outside of Goe\'s tavern. Well, trying anyway.

The king was struggling to continue holding onto the barrels of alcohol. The skinny frame of the king caused Lea much pain as she was afraid she\'d break him in this struggle.

The tavern was precisely at this moment suddenly razed by bullets of wind. The buildings which were obviously not prepared for real safe living was obviously not prepared for the sudden attack.

It appeared as though it would crumble instantly but Tarin hurriedly controlled the earth to stabilize the collapse.

"Hur- Hurry out!" Tarin said with a contorted expression. He was struggling further to create a box to encapsulate the king. This box of earth then slid out of the building with Lea following behind. The tavern immediately collapsed after as Tarin stopped preventing its collapse.

"RROOOOOARRR!" The cries of orcs started to surround the humans who had barely being able to even restrain the skinny king. This was clearly not going to end well for them!

Sharog\'s spells of wind were about to whip Zhang once again but fortunately Talon\'s strong body was there to take the brunt of the damage. The issue was Talon could not take the brunt of the damage from the tens of orcs that were rolling in to exterminate them!

Without a miracle, they might just lose a couple of them. There were only four of them so that was already a couple too many!

It was also at this point that they heard the thundering roar of an orc. Their hearts chilled.. There was no hope.

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