
628 Chapter 628

He thought it was over, but his smile started freezing on his face with each passing moment, as that crazy ass bastard Master Heartless didn\'t seem willing to give up.

Even though blood was leaking out of his orifices and his body seemed on the verge of breaking apart, he continued to crawl forward just like a bug.

\'Motherfu*cker are you so crazy as to suffer like that just to kill me!? Just what kind of demon are you!?

Am I going to die here and now after having this great opportunity bestowed upon me!? My life couldn\'t be this much of a joke, can it?

What\'s more of a joke, it\'s that this time I sent myself to this situation!\'

In fact, the reason why Eric was in such a condition wasn\'t due to the explosion. After all, he used tiny bits of Dragon Force to protect his inner vital organs.

Not to mention that his structure, and most importantly his physical body strength was beyond normal people, as he had Real Dragon Bloodline mixed into his veins.

Even one drop of Dragon Blood was like a treasure of Heaven and Earth withholding a great value and power.

Most probably wars would break out only for a single Dragon Blood drop, while Eric was taking them as reward candies.

People would die out of jealousy if they knew that. But that didn\'t matter right now, as the important point was that his state was closely related to this part.

Before the explosion happened, he had actually held a brief talk with his Dragon Empress, who had told him to use the explosion as an opportunity for himself.

She told him to consume all the remaining drops of Dragon Blood for this Realm at that moment and use the impact of the explosion to remold his body.

This was a great opportunity that he might not come across later, so he couldn\'t help but agree to that, as he made his own preparations.

Without wasting time he bought 10 bottles of the best quality elixirs he could at that moment that helped him in recovering health, soul power, and body tempering and took them at the same time.

The moment that the big explosion happened, the Dragon Empress released her blood drops to him, and he went through a hellish experience.

He felt like he was dying with each extra drop of blood and being revived the next instant before dying once again.

In a short amount of time, he had died and revived several times, and each of his deaths was a wretched one with extreme pain.

Still, the end result was that he was able to survive at the end of all that, and have a big upgrade to his strength, but unable to even move a finger in the short term.

Firstly his body was still digesting everything it had happened, and it was currently in a state of shock, unmoving due to fear and pain.

Secondly, his brain was still numb from all the pain it had gone through, and it would take some time to turn back active.

On the other hand, Master Heartless looked like a maniac who had decided to kill Eric before he died himself and wasn\'t stopping despite the pain.

This infuriated Eric, but he didn\'t have much of a choice. He didn\'t know what to do when suddenly he seemed to have comprehended something.

When even this bastard had this much of a will to move his body in that condition, then why couldn\'t he do the same?

Could it be that he didn\'t even have that much will!? How the fu*ck would he reach the peak when his will was certainly weaker than the person trying to kill him?

Since he wished to reach the peak, then he needed to surely demonstrate a will and determination that surpassed everyone else.

He needed to be just like a bug, just like a roach, unwilling to give up no matter what came in front of him.

Dragons were terrifying beasts, blessed by the Heavens, but roaches and bugs weren\'t to be underestimated either. They would continue fighting and trying until the end.

With these thoughts in mind, he immediately tried his best, forcing his body to move, at first it was the clench of his teeth, then the move of his finger, and finally the move of his hand.

It was difficult, painful, and torturing to do something like that at that particular moment, but he still managed to do it.

His hand swiped on the floor and reached Master Heartless\'s forehead while he was holding a needle coated in poison between his fingers.

Before he pricked the guy with his needle though, he heard something that he would have never imagined hearing.

"I do-don\'t want to di-die. Le-let me li-live a-and se-serve you!"

\'The Fu*ck!?\'

Eric couldn\'t believe his ears and senses, he had never thought that the reason why this bastard would crawl in pain and suffering like that was to ask him to live.

He felt like a big fool to have been scared a moment ago. He didn\'t know what to think of himself any longer.

He was angry and irritated but at himself! It was due to his own overreaction that something like this had actually happened.

But that didn\'t matter any longer, as he now had something to ponder and consider. Should he kill this bastard or not?

While this guy was on the verge of death right now, the truth was that he was extremely strong and useful.

The fact that he was able to easily overcome someone of the same level in a fight like that, was more than an indication of his strength.

Not only that but even his will, determination, and thoughts were beyond what normal experts could offer.

This seemed like the kind of guy that would make a great butler who would grow even stronger in the future. A great asset for the future.

At the same time, his murderous aura and intentions were a problem, and he would have to waste quite some time in teaching him properly.

While even the path he was walking upon wasn\'t a peaceful and simple one either. He would need to have someone wash his hands in blood whenever he couldn\'t.

Of course, even the amount of SP points he would have to spend for curing him of the poison wasn\'t small either, but he was willing to take the initiative.

Yes, Master Heartless was poisoned and that was also the reason why he was in such a situation. While Eric hadn\'t personally administered the poison to him, and it had happened by luck.

It was at the moment that Master Heartless had destroyed what he thought to be Eric\'s body in smithereens, as quite a bit of the corpse\'s blood was spread over his clothes and body.

Then, right after that, he suffered an injury to his shoulder, and some of the infected blood had entered the system through the scratches.

Of course, the amount entering his body was kind of minute and diluted, it would take quite some time to act.

But due to the fact that he had speeded up the process of energy circulation in his body during his escape, the poison had managed to grow quickly and strongly, bringing him to the current situation.

"Open your conscience to me and let me place my brand in your soul before I heal you!"

Even though Master Heartless didn\'t know what exactly Eric was talking about, as there weren\'t many people who would know of soul brand on Earth, he left himself completely free.

At this moment survival was his priority and he would do everything he could to survive. Even if it meant selling his soul to the devil.

On the other hand, Eric didn\'t waste time and quickly did what he had to do while his hand fell to the ground, seemingly unable to hold out any longer.

Now that he had grown in strength and power he didn\'t need to draw the soul brand with his blood, as he could directly invade Master Heartless\'s conscience sea, and place it there with soul power.

That made things much easier and secret for himself, as right after doing that, he raised his hand once again, and pricked Master Heartless\'s forehead, as the guy\'s heart stopped.

The crowd had been watching everything that happened with great detail, excitement, and interest. Some of them had even forgotten to breathe properly, as the show finally came to an end.

They couldn\'t believe the finale, it was just beyond each and everyone\'s expectations, but one thing was for sure, they had all been exhilarated by it.

It wasn\'t only the crowd, but the staff and the organizers themselves were in the same situation and position, they couldn\'t believe what had just happened.

This surpassed whatever Arena there had been before, it was something that might not happen again in the future.

Still, under the total silence of the crowd, a batch of security personnel came running towards the cage, opened the door quickly, and brought Eric away.

It was only at this time that the crowd could finally react, as they all jumped in a scary cheering for Eric, who was the big winner.

That guy had done the impossible possible tonight, and it was a great achievement on his part, but now he needed extensive care and attention, and would most probably be sent to the hospital.

At least that was what the crowd thought, as Eric was going towards a place where he might never come back from…

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