
Chapter 16 How Does She Get In The House?!

"That is the sketchiest shit I have ever heard. You are going to have to do a lot better than that," I laughed.

[Hey! I am not a genie! I can only do things within my power!]

"Oh? And what might you be?" I asked.

[A succubus, but if you summon me, I will have to follow your commands, and I won\'t take that much Life Force from you! Hey! Wait!]

I was about to throw the stone since I was pretty sure I knew what a succubus was and where this was going. There were enough ordinary women in the world; I didn\'t need to get involved with a Demon that could steal my Life Force.

Let\'s just say I had become attached to this world pretty quickly and didn\'t plan on leaving any time soon.

"Look, Demon, I am sure you are a nice lady, but there are just too many red flags here!" I said, starting to wind up.

[Wait! I will let you seal my powers as one of your wishes! Please! I have been here for so long!]

"Is that a real thing, or are you just trying to play a trick on me?" I asked.

[You don\'t have to summon me yet, but just keep me with you until you find someone that knows more about me, like a Demonologist! I promise that I won\'t be annoying, and I can tell you aren\'t from this world and a lot more! You can even talk to me like I am to you if you have questions!]

She was sweetening the pot pretty good, and I had to credit her for her tenacity. I supposed keeping her like this until I could get more information about her wasn\'t a bad idea, and I could use some advice on things.

There was also the little fact that she knew I wasn\'t from this world, meaning she might know more about where I came from. I would give this a go, but I was still ready to huck a bitch if she started trouble or gave me bad advice!

\'You can hear me like this?\' I asked in thought.

[Loud and clear!]

\'Rule one, don\'t interrupt conversations. Rule two, give me bad advice that is going to get me in trouble; I will find the nearest ocean and throw you in it!\' I explained.

[Yes, sir!]

\'So you know I am a man then?\' I asked.

[Yes, though it\'s not that I know what you are, my body aches for you, and I don\'t even have one right now. I know that you could dominate me in ways that no ordinary woman could ever dream of, and I will do anything to have that. Even if that means giving up my powers to live forever, I would sooner live and die by your side. That is what I feel when you hold the crystal.]

That was much more than I had expected, and I was surprised again by how devoted she seemed to want to be, but I still wasn\'t going to let a Demon sweet talk me into letting out! I may have just opened my eyes in this world, but I wasn\'t born last night.

\'Do good by me, and we will see going into the future," I explained and then turned at the sound of my name and horse gallops, but much more than there should be.

"Galio!" Eliza called riding at the front a large number of other women of all shapes, colors, races, and sizes.

"What in Heaven\'s name am I seeing here?!" I exclaimed as the group slowed before.

Eliza dismounted, and then Senna and fifteen other women did the same in unison. Impressive.

"How did you do that?! You moved instantly in front of the monster with no fear!" Eliza exclaimed as she ran over and hugged me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I told you, I am a man. We are meant to protect the things we care about. I have just taken a liking to this world, and it looks like it is going to be a lot of fun, so I think I wanna keep it safe," I whispered to Eliza, and she nodded, breaking away from me.

"This is Galio, my Partner. He took down this Abomination with barely any effort, as you all witnessed. Galio calls himself a man and refuses to let you women fight. He asked if we could promise that none of you would be hurt, and we couldn\'t guarantee that, so he killed this monster. He offers to head to the deepest parts of the south to do the mating ritual with the Lich Queen as well!" Eliza proclaimed, and the women all cheered once and then went down on one knee.

Oh geez, what have I done now? I mean, this is kind of what I wanted, man and all, but something about this seemed a little more grandiose than I was hoping for.

"I will also be turning my position-," Eliza started to say, but I clamped my hand over her mouth.

"Don\'t you dare, you little sneak! You are not dumping your kingdom on me!" I growled, and Eliza giggled as I lowered my hand.

"I had to try! I was really on a roll, and I thought that I might be able to sneak that one by you!" Eliza laughed but squealed when I pinched her bottom.

"All right, ladies, everyone up, and let\'s go back for drinks or something!" I called, and the women rose up.

One of them was far taller than the rest, and I mean, like, how does she even get in a house? This woman had brown skin, metal armor that only seemed to cover where it needed to be, and she had to be at least eight feet tall!

"That is Kalli; she is an Amazon from the island Tenth. There are twelve major islands, but this one is known as Twelfth," Eliza said to me as we walked over.

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