
Chapter 247 Trouble Coming For Claire?

Somewhere in the universe lies a tiny irregular-shaped galaxy, which wasn\'t following the laws of the universe, not revolving around anything, not attracting any object nearby too. Even the biggest of the biggest black holes couldn\'t impact it even a tiny bit. It was just floating aimlessly all over the universe like a free traveler without any restrictions but at the same time, it was connected to every planet and star present in the universe.

This weird galaxy was the home to Gods, Angels, Immortals, Demons, and other spiritual beings. It is where Heaven and Hell exist. It is where the fate of every human will be decided. It is where the creation of life takes place. It is also where the souls return after they die. The most common term humans use to describe it is the Immortal Realm.

In one of the worlds inside this realm, there lies the kingdom of Angels, which is often regarded as the most peaceful place in Heaven, not because everyone is nice and all but because of the strict rules within the kingdom.

Even though the kingdom of Angels governs a portion of the universe under the Celestial Empire, because of the existence of seven Archangels guarding the world and their strong unity, the Angels were more or less independent from the decisions of Olympia.

And within such kingdom lies the Silver City, an administrative capital where they oversee everything within their jurisdiction and is also the home to one of the seven Archangels.

An angel named Isda is flying with her fastest speed towards the Royal Palace that stretched for several kilometers wide. She landed on the ground and passed through the security, entered the palace, and started walking towards the office of Chief Minister, who overlooks the city administration.

In the waiting hall, she saw several civilians with low social status waiting for their turn. It isn\'t that different from human civilization. Just like the humans on the earth, there are millions of Angels without the power of soul energy and are generally considered the bottom section of society.

The only difference here is that human governments could be run by civilian people but not high-level official posts in the Kingdom of Angels. Thankfully, for them, the Angel race people won\'t get hungry and only needs air as food. So, at the very least, they won\'t die of hunger. Secondly, due to the strict laws of the kingdom, there is near to zero percent corruption, has a 100 percent conviction rate, and doesn\'t have plea bargains in the trial. One can say, Silver city is one of the safest places to live.

Following the rules, Isda sat along with the civilians. After several hours, her turn came and she went inside to find an obese male leaning towards the table with a tired look on his face.

She greeted him with a bow. "Greetings, Lord Abraxos. I\'m Isda, seventh seat, Second Division."

"Take a seat." He pointed to the chair before the table. She hurriedly waved her hand, "no, it\'s alright. I need to inform you about an anomaly that occurred at Silver river realm (Galaxy)."

"Silver River?" A frown appeared on his face, "Never heard of it before. It isn\'t under our jurisdiction, is it?"

"No, it isn\'t." She confirmed his suspicions and continued to explain the matter, "The Realm was located in the far right section of the universe. Eight of the Seventy-two sacred pillars were briefly summoned at one of the inhabited worlds. It was an unauthorized summon."

"Sacred Pillars were summoned without an authorization?" The frown on Abraxos deepened. "Only the seven kings and their direct descendants have such power. And not everyone could summon eight of them. Who might it be?"

Isda answered with a helpless sigh, "We aren\'t sure. It is out of our jurisdiction to probe into the matter." She then placed a paper on the table and said, "I\'m sent here by Captain Raziel to request permission for investigation."

The Chief Minister of the Capital City took it and fell into thoughts. After a brief silence, he nodded, "I will pass it to his Majesty."

After Isda left, Minister Abraxos left his office, putting on the meetings held for a while because of the importance of the matter, and left for the Courtroom, and later, King\'s Chamber.

An hour later, he finally found the person he was looking for, at the execution site where there are three people standing in line, waiting for their death. This particular Angel who was sitting on the throne had a crown in his right hand and a three-thonged whip in his left hand. He is Archangel Jegudiel, one of the seven kings, who was known to heavily reward the righteous and severely punish the sinners.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The Chief Minister greeted him and proceeded to tell everything to him.

Upon hearing it, Jegudiel mumbled to himself, "At Silver River Realm, huh!" He fell into thoughts for a while as if he was going down on a memory lane. A while later, he opened his mouth with a serious expression, "Abraxos, I need you to send your trusted subordinate to that world and find a person for me. This person might be a male or a female but will possess the life attribute for sure. You can expect it will be in the purest form."

"Purest form?" Abraxos was taken aback by Jegudiel\'s statement. After all, the purest form of life attribute is only present in an Archangel or their direct descendants. Considering the Archangel\'s reaction, he couldn\'t help but wonder whether it was his descendant. If not, the person must have the blessing of Goddess of Life, Thesan.

Jegudiel then took a triangular prism out of nowhere and handed it to the obese Angel. When the latter tried to probe this solid object made of gold, he found nothing special about it.

The Archangel then spoke, "a part of it will glow when it is near the person we will be looking for. The near the person, the more parts will glow. It will glow completely in the hands of the person who possesses the spirit of Agatha. After finding him/her, your subordinate need to watch over the person quietly and report to me regularly."

"Agatha?" Abraxos almost lost his balance upon hearing the name. "You meant that Agatha, the sword spirit of Saint Michael?"

"Don\'t probe too much and get to work." Jegudiel quickly sent him away and once again, focused on the execution process.

Meanwhile, Azzy, Claire, and Leah returned to Camelot without any issues. Because of the sudden rise in Azzy and Claire\'s soul power, Leah suggested the two of them suppress their soul power so that no one feels suspicious of their secret activity.

Azzy never told about the Reaper\'s involvement in unlocking her Arcana\'s grade raise or the real identity of her Arcana spirit, although he didn\'t hide the fact that there are seals on her Arcana. He only mentioned one of them was broken by chance, probably by the sheer will of the sword spirit itself. Claire didn\'t understand it completely. So, she decided to ask her sword spirit later.

Little did Azzy know that not only did his decision make Claire stronger but also saved their relationship, considering how his girlfriend\'s hopes were dashed when she heard that his Arcana spirit is a Celestial grade.

Claire thought that she could never catch up to him and who knows, that feeling might have broken them apart. But, now that she realized her Arcana had suddenly become a top-tier platinum grade spirit, her hopes of catching up to him were relived once again. Of course, it also made her realize why she always lost to Leah before. She vowed to work even harder from now onwards.

As for the Corpse splitting, it was decided that Leah get to keep it and in return, Azzy will receive rank-7 torso armor from the Royal treasury.

Even though it can withstand the full-powered attack of a platinum-grade beast with a high-rank-7 soul, it doesn\'t mean that he will be safe from everyone under Legendary Realm. After all, the protection is only for the torso and not the head. And also, the armor is over a thousand kilograms. So, wearing it is the same as restricting one\'s speed.

Claire, on the other hand, gets to keep all the items in Vann\'s storage card that was dropped alongside the corpse.



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