
Chapter 138 Finally The Frontlines

11 Days Later, 8th Floor of the Tower, Demon Continent, Goldtooth City.

For the past eleven days, Samiel spent most of them by training, practicing Magic and absorbing the remaining Mana Crystals to increase his Level, which, unfortunately for him, didn\'t really yield any results for him. Still, the training yielded results in the form of increased proficiency in his Magic and various skills, at least.

His progress has slowed down considerably, and he sensed that any more increasement in Levels would be counterproductive because the Mana in his body still hasn\'t properly assimilated from the last Level Ups.

He still remained stuck at Level 32, but at least the proficiencies in his Magic and Abilities were slowly and steadily increasing over time. Still, it was clear that his combat prowess was soaring with the continuous training and increasement of proficiency in his various skills and Leveled Abilities, and more importantly, in his Magic.

Samiel just quickly scanned over his Record within the Akashic Records as he observed the changes in utmost detail.

[Name: Samiel Zentaur

Title: Blessed by Azathoth

Age: 28

Race: Old Deus - Eldritch Creature (75%) / Human (25%)

Class: Knight of Niflheim (32%), Grand Necromancer (20%)

Sub-Class: Apostle of Azathoth (Sealed)

Magician Level:

Basic (Void, Necromancy, Winter)

Intermediate (Void, Necromancy)

Mana Quality: Void, Ice, Frost

Records Points: 5,640


Tier: Bronze

Level: 32



Winter Ruler (35%) - Ultimate Ability

Soul Devour (38%) - Ultimate Ability

Architect (3%) - Transcendental Ability



Nuclear Void Mana Control Method (15%)

Star Mind Protection Technique (11%) - 2 Stars


Necrosis Magic:

Necromancy Arts (29%)

Void Magic (19%)

Winter Magic (14%)



Undead Creation (46%)

Swordsmanship (14%)

Trident Mastery (10%)

Metamagic - Spell Fusion 2nd Level Spells (48%)

Metamagic - Spell Control (9%)

Metamagic - Spell Penetration (13%)

Metamagic - Empower Spell (7%)]

He quickly ran his eyes through the Record, seeing that everything was growing pretty nicely, before he closed the Record and went to the Inn, as the time to depart to the frontlines on the Human Continent finally came.

Yesterday, when exactly ten days have passed as Samiel has calculated with the usage of Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect, the Demon Tribes finally managed to secure a safe foothold on the Human Continent by breaking through the fortification lines on the shores and connecting the archipelago islands together with the Demon Continent.

With that motion, they created several paths which were serving as means of transportation of resources and people, and with several outposts that the Demons built in a short span of time, coupled with three fortresses in the strategic places, one could say that they have won the first round of the war.

With this, they have successfully established safe routes and supply routes, so they could now draw the full force of the Demon Continent through the archipelago of Islands without any problem for the near future if the humans don\'t push them out of the archipelago, which was highly unlikely because demons were defending those positions very well.

Of course, the losses were tremendous for Demons as well, but not for all Tribes, only for certain ones, as the politics were in the play. In the society of the Demons, there were continuous struggles for power. The Human Brotherhood was going all out, and after using every single Super Soldier Serum they had in their disposition, they managed to match the quality of the Demon Tribes.

This, of course, was exploited by the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, which sent some of the rivaling Tribes to the most problematic area, where they suffered heavy losses, greatly weakening their forces and even some of their most promising members were killed.

Some speculated that the Golden-Horned Demons sent some assassins after the younger generation of the Moon Demon Tribe. Certainly, it wouldn\'t be the first time such a thing would happen because various Demon Tribes were always ready to kill each other or sabotage each other\'s efforts like there was no tomorrow.

And another stunt was performed by the Frost Demon Tribe, who managed to trick their rivals, the Flame Demon Tribe, into attacking Baywalley City, which was, in fact the largest human settlement in the entire eastern area of the Human Continent. Unexpectedly or expectedly for some, the Flame Demon Tribe suffered losses of 80% of all of their troops, to such an extent that their Gold-Tiers were forced to intervene before the situation got even worse and they would be annihilated.

In the end, some Gold-Tier Humans fought with those of the Flame Demon Tribe, and even though they were killed, Flame Demon Gold-Tier Professionals were injured severely and, in the end, were forced to withdraw from the campaign entirely. This greatly lowered the influence of the Flame Demon Tribe in overall because while the things that were happening on the 8th Floor were insignificant from the view of mighty Legendaries, it was, more importantly, a matter of prestige for the Demon Tribes.

Such occurrences were relatively common among the Demons, because a lot of them hated each other, something inherited from their Ancestors and Primogenitors at the Trasncedental Level, and for that moment, Samiel was glad that he didn\'t go there and even Yvriane saw that going there in the first weeks of the invasion would be a fatal mistake. Many infighting and schemes were going on in the shadows, especially at the start of the invasion, because it was a perfect moment to dispose of some political opponents.

After Samiel came to the Inn\'s hall, he noticed that Dharzug was already waiting there for him while Yvraine was scoffing at the Ork, and Ork was from time to time challenging looks at Yvraine, daring her to make a move on him.

Clearly showing that he did not fear the fight; instead, he welcomed it entirely. That was the fundamental nature of the entire Orkish species because they lived and died for war, as that was the sole purpose in their entire existence, from the day they were born till their last dying breath, was to wage wars and smash skulls.

He then sat down, as both of them looked at him because he technically became the leader of their group three. Dharzug, even though intelligent for an Ork, was not the sharpest sword in sheath, something that he himself acknowledged. Not to mention in terms of social status and prestige, Samiel was the highest, and he was second strongest in their group.

"So, in order to establish some form of cooperation, it would be most productive to register the party within The Guild."

By registering the Mercenary Party within The Guild, they would be able to take missions as the party, meaning they would have a stronger negotiation position, and of course, it would also mean that they would have access to Missions that solely existed for the parties.

In the Guild, there was also a special category of missions that were solely issued for the bigger parties, not because they were necessarily harder, but mainly because, from their nature they requested several people to do something at once; thus only Mercenary parties were eligible to undertake them.

"Now, we only need a suitable name."

Samiel stated that while Yvraien remained silenced and thinking about the name, the Ork Dharzug thought about something before speaking. Samiel dreaded the result of the thought process because every time when the orks started thinking about something; it was certainly worth the time... ironically speaking of course.

"Shootas and Choppas."

Samiel grimaced at the Orkish name, not to mention he didn\'t want their party to be named after a meat cleaver and a rusted gun that Orks used. Choppas were the most common type of weaponry that Orks used as a whole; it was a term of mostly bladed weapons that were enormously huge and impractical, typically in the shape of meat cleaver or axe. Meanwhile, Shootas were guns that channeled Mana in the form of energy projectiles which the orks were using as a long-distance weapons.

Samiel thought before typing something into the terminal of his Holo-Brain, as the name of their party had been finally registered. It was clear that Dharzug was absolutely unusable in this aspect because all he could come up with were really crude names and he didn\'t wish to name their party in the style of Ork Clan or Tribe. Meanwhile, Yvraine was completely indifferent to this, letting him decide the thing for her as well.

[Khaos Chapter has been registered as the Mercenary Party within The Guild.]

[E-Rank Mercenary Eversor, E-Rank Mercenary Dharzug and F-Rank Mercenary Vindicare have been registered within the Khaos Chapter Mercenary Party.]

[Khaos Chapter has been assigned as the E-Ranked Mercanry Party within The Guild classification.]

After Samiel registered their party within The Guild, he proceeded to check out the Missions that were exclusively assigned only for the Mercenary Parties that were available on the 8th Floor, as the Demon Tribes were right now pushing one Mission to The Guild after another.

[E-Rank Mission: Breaking the Industrial City of Torlen

Sender: Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, 7th Prince Kisrith

Requirements: E-Rank Mercenary Party or higher

Description: The City of Torlen is one of the Industrial Cities on the Human Continent, supporting the war machine of the Human Brotherhood. The defenses of the City of Torlen are not that great and the population of the City consists mainly of artisans, blacksmiths and other similar occupations.

Note: The City of Torlen is located in the Burrow Hills, around 1,540 kilometers from the Goldhorn Fortress on the shores of the Human Continent. Due to this, the City of Torlen has only a small garrison of troops for now, but it has been noted that there are five Silver-Tier Professionals serving as the security in the City of Torlen. Additional sources are saying that the High Command of the Human Brotherhood is planning to reinforce the City because it is the only Industrial City in the vicinity near the frontlines, capable of immediately supporting the war efforts.

Objective: Sneak into the Industrial City of Torlen and destroy the Industrial District and Armories located in the City of Tolen.

Secondary Objective: Kill the City Lord, warning it is believed that the City Lord is a descendant of Baron Guymart de\'Charetier of the Avalon Kingdom, who has been sent to the 8th Floor as punishment.

Tertiary Objective: Kill the local community of the craftsmen who are working in Torlen\'s Industrial District.

Rewards: 1,000,000 Credits for the Primary Objective,- 150,000 Credits for the Secondary Objective,- 500,000 Credits Tertiary Objective.]

Samiel read the mission he decided to accept as a party with the Dharzug and Yvraine, as it was a rather extensive mission that had three objectives. The primary one was the destruction of the Industrial Complex of the Torlen, which seemed the easiest of the objective because Samiel could achieve that with a few Void Bombs.

The second objective was a harder one, especially if it was the truth that the City Lord was a descendant of the current Cout de\'Charatier from the Avalon Kingdom. The Nobility in the Avalon Kingdom was similar to the Nesser Dynasty and was directly tied to personal strength, so even the Barons were already on the Legendary Level, albeit most probably only weak ones.

Though Samiel knew that if the person were a descendant of the de\'Charetier it wouldn\'t be a fuss even if he killed him, he had something different in mind. In truth, Samiel planned to capture him alive, and instead of killing him, he would turn him to the Hall of Kadath for interrogation.

"de\'Charetiers are rather an insignificant Noble Family in the Avalon Kingdom, who had risen to the Nobility mainly by a fluke of luck. What is weird is why someone of their descent is here on the 8th Floor; I heard that they are crafty as foxes, and they are basically a bunch of spineless cowards who only knew how to plot and scheme against others. So, there is a high possibility that they are pushing for some hidden agenda."

Yvraine commented on the situation, as she was knowledgeable in the Nobility matters and knew every major and minor Noble Houses and Aristocrats across the Cosmos who had some power on a larger scale.

"Matter not, I\'ll chop him down with my choppa."

Said Dharzug, not caring about anything else, and even Samiel had to admit that de\'Chartiers were insignificant, but at the same time, he was still curious why they were on the 8th Floor if the assumptions were right.

He suspected that they were probably either testing some weapons here or conducting research on the "Super Soldier Serum" or similar synergies that were found by Samiel and Yvraine on the Demon Continent. Indeed if they were that kind that depended on the borrowed power, then it would only be logical that they would be conducting their research here.

Especially here, there where there was no shortage of test subjects and testing opportunities. There were thousands of people who would serve as their testing subjects, and they could immediately see the results of their experiments on the battlefield.

The third objective was to kill the craftsmen who worked in the Industrial District was a relatively easy thing to do; it was all about setting the time correctly because Samiel planned to use the Void Bombs to destroy the Industrial District during the day when everyone would be at work. That way, he would be disposing of two targets in one hit and saving time.

The only problems were the Silver-Tier Professionals, who were stationed in the City of Torlen, their exact strength was unknown, and there was still a matter of fact that the reinforcements were on the way, not to mention the local garrison of the Torlen. Fortunately, the last one was only numbering in thousands, mainly the Iron-Tiers and some Steel-Tier.

When Samiel was contemplating about this fact, he suddenly had enlightenment as he formulated the plan of attack. By the information provided by The Guild, the local garrison of soldiers was small and weak... so Samiel planned to use all of his Undeads to sack the city. Maybe he would even manage to lay waste to it entirely and loot it; it was highly possible that as one of the Industrial Cities on the Human Continent, there should be large warehouses of resources, mainly ores and metals, and other things.

They would do well in Samiel\'s hands.

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