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Chapter 133 The Spy Yields And Ray's Realization

"Please end this. I can\'t take it anymore. I will tell you. Please, get me out of here," The spy cried, his endurance finished as he couldn\'t endure the torture anymore.

With a broken will, the spy begged the dean to end the illusion. As for the dean, he did as asked and pulled the spy out of the illusion.

The spy lay on the ground, his body unmoving while his eyes were listless and without a spark of life in them.

"Are you sure you didn\'t take it too far because from what I see, this guy is as good as a vegetable," Old Man Abraham asked while poking the spy "Are you sure you didn\'t take it too far because from what I see, this guy is as good as a vegetable," Old Man Abraham asked as he poked the spy and saw that it remained unmoving.

"Don\'t worry, I will wake him up. Just you watch," the dean spoke as he walked forward and approached the spy.

Standing in front of him, the dean took out a small vial from his spatial storage. Opening the cork, he emptied its contents as he poured them down the spy\'s throat.

The moment the liquid entered the spy\'s throat, the spy\'s eyes opened as he screamed at the top of his lungs,


"What the hell did you do to me," The spy shouted in anger as he held his throat in pain.

"Just a little stimulant to jog you up. Don\'t worry, the pain wouldn\'t last long. That is if you tell me what I want to know," The dean replied in a carefree manner as if it didn\'t concern him whether the spy lived or died.

Twirling the vial around his hand, the dean glared at the dean as he spoke,

"So here is the final deal. You tell us what we want to know and in return, you will be healed and freed. However, you will have to work for us as a spy. And before you say anything, the illusion that you just saw could turn into reality as we have extracted all the information about your family. Not to mention the fact that we could also do worse if you even think of betraying us. Now tell me, what do you think of our generous offer? Oh! And you have a minute to answer us or else you would die," Saying that, the dean stepped back as he returned to the spot where Old Man Abraham and Old Demon stood.

"Are you sure this is going to work," Old Man Abraham asked in concern as he looked at the spy sitting on the ground in pain. Cuts all over his body with blood constantly dripping on the ground as he also held his throat in pain. Not to mention the popped eye along with all of his fingers and toes having holes so deep that bones could be seen just by glancing at them.

Right now, the spy was truly a grotesque sight. Even Old Man Abraham, someone who had seen things worse from this felt pity for the spy.

"Don\'t worry. He doesn\'t have a choice because from what he witnessed in the illusion, he knows that declining our offer wouldn\'t benefit him and instead, his family would suffer because of his selfishness.

"Okay," Old Man Abraham nodded as he looked at the spy sitting in his place and contemplating the dean\'s offer.


The spy sat in silence. Pain invaded his whole body as it made it hard for him to keep a clear head, his consciousness muddy while his vision was blurry.

Even in such conditions, he endured. He endured all the pain as he thought of his family, he thought of how sweet his wife was. He thought about how cute and kind his little girls were. He thought about how lovely his little girls were.

"It is them who give me the will to live. It is them for whom I do all this," He thought as his mind started to clear up and an answer started to form in his head.

Raising his head, he looked at the dean and blinked twice.

The dean looked at the spy as he saw him blinking at him,

"I guess we will have our answer soon," The dean said as he walked towards the spy.

"Have you made up your mind?" The dean asked with a smile.

"I have a few questions before that," The spy asked.

"Yeah shoot. Though, you should know that you don\'t have much time left," The spoke as he glanced at his watch.

"If I accept your offer, will I be treated as one of your own?" the spy asked as he looked deep into the dean\'s eyes.

"If you accept our terms. You will be treated as one of our own. Also, I promise you that you wouldn\'t be discriminated against in any way," The dean answered, his voice stern while his expression serious.

"Okay, I am ready to answer all of your questions. Just make sure to keep my family safe," The spy spoke and then fainted on the ground.

Seeing this, the dean smiled as he muttered,

"Don\'t worry about them, it is our responsibility now,"

With that, the dean took out another vial and emptied its contents into the spy\'s mouth.

"Now, we wait for him to wake up. Until then, let\'s heal him so he doesn\'t die from blood loss," The dean said, stretching his limbs, he continued, "What a day it was. Well, I hope the kids are doing well,"

Speaking of the students, a certain someone flashed in the dean\'s mind. Thinking of that person, the dean smiled as he muttered,

"I am sure he will clear the dungeon with ease,"


"Hichikk" Ray hiccupped as he thought,

"Strange... Is someone thinking of me? Must be mom," Ray thought as he praised his mother to the high heavens.

"Ray, we have collected the loot. What should we do now?" Aliya came to Ray\'s side and asked while she held magical treasures in her hands.

"Oh... So fast? You guys are doing good," Ray responded as he continued to speak, "As for our next move, it\'s simple. We simply climb to the next floor,"

"Okay, I will gather them all," Aliya said and moved on as she started gathering everyone in one place.

"Hey Aurora, what\'s the status on dungeon evolution? How much time before it is done evolving," Ray asked.

"We don\'t have much time left. According to my estimate, we have three hours at max. However, I recommend that you finish this dungeon in half the time since the rate of evolution is unpredictable," Aurora suggested as she answered Ray\'s question.

"I guess we will be able to make it. That is, if we hurry since there are two more floors left to clear before the last floor," Ray muttered as he thought hard about a strategy to counter the goblins on the remaining floors as efficiently as possible.

Ray stood on his spot as he kept on thinking while his whole team assembled before him. However, no one disturbed him as all of them stayed silent.

"Ray, your teammates have gathered and they are all waiting for you," Aurora informed Ray as she snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Oh… Okay," Ray muttered as he turned around and addressed everyone, "First of all, I want to thank all of us for fighting alongside each other and clearing this dungeon by giving it your all. Furthermore, I hope that we all give your hundred percent while clearing the last three floors and clear those floors in the least time as we all could," Saying that, Ray paused as he continued,

"Now, I want you all to listen very carefully since this is a matter that concerns all of our lives and I don\'t want anyone panicking and making the situation worse. Therefore, calm down and listen to me,"

"Everyone! things have started getting serious now and you all might have noticed that the spans have gotten increasingly stronger and have reached the limits of the Mortal Realm and might even exceed them. As for the reason?"

"This dungeon is changing. Evolving, to be exact. However, all is not lost yet since the dungeon is still in the process of evolution, and only after it successfully evolves will we face stronger monsters. Therefore, I hope to clear the dungeon before it finishes evolving. Also, this is it for now and I will be explaining it in detail later on,"

Saying all this, Ray turned around and walked to the entrance of the next floor. Leaving behind everyone so they could digest all of the information and continue with a will much stronger than before and fight with more vigor than before.

"Are you sure it is the right thing to do?" Aurora asked in worry as she feared for some members to lose their will to fight after hearing about the situation and give up.

"Yes, I am confident in all of them. You know while clearing this dungeon and experiencing so many battles with each other. I have learned something, I have learned that previously, I have been very immature and childish in all of my decisions and it had cost me a lot of things,"

"Therefore, I have decided to be more mature. This way, I will be able to do what I am meant to do because from what I have experienced, being childish won\'t bring you any good. You have to be cold, you have to be harsh and you have to be unforgiving to strive in the world we are living in. After it isn\'t the same now, is it?"

Ray said and turned silent, the melancholy in his voice evident as Aurora understood that Ray had started to discover the truths of the magical world.

"It is good that you have started to see it the way it is. I hope that you survive this ordeal and come out as a renewed version of yourself who is stronger and better in all aspects," Aurora muttered as she wished Ray luck and turned silent herself.


A/N:- Another chapter for you all. I hope you all like it. Also, by the end of the volume, you will all get to see a newer Ray who is vastly different from his past self.

Also, once again, I am deeply sorry for no bonus chapters this week. I will try my best to upload some in the coming week.

Also, don\'t forget to vote the novel with golden tickets and power stones while I will be giving special mentions to the top supporters and also to those who gift the novel.

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